Women and Weights Part 4: Putting It All Together

So far we have examined the myths of weight lifting for women, the benefits of weight lifting on the mind and body, and how weight lifting can aid in athletic performance. To close out this series I would like to discuss how to put it all together and actually incorporate strength training into your weekly routine. Here is everything you need to put together the optimal weight training program!



In order to successfully create a weight training routine you need to first assess your goals. What is the main objective you want to achieve? Of course, this can vary greatly depending on the individual. For this reason we can combine goals into two categories: looks and performance. People who fall under the category of looks have some type of goal pertaining to the way their body looks; building muscle, losing fat, getting a six-pack, toning up their arms, etc. People who fall under the category of performance have some type of goal pertaining to the way their body performs; improving running speed, jumping higher, building strength, etc. Your training routine will be based upon your individual goal.


Muscle Groups

It’s important to have a general and basic understanding of the major muscle groups in the body when training with weights. This knowledge will help you to understand which exercises work which muscle group, as well as how many times per week each muscle group should be worked…which we will be getting to next. The major muscle groups to consider while resistance training are the shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps, abdominals, and legs (including calves). Now let’s take a look at how many times we should work each of these muscles per week.


Training Frequency

Training frequency is the amount of times each muscle group is worked each week. There are three types of training frequencies. A once per week training frequency is when each muscle gro

up is worked once per week.This is ideal for people who want to maintain their current fitness level, without any goals of

photo build muscle, strength, or changing their appearance. A twice per week training frequency is when each muscle group is worked twice per week. This is ideal for intermediate and advanced trainees with any type of goal. A three times per week training frequency is when each muscle group is worked three times per week and is ideal for beginners with any type of goal.

Types of Resistance Training

There are three different types of resistance training exercises one may engage in: free weight exercises, body weight exercises, and machine exercises. Free weight and bodyweight exercises both allow you to engage in completely natural movements, as well as works the abdominals, other muscles, and is ideal for gym and home use. Machine exercises on the other hand, are known as isolation exercises, as they target the specific muscle being worked. They are not, however, a functional type of exercise so other muscles aren’t engaged, nor are the movement patterns natural. So, how do you know which type of exercise is right for you?

If your goal is performance related (e.g., building strength, improving speed, etc.) then your routine should consist mostly of free weight and body weight exercise, with machines kept to a very minimum and possibly none. If your goal is looks related (e.g., improve body composition, get ‘toned,’ lose fat, etc.) all three types of exercises work, but again, the best bet is to use free weights and body weights as the majority of the workout, but machines are a completely fine alternative.


Now, with all of this information in front of you, you’re ready to go out and train those muscles. I hope, through this series, that I was able to inspire some of you to add strength training into your routine in order to experience the amazing benefits it will bring you, inshallah.



Tricks for Battling Your Sweet Tooth

Sugar cravings are something we are all too familiar with. Sweets tend to be the biggest intercessor when it comes to sticking to a diet. There are many reasons for this. People generally crave junk food more than anything else; it is even the first taste humans prefer at birth! Because of its pleasing nature, people usually reward themselves with sweet foods, causing a further psychological attachment to it. However, the problem doesn’t lie in the sweet foods themselves, rather, it lies in our inability to control how much of it we are putting into our mouths. Indulging in sweets every so often is perfectly fine, after all we need to have a little fun right? The trick is learning how to stop after a few bites rather than allowing a binge. Here are some simple tricks to controlling your sweet tooth.


Have some fun.

If you truly enjoy those sugary foods, allow yourself to give into them a little. Granted there are some people who simply can’t control themselves when it comes to sweets and might be better off quitting them cold turkey, but for the most part this is not necessary. Many times this leads to the person giving in at some point down the road and going on a junk-food-binge. Treat yourself here and there, just practice control.


Know the difference between hunger and cravings.

Hunger and cravings are two completely different things. Hunger is physical; it is the body’s biological need for food. Cravings, on the other hand, are psychological; it is the brain’s desire for a reward. Try to be mindful of how you feel when you are experiencing one of these two feelings and decide whether you are actually hungry or if you are simple craving food. If you are truly hungry, try eating a meal to satisfy your body, rather than turning to sweets.


Mix sweets with healthy options.  

Combining healthy foods with the craving can be a really great way to tame that sweet-tooth. Try dipping a banana in some chocolate sauce, drizzle some caramel on top of an apple, add chocolate chips to your yogurt, or mix some Eminem’s with nuts. This not only limits the amount of sweets you are consuming in a given time, but it will satisfy your craving while adding in the nutritious benefits of healthy items!


Keep individually portioned bars in the freezer. 

Switch out the ice cream cartons for individually portioned bars such as fudge bars, creamsicles, or pops. These single-wrapped desserts typically only have between 25-70 calories. Instead of filling your bowl with too much ice cream, this trick gives you just the right amount to be satisfied and free of guilt.


Substitute your ice cream.

There are many healthier options to substitute in for ice cream such as sherberts, sorbets, frozen yogurt, gelato, and custards. These contain significantly less calories than ice cream and are much better for you. The best types of substitutes are those that contain natural ingredients. You may also buy these in pre-portioned containers that way you force yourself not to eat too much. Look for items that contain 100 calories or less.


Go for ‘better’ sweets.

Choose healthier sweets, such as fruits, smoothies, flavored yogurt, oatmeal cookies, or dark chocolate. These are great ways to satisfy your sweet-tooth with less calories and more nutrition! To satisfy night cravings, try a bed-time tea. I’ve seen bedtime teas carried in so many delicious flavors such as apple cinnamon and sugar cookie! Check your local supermarket to see what flavors they offer.


Make your own desserts.


Nowadays you can find almost an infinite amount of healthy dessert recipes online (pinterest is my secret!). Start having fun in the kitchen and bake healthy desserts. You can even follow normal dessert recipes and add your own healthy twist by substituting wheat flour for white flour, honey or agave for sugar, unsweetened apple sauce for oil, etc. Get creative and start having fun.


Do something else.

If you really feel like staying away from sweets but are having a hard time, try occupying yourself. Go out and walk, read a book, or do something else that you really enjoy. This will help take your mind off of the craving.


Eat periodically throughout the day.

Sometimes, waiting too long to before eating your next meal can really highlight those sugar cravings. When people get very hungry their body will start craving fats and sugars. So, in general try to eat between 3-6 meals per day to keep yourself satisfied.


Sweets do not have to be scary, nor do they have to control your life. The most important aspect of any eating regimen is balance, moderation, and enjoyment!


Women and Weights Part 1: Defying the Myths

“It’s a shame for a woman to grow old without ever seeing the strength and beauty of which her body is capable.” -Socrates


As an avid gym-goer and lover of all things fitness, I’ve decided to start a series on an aspect of fitness that is very close to my heart: weight lifting! I’ve always been relatively active, participating in softball as a child, and track and field and cross-country during high school. I ate somewhat healthy growing up, and was on and off with exercise. However, my true passion for women’s fitness began about two years ago, during the summer of 2013, when I began weight lifting.

I had always admired focused and determined athletes like the professional female gymnasts and runners, and had dreamed of acquiring that type of determination, passion, and physical strength. I had toyed with the idea of lifting weights for some time, but had no idea where to begin or even how to go about it, so I pushed the idea aside, telling myself that those qualities of strength were only pertinent in the Olympic athletes you see on television. I finally got over my fear, hired a local fitness coach, and began my journey with weights. My experience through strength training not only transformed my body but it has truly transformed my entire life, helping me to see myself in a new and more positive light. I work to keep myself strong and healthy with the goal of preserving this amazing body that Allah (swt) has blessed me with for as long as I can. My goal is to inspire other women to do the same!

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions regarding women and fitness, particularly when it comes to strength training. Sadly, this not only prevents most women from experiencing the incredible benefits weight lifting has to offer, but it also aids in them wasting unnecessary time and energy in the gym. And as for those women who are thinking about weights, these misunderstandings often leave them confused, timid and not knowing where to begin. I’d like to start this series by defying some of the common myths regarding women and weights.


Myth 1: Lifting Weights Makes Women Look Masculine

The belief that weights will make a woman look manly is probably the most common misconception out there. Hormonally speaking, it is just about impossible for us women to obtain a physique that even slightly resembles the male body. Women simply do not produce enough testosterone to allow for that much muscle growth. I’m assuming that a big part of this idea comes from women’s bodybuilding competitions. Well, I can promise you that these types of bodies are not built naturally and are more than likely aided by anabolics, or steroids. Naturally speaking, lifting weights will not cause muscle increases in women anywhere close to that of men.


Myth 2: Cardio Burns Fat While Lifting Makes You Gain Weight

Another common misconception is that cardio is the best way to burn fat while resistance training is only for those wanting to put on weight. Now this is not a complete misunderstanding; unlike the first myth there is actually some truth here. Cardio certainly burns significantly more calories during the continuous exercise than weight training. However, with cardio, calorie burning is discontinued at the conclusion of that particular exercise whereas weight training actually helps our bodies to continue to burn calories throughout the day. This is due to the buildup of lean muscle mass, which helps improve metabolic functioning. In other words, the more lean muscle one has, the more calories they are able to burn at rest!


Myth 3: Muscle Can Turn Into Fat

When you stop lifting weights, your muscle turns into fat. This is actually one of the misconceptions I myself held before I got into resistance training. The truth is that muscle and fat are two different types of tissue with different functions. When exercising comes to a halt, muscle cells actually start to shrink. Since muscle cells require a lot of energy to maintain, a person may begin to gain some fat once they stop working out. This does not stem from the muscles morphing into fat cells, rather it comes from the fact that your body is no longer burning as many calories because it doesn’t contain as much lean muscle mass as it used to. If you stop lifting weights, but want to stay away from the excess fat gain, one would simply need to eat less, as the body now requires less calories.


Myth 4: Women Who Are Thin Don’t Need a Gym

Many people actually frown upon women who are thin, yet go to the gym regularly, perceiving the behavior is obsessive. When I got serious about gym-going and spent about 1-2 hours a day, 5-6 days a week there, I got some remarks such as “why do you need a gym, your skinny enough?” This is an extremely superficial view that does not take into account the physiological or emotional health benefits of exercise. Whether it be in the form of cardio or weight lifting, exercise has wonderful benefits such as improving heart and cardiovascular health and helping to decrease the likelihood of certain diseases and illnesses.  The advantages that strength training can have on your body and mind go far beyond appearances and vain ideas about looks and reach to deeper levels of inner health and beauty.


Myth 5: Women Shouldn’t Train Like Men

Believe it or not, men and women reach the same goals in the same way. There are no exercises that are inherently “male only” exercises. Of course, a woman is most likely not going to lift as heavy as her male counterpart, but her training should be specific to her goals and should not differ from the way a man would train with the same goals. If a woman wants to build up significant strength in her legs and burn fat at the same time, she can do squats or deadlifts just as a man would. If a woman wants to build some strength in her chest she should do push-ups, bench presses or other chest strengthening exercises just as a man would. Training techniques are specific to goals, not gender.


Lift Ladies, Lift!

So to all of my ladies out there, I hope I cleared some common misconceptions from your mind. We all want to be healthier, more confident, and stronger. Weight lifting is the key to unlocking all of these. It is my hope that, through this series, I can continue to rid you of the fear associated with heavy lifting and inspire you to go out there and get confident! Stay tuned for next week’s series on women and weights, inshallah.

Staying Healthy During Ramadan

Practicing good health and nutrition during the month of Ramadan is extremely important in terms of prosperity. If done correctly, fasting can be highly beneficial, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Some of the physiological perks of fasting include weight loss, bodily cleansing, and disease prevention. Fasting aids in mental health by helping us build self-control and also empathy for those who are less fortunate. And lastly, fasting provides many spiritual benefits such as bringing us closer to Allah (swt), earning forgiveness and receiving rewards for our good actions. Observing a healthful Ramadan through proper nutrition, self-restraint, and moderation is a sure way to get the most out of this month.

Here are some tips to staying healthy during Ramadan:


Eat Suhoor.

And eat and drink until the white thread (of light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night)” [Holy Qur’an, 2:187].

Suhoor, may be the most important meal during this blessed month, maybe even more so than Iftar. Prophet Muhammad (saw) advised us to eat Suhoor and said, “Eat Suhoor; indeed there is a blessing in Suhoor.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Eating the pre-dawn meal helps to ease the process of fasting as it provides us with more strength and energy throughout the day. It also helps to ease hunger and thirst. Allah (swt) does not want to burden us. Therefore, making the fast easier for ourselves by eating Suhoor is pleasing to our Maker.


Consume well-balanced meals.

Eat of the good things which we have provided for you” [Holy Qur’an, 2:173].

The meals eaten during Ramadan should not differ too much from a normal diet. Certainly, if you are only eating two meals a day (Suhoor and Iftar) it is quite alright to add a little more food to the plate than you ordinarily would in order to ensure an adequate caloric intake for the month. This does not, however, mean that you shouldn’t take care as to what goes on the plate. Meals should be well-balanced and should contain foods from each of the major food groups; protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats.

Lean proteins such as chicken and turkey breast and leaner versions of beef and lamb are better than fattier meats in terms of maintaining weight. Complex carbohydrates, which can be found in foods like wheat, grains, oats, beans, and brown rice, are great to eat during Suhoor as they are broken down more slowly by the body causing a slow release of energy that will last throughout the day. It is best to stay away from simple carbohydrates like white bread, sugars and candy. These are OK to have once in a while, but in moderation. Fiber-rich foods are also great for boosting energy during the day. Many complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber, along with fruits and green vegetables! Healthy fats will also keep us feeling full longer so try to have about 1 serving of healthy fats with each meal. Good fats come from foods like nuts, seeds, all natural nut spreads, olive oil and avocados.

Having simple, proper-portioned, and well-balanced meals during Ramadan will help to aid in weight loss/maintenance, and will help keep you feeling more energized, fuller and healthier throughout the days.


Practice moderation

Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess” [Holy Qur’an, 7:31].

We’ve already talked about what to eat, now it’s time to talk about how to eat. Many people actually gain weight during the month of Ramadan, simple because they are eating more than is necessary during the Pre-dawn and dusk meals. Fasting actually slows down our metabolism so it is imperative to be cautious in what and how we are eating. Through practicing moderation we can take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to trim down during this month.

There are a few sure things you can do to ensure you are eating the proper amount of food. First, don’t overload your plate when breaking fast. The famous saying “your eyes are bigger than your stomach,” certainly holds true during Iftar. Put a smaller amount of food on your plate and know that you can always go back for more. Second, eat slowly. Sometimes we eat so fast that we don’t realize we are full until we are done, which leads to becoming overly full. Take a breath in between chewing and allow you body time to digest. Lastly, drink plenty of water or fluids in between bites. Drinking a lot of fluids will keep you hydrated and fill you up faster.


Stay hydrated.

It is He Who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds” [Holy Qur’an, 16:10].

Dehydration is a common problem among those who are fasting. In order to stay hydrated and avoid extreme thirst throughout the day, stick to water as your drink of choice. Not only is water better for hydration, but breaking fast with sodas or juices is an easy way to put on weight. Try to drink 16 ounces of water with each Suhoor and Iftar. It is also a good idea to carry a water bottle around with you to sip on during taraweeh prayers or throughout the night until it’s time for Suhoor again. Choose to eat a lot of fresh fruit and certain vegetables like cucumbers, peppers and spinach, as these foods contain high water content. Remember that water plays a significant role in weight loss and maintenance and helps to reduce hunger, so drink up!


Get active.

There is no reason you have to set your workouts aside for the month of Ramadan. Getting active can actually aid in providing you with more energy and focus throughout the day. The key is not over-doing it. Switch your routine to something much lighter. Great workouts to engage in during Ramadan are yoga and stretching, short walks, light jogs, easy bike rides, or mild weight lifting. If you are working out during the day, try to exercise as early as possible. You will have more energy to feed off of after you eat Suhoor. If you want to get your exercise in after you break your fast, be sure to wait about 1.5-2 hours after eating Iftar. Always remember to listen to your body and rest when you need to.


Sleep well.

And We made your sleep a means of rest” [Holy Qur’an, 78:9].

We all know that this is easier said than done, especially during Ramadan. With early morning and late night prayers it seems almost impossible to get enough sleep. However, getting sufficient sleep is so important for our health and well-being, and Allah (swt) gave it to us for a reason. Try to get as much sleep as possible at night, and set aside a time to nap during the day if your schedule permits. This will help lessen the feelings of fatigue and lethargy that we are all familiar with during this month.


Incorporating health and nutrition into your Ramadan routine can make a world of difference in the way you think, feel, and worship. There is no better way to thank Allah (swt) for this blessed month than to approach it with a commitment to take better care of our bodies. The end of Ramadan is nearing rather quickly, so start from today. Be aware of your health and how you are treating your body.


Peplum Lite : Minimized Sportiness, Increased Femininity

Peplum Top is our hot-selling product and we received numerous feedback on colors and design.
Hence the reason why NOW we have the PEPLUM LITE!
Peplum LITE offers you a feminine sporty look. So, how is the Peplum LITE different from Peplum TOP?
  • Unlike the Peplum Top, Peplum LITE has got NO color block shoulder yoke line
    The Peplum Top has got Shoulder Yoke Line both front and back that gives a sporty look.
    But for the Peplum Lite, the yoke line is the same color as the top.
    Why no color block for the yoke line?
    For those who wear longer hijab,  such sporty feature is not visible as it is covered by the long hijab.
  • The price is RM59  for Orange and Green Color
    Yes, now that the feature is reduced, the price is reduced as well.
  • The Price is RM89 for soft color. The only soft color available is Baby Blue
    This is an exclusive color, hence exclusive pricing. 

Peplum Sports Top LIte


Apakah warna pilihan anda untuk pakaian sukan?


Warna apa nak pakai ni

1. Tidak pasti apakah warna yang sesuai untuk pakaian sukan?

Inilah jenis warna yang menjadi pilihan orang ramai :






6) Entah laaaa….

2. Apakah warna pilihan anda?

Sebenarnya kesemuanya CANTIK untuk dipakai tetapi adakah anda tahu jika pakai pakaian yang CERAH, ianya boleh membuatkan anda kelihatan sangat berbeza. Lihat gambar-gambar di bawah :

Effect Warna1

Penggunaan warna yang cerah dan ceria dapat menambahkan keyakinan diri semasa bersukan. Warna yang terang dapat menyerlahkan keceriaan dan semangat anda ketika bersukan.

Warna yang terang amatlah penting untuk sukan jenis berpasukan. Jika anda dan rakan kumpulan anda bertanding dengan pakaian yang menonjolkan tenaga kumpulan anda, ianya secara tidak langsung memberi kesan psikologi kepada pihak lawan. Pihak lawan akan rasa gentar akan warna pasukan anda yang terang dan bersemangat.

Bagaimana pula warna neon yang sangat terang? Ianya sangat sesuai untuk sukan individu dan aktiviti dalam gelap. Warna yang sangat terang dapat membantu anda untuk dilihat pada waktu malam atau di dalam keadaan yang gelap.

3. Penampilan ketika bersukan

Cuba anda lihat perbezaan yang ketara oleh model marathon kami di bawah ini, Intan Suraya setelah mencuba dan menggunakan pakaian NASHATA berbanding cara fesyen pakaian sukannya sebelum ini.  TAK! Ini bukanlah sebab solekan, kerana Intan sememangnya semulajadi cantik tanpa solekan. Tetapi, pilihan warna dan fesyen sukan yang sesuai dapat memberi penampilan yang berbeza untuk menampakkan imej anda.

Intan kelihatan lebih muda, ceria, bertenaga dan lebih berkeyakinan kini berbanding dahulu.

Intan transformation3

Warna kegemaran pelanggan NASHATA ialah warna-warni dan cerah kerana para atlet Muslimah amatnya ceria. Antara warna-warna yang menjadi pilihan ialah color block iaitu :


Warna yang tidak terang seperti Kelabu dan Hitam juga cantik dan digemari ramai. Ianya dapat menampilkan sifat kesederhanaan pemakai dan ianya juga dapat dipadankan dengan warna-warna yang lain.

4. Apakah Warna trend kini untuk pakaian sukan?

Trend terkini termasuklah warna ‘heather’, atau berbelang-belang. Ianya sangatlah menarik dan menyeronokkan


Pilihlah warna pakaian sukan yang dapat memberi keyakinan yang tinggi dan penampilan yang baik ketika bersukan. Ianya dapat membantu meningkatkan prestasi anda dan pasukan anda.


Pakaian Sukan Yang Sesuai Untuk Wanita

Kebanyakan wanita tidak peka tentang pemakaian untuk aktiviti sukan mereka. Disini kami mahu kongsikan bersama pakaian yang sesuai untuk melakukan aktiviti sukan atau beriadah dan beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan pakaian sukan anda antaranya :

1) Keadaan Cuaca

Mengikut kajian sains, warna hitam banyak menyerap cahaya matahari berbanding dengan warna terang. Maka digalakkan memakai baju yang terang ketika bersenam diwaktu siang. Alat-alat tambahan juga boleh digunakan bagi mengelakkan cahaya matahari semasa bersukan antaranya memakai cermin mata khas untuk larian, memakai losyen perlindung matahari yang memberi kesan perlindungan UV dan memakai jam tangan getah berbanding memakai jam tangan yang talinya diperbuat daripada besi.

2) Outdoor / Indoor

Bagi sukan outdoor pula, digalakkan memakai pakaian sukan yang terang warna supaya tidak panas. Sebagai contohnya, jika anda boleh memakai pakaian sukan yang gelap untuk senaman aerobik indoor atau berlari atas ‘treadmiill’ di gimnasium, tetapi pakaian tersebut tidak sesuai dipakai untuk aktiviti yang sama di luar.

Apabila menyertai pertandingan larian, anda disarankan mengikut pakaian sukan yang dinasihatkan oleh tenaga pengajar sendiri atau mengikut syarat-syarat yang telah ditetapkan. Pakaian sukan mampatan yang sesuai dan selesa sedikit sebanyak akan mempengaruhi anda untuk menamatkan larian sehingga ke garisan penamat.

3) Kesesuaian Tempat

Ada sesetengah wanita minat memakai pakaian sukan yang bewarna terang tetapi bimbang terlalu menjolok mata. Untuk aktviti sukan yang biasa, anda boleh memakai sebarang baju sukan mengikut keselesaan anda sendiri tetapi jangan terlalu berlebihan yang mungkin membawa sebarang kemalangan. Anda boleh memakai baju terang ketika bersukan bersama rakan-rakan wanita anda yang lain.

4) Rekabentuk Baju Sukan

Setiap jenama pakaian sukan menghasilkan rekabentuk baju sukan yang berbeza. Sebagai contoh, sesetengah seluar sukan ada menyediakan poket dimana kebiasaannya si pemakai boleh meletakkan kunci atau telefon di bahagian poket tersebut semasa larian. Pamakaian skirt juga tidak terlalu labuh dan pemilihan tudung sukan haruslah menutupi bahagian dada yang mungkin membuatkan sesetengah orang lebih selesa.

5) Keselesaan

Apa-apa jua pakaian yang dipilih untuk bersukan perlulah selesa supaya boleh memakainya dalam tempoh masa yang panjang. Anda juga perlu pastikan pakaian tersebut tidak terlalu ketat dan juga tidak terlalu longgar yang mungkin akan mengganggu pergerakan anda semasa bersukan. Baju yang terlalu ketat mungkin akan menjerut peredaran darah dan mungkin akan terkoyak semasa melakukan aktiviti regangan terutama dibahagian celah kangkang seluar atau pon di bahagian celah ketiak. Maka pastikan memilih baju yang bersesuaian dan pilih saiz baju yang betul mengikut ukuran badan anda.  Tetapi, janganlah pula memakai pakaian yang gelebeh atau terlalu besar kerana dikhuatiri akan merentang arus angin, membahayakan keselamatan dan membataskan pergerakan aktiviti sukan anda.

6) Terang

Aktiviti sukan bukan sahaja boleh dilakukan pada waktu pagi dan petang. Ramai juga yang suka bersukan pada sebelah malam atau subuh mungkin kerana masa yang terlalu sibuk atau pon lebih selesa bersukan pada waktu malam dan subuh. Bagi mereka yang suka bersukan pada waktu malam ataupun subuh, digalakkan memakai pakaian sukan yang terang atau ada sebarang ‘reflective’ atau cahaya pemancaran pada pakaian anda bagi mengelakkan sebarang kemalangan yang tidak di ingini berlaku.

7) Kain yang sesuai

Kain yang digunakan juga perlulah di ambil kira. Kita bersukan mengeluarkan banyak peluh. Kain yang digunakan perlulah dari kain kapas yang menyerap peluh atau pun kain yang mempunyai aliran udara keluar dan masuk dengan baik. Ini juga penting bagi penjagaan kulit anda dan mengelakkan sebarang infeksi pada permukaan kulit akibat peluh. Kain tersebut juga perlulah ringan bagi memudahkan pergerakan dan tidak menambahkan beban tambahan pada badan anda ketika bersukan. Bergantung juga pada jenis aktiviti sukan yang dilakukan sebagai contoh, renang memerlukan pakaian yang diperbuat daripada spandex yang ringan apabila bertindak balas dengan air dan kebanyakan tempat kolam renang mensyaratkan pemakaian khas baju renang.

8) Tudung

Bagi mereka yang beragama islam, tudung sukan juga penting dalam melakukan aktiviti sukan. Kini terdapat pelbagai fesyen tudung yang dipakai oleh wanita. Selendang tidak sesuai digunakan sama sekali kerana terlalu panjang dan mungkin akan mengganggu aktiviti sukan anda. Tudung yang anda pilih untuk bersukan mestilah mudah dipakai dah tidak memberi kesan panas di bahagian kepala. Kain tudung yang sesuai digunakan ialah kain licra dan microfiber dimana kain tersebut akan mengikut ukuran bentuk kepala anda dan mengelakkan ia dari bergerak atau terjatuh. Penggunaan pin di tudung tidak digalakkan semasa bersukan kerana boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan di bahagian badan.

9) Kasut

Penggunaan jenis kasut berbeza mengikut aktiviti sukan yang dilakukan seperti contoh permainan badminton mempunyai rekabentuk kasutnya yang tersendiri dimana fungsi tapaknya dapat memberi kesan yang kuat dan mengelakkan dari tergelincir di atas gelanggang badminton. Kasut juga penting bagi mengelakkan pergelangan kaki dari terkehel. Jangan sesekali bersukan hanya menggunakan selipar atau kasut bertumit kerana ia tidak sesuai dan boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan dibahagian kaki. Sesetangah orang juga berasa malas atau tidak menghiraukan penggunaan stokin. Stokin penting bagi mengelakkan kaki dari melecet. Pastikan juga tali kasut anda sentiasa terikat rapi dan tapak kasut tidak haus untuk mengelakkan dari tergelincir terutama ketika berada di kawasan licin.

10) Sports Bra 

Anda digalakkan memakai sports bra semasa menjalankan aktiviti sukan. Selain daripada memberi keselesaan semasa bersukan, ianya penting untuk memberi sokongan yang baik di bahagian dada.

Ini hanya info secara am mengenai aspek pemakaian sukan untuk muslimah atau wanita yang ingin penampilan yang sederhana. Info terperinci coming soon!


New Improved Iman Sports Hijab

We have received many feedbacks from our customer and our Iman Hijab in large was out of stock for the past two months. Now, our large size is back with new improved features.

So what’s new with it?

  • Expandable band on the headband to give more stretchability around the head
    We have added a short rubber band integrated together with the headband to allow better elasticity for you.
  • Wider and Longer length in the front for better chest covering
    The length of Large size is now extended from 36 cm to 38 cm with wider measurement on the chest.
  • Newly designed Nashata logo placement on headband
    We wanted to keep it simple this time around, so our tiny Nashata logo on the headband is what you get this time.
  • Lighter grey material with four vibrant colors to choose from (pink, apple green, orange, turquoise)
    As our hijab is for sportswear, we are offering lighter color combined with colorful headbands. We have many customers who purchase our hijab in many colors, some up to five color combinations!

They go well with Nashata’s Riada Sports Top. To find out more about how to put on Nashata’s Iman Hijab in 30 sec, watch the video now. Yes, it is that simple and fast to put on the hijab.

Sizes Available

Medium  Face – 29 cm, Length – 34 cm, Side – 26 cm
Large : Face – 30 cm, Length – 38 cm, Side – 36 cm


Measurement for face is taken when hijab is laid flat, measured at the side along the microfiber line.
Length of hijab at the front is taken from under the chin to the lowest part of the hijab when worn.
Side is the measurement from chest covering left to right when worn




Kami telah menerima banyak maklum balas daripada pelanggan kami mengenai Hijab Iman kami dan saiz besar telah kehabisan stok semenjak dua bulan yang lalu. Sekarang, saiz besar sudah kembali dengan ciri-ciri baru yang lebih baik.

Jadi apa yang baru dengan hijab Iman baru kami?

  • Band kepala ditambahkan pula dengan getah untuk memberi lebih keregangan di sekitar kepala
    Kami telah menambah getah pendek bersepadu bersama-sama dengan band kepala untuk menambahkan daya keregangan untuk anda.
  • Lebih panjang dan lebar di bahagian hadapan untuk menutup bahagian dada dengan lebih baik
    Kepanjangan hijab di bahagian hadapan untuk saiz besar  kini dilanjutkan dari 36 cm hingga 38 cm dengan ukuran dada yang lebih luas pada 36 cm
  • Logo Nashata yang diringkaskan
  • Warna terang kelabu  dengan empat warna pilihan yang bertenaga (merah jambu, epal hijau, oren, ‘turquoise’)
    Oleh kerana tudung kami adalah untuk sukan, kami menawarkan warna lebih terang  digabungkan dengan band kepala yang berwarna terang juga.Kami mempunyai banyak pelanggan yang membeli tudung kami dalam pelbagai warna, ada yang sehingga lima kombinasi warna!


Medium :  Muka – 29 cm, Panjang – 34 cm, Dada – 26 cm
Large/Besar : Muka – 30 cm, Pandang- 38 cm, Dada – 36 cm


Pengukuran untuk muka diambil apabila tudung diletakkan rata.
Panjang hijab di bahagian hadapan diambil dari bawah dagu ke hujung tudung apabila dipakai.
Ukuran dada adalah ukuran  dada dari kiri ke kanan apabila dipakai


How to put on Nashata Iman Hijab in 30 seconds

Yes, that fast. With 6 simple steps below, you are ready to go in 30 seconds.

A few simple steps, and you are ready to go.

1.  Turn the hijab inside out

2. Hold the hijab with the label facing you

3. Put the headband around your head and pull all the way in

4. Roll up the tip of the hijab towards the headband

5. Push the headbad to the back

6. Keep the lower part below your chin

Adjust the headband nicely and you are done!

Watch the video NOW!