Les Mills GRIT Strength Class

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I have not forgotten that one of my New Year resolutions was to build some upper body strength. After a good, long weekend with my family I found myself back in the gym to eliminate those ‘chicken wing’ arms. I was glad that I was invited by a friend who happens to be a certified GRIT Captain to to attend her Les Mills GRIT Strength group class.

What is Les Mills GRIT?

Designed to improve strength and build lean muscle. This workout uses barbell, weight plate and body weight exercises to blast all major muscle groups. LES MILLS GRIT Strength takes cutting edge HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches who will be down on the floor with you, motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast. (taken from the Les Mills website)

If you have done HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) before, you will know that it’s usually for 30 minutes only, yet it burns like crazy. It’s a great, compact work out if you are pressed for time. Each set lasts for few minutes, therefore you are expected to give 100% energy and elevate your heart rate at every set. The movements are quick with very little rest time in between, so you can get a full body work out in a short time. Within the first 5 minutes of the class I was already dripping with sweat, and we were just getting warmed up! The instructor knew that majority of the class were runners, so she kept encouraging us by saying “This work out will make you a faster and stronger runner! Don’t give up, guys!”

IMG_2816One with the Captain (in black hijab). #RunnersNotRunning.

As the name suggests, a Strength class will be incomplete without some weight. There are no fancy equipment being used besides the barbell and weight plate, but what makes the Les Mills programme unique was that the barbell and weight plates are very ergonomically designed. They are easier to hold and grip, and it’s faster to change weights as required during a class.

IMG_2812Stuff runners say after a HIIT class: “Running a full marathon is easier than this!”


12729018_10208389276119314_4203295327486670262_nSecond round of cardio, perhaps? This gym even comes with a pool.

I am sure my arms are going to be sore tomorrow, but that’s ok, because it means that this work out is effective. I had a great time in this class, and I’ll be back for more if there are any opportunities in the future.

For more info on Les Mills classes, sign up at your nearest Fitness First gym

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

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