SCKLM Infographics

The Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2019 (SCKLM2019) is now approximately 43 days away, which is equivalent to 1,032 hours or 61,920 mins or 3,715,200 seconds. This will be the 11th edition of SCKLM and it will be the largest edition yet with over 40,000 participants converging on Dataran Merdeka over the 28-29 September weekend. If those numbers don’t get your heart pumping with renewed enthusiasm and anticipation for the premier distance running event in the country, maybe these Infographics telling the SCKLM story in numbers will do the trick! At the very least, we hope this will pique your curiosity in understanding the enormity of what SCKLM entails to the thousands of people who participate and work to ensure the iconic event is a resounding success for all!

SCKLM 2019 in a nutshell

SCKLM 2019 Infograph



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