Semenggoh Wildlife Centre

“The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves” – Jane Goodall, primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace.

I am no animal expert or hardly the Jane Goodall of Malaysia, but I do believe that we need to learn about the natural flora and fauna. After releasing baby turtles from a hatchery last year, endangered animals have a special place in my heart . Since I was in Kuching, Sarawak, last weekend, I took the opportunity to visit Semenggoh Wildlife Centre where they run an orang utan rehabilitation programme. The orang utan too, is an endangered species in Malaysia, mainly due to logging, destruction of their natural habitat, or illegally kept as pets.

IMG_5114Activewear is the best form of travel wear

The best time to visit them is during their feeding time (9am or 3pm). At this rehabilitation centre, they are free to roam yet they are not encouraged to come in close contact with humans. This is to ensure that the injured or orphaned orang utans are assimilated back into their natural habitat as soon as possible with minimized exposure to humans. Therefore they will only come out during their feeding time, and visitors can watch within a safe distance.  They are still unpredictable wild animals, so the consequences are unimaginable if they run amok.

At exactly 3pm, we head to the feeding station. On the day that we visited, there were not many orang utan that showed up, because according to the guide it is now fruiting season so food are plenty in the jungle and they might already be full. However, we were lucky enough to witness a mother with its baby and another young juvenile. They seem to know that the daily feeding schedule is at 9am or 3pm!



IMG_5086The feeding station. Mom with her baby, while a younger juvenile waits for his/her turn to take food to avoid confrontation.

Orang utan might look cute with their orange fuzzy hair, big eyes, and limbering movement yet do not be deceived by their childish appeal.  Orang utans are actually smart and strong creatures. Out of all the fruits that were presented by the guide, they chose coconuts. This is an interesting observation to me. Coconuts are not a part of their normal diet (coconut trees are not abundant in dense rainforest jungle). Without any tools, they figured out how to crack the coconuts open by smashing the shell against a hard surface like a tree trunk. This is also how the mother passed down skills required for its offspring to survive in the jungle.

I wonder will my children or grandchildren will ever be able to observe these interesting animals too in the future? If we do not continue to preserve the nature and treat it with respect, then the only animals that our future generation will be able to watch are kept behind bars in zoo or behind the screen in the television. I believe that with educational trips such as this, more people will learn to appreciate wild, endangered animals. In words of Jane Goodall,

“The greatest danger to our future is apathy”

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

For more info:

The Weekend Runner: Snorkelling in Weh Island, Acheh, Indonesia

For this week, I swapped my running shoes with flip flops, packed my bags, and flew to Acheh. My main destination is Weh Island, a hidden Indonesian gem not known to many yet. This island is about 1 hour ferry ride away from the main city of Banda Acheh.

IMG_2674Upon mentioning Acheh, the first image that comes to almost everyone’s mind is the 2004 tsunami tragedy. Banda Acheh has made tremendous progress since then. However, the road to full recovery is still long for the locals. This boat was carried by the waves about 1km away from its dock and landed on a villager’s house.


Pristine, raw, and untouched, Weh Island is not for the faint-hearted or those expecting luxury. Instead, this place is suitable for those seeking an adventure of a lifetime. The amenities and infrastructure here might not be up-to-date, but the view is definitely 5-star worthy. Upon arriving, not wanting to waste another minute, we quickly changed into our swimsuits and head to Iboih Beach to snorkel. There are many spots on the island to go snorkelling, however Rubiah Island which is accessible from Iboih Beach, is recommended by the locals to have the best view of the coral reef.

IMG_2576It is adviseable to respect the local customs such as dressing conservetively, even while swimming. The Nashata skirt allowed me to move freely while snorkelling, while keeping it modest.


The next day, we explored the village and Sumurtiga Beach that was near to our hotel. Since we did not hire any guide, we just went swimming and did not do any snorkelling. Despite being close to the village and the hotel, the water was surprisingly unpolluted and clear but there were not many coral reefs since the waves are pretty choppy.

IMG_2569Our hotel might be basic, but the view is award-winning for sure!

IMG_2622The sea beckons for a swim. How can we say no to that!


Going to a country where life is tough makes you appreciate what you have at home. Despite all the hardship, there are hardly any beggers on this island, and only a handful at the harbour on the mainland. We were glad that we decided to travel here because we are indirectly helping the local economy and promote the tourism industry.

IMG_2570Despite all the hardship that they have been through, the locals here are friendly, hardworking, and pious.

For accommodation and arrangements, contact Freddie Santai Sumurtiga

P/S: Shout out to all full, half marathon, and 12K runners who have successfully completed the Cyberjaya Twincity Marathon! I spotted so many ladies who ran in a Nashata top/ hijab/ skirt-pants yesterday, thank you for your continuous support. Give me a high 5, sisters!


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner