AIA Vitality encompasses 3 pillars; Know your Health, Improve your Health and Enjoy the Rewards. Gamification of these pillars started the moment I walked into the launch. I was asked to complete AIA Vitality Health Review. After answering a few questions, it turned out my AIA Vitality Age is 2 years more than my actual age. That is good to know for a start. A familiar face Marcella Mihanovich from CitiBank was also going through the questionnaire on a tablet.
Marcella midway doing health review
Next, I get to improve my health by making my own juice. I chose oranges as I needed a good doze of Vit C. I was given a cup of cut oranges and it turned out – I had to cycle to blend the oranges. There goes my contribution to clean energy. I got to burn a couple of calorie & consume something healthy. Ultimately, it is about setting personal health goals be it in managing and preventing diseases, food intake, physical activities, and mental health. With AIAVitality, you get to earn points when you engage in activities to achieve health goals.
Cycle to Make your Juice
Finally, the Reward. I got to play a game that seemed to be easy for others, but not me. Grab a flying ping pong and get lucky. Yay, despite not being good at it, I still get some vouchers to shop for sporting goods
Vertically Challenged to Catch Ping Pong Ball .
Indeed the science-backed program encourages people to make healthier choices in life. Let’s make healthier lifestyle choices; bake instead of fry, walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift, spend lesser time on screen and pivot for sweating out time. With AIA Vitality, you get to build your AIA Vitality Status that starts from Bronze followed by Silver, Gold and Platinum level. You can get better benefits as you improve your status. Rewards are provided by AIAVitality partners like Air Asia, Berjaya Hotel & Resort, Emirates, Marriott, MedKlinn and Men’s Health and Women’s Health Magazine.
No, it was not a cooking demonstration. They were making music!
Three weeks ago, AIA shared info on Healthy Living Index that shows 55% of Malaysian adults are either pre-obese or obese (with Body Mass Index 23 and above) and many are not sleeping enough. It is important that we are always motivated to take care of ourselves. With the rise of chronic disease and sedentary lifestyle, programs like AIA Vitality that focus on educating, motivating and rewarding people to take better care of health can nudge us better. Anusha, the CEO of AIA Berhad shares the target of 30,000 people to enroll into this program this year. What I like about her approach is that she recognizes that each and everyone of us as an ambassador for the program. Now, let’s have an active lifestyle and be discipline to set and deliver our health targets.
Mark Tucker & Anusha Thavarajah