Fit Muslim Girl Recipe: Blueberry Pecan Protein Pancakes

First off, don’t mind the super amazing photograph of my pancakes…I have awesome photography skills if you can’t tell ;). Just kidding, I try to take professional-looking pictures but my lack of artistic skills always stands in the way. But they still look delicious right? I hope so!



Anywho, if you’ve ever taken a look at my recipes on you know that I am in love, maybe a little obsessed, with protein pancakes! I love them because you can really do so many different things with them and they taste so good…you would never know they are healthy! I experiment with different kinds of pancakes all of the time, and these may be one of my favorites.


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Blueberry Pecan Protein Pancakes 

Yeilds 1 serving (2-3 pancakes)



  • 1/2 cup wheat four
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tbsp non-fat blueberry flavored Oikos Greek yogurt (you can use any kind of yogurt but I find this brand tastes
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 2 tbsp Stevia in the raw
  • 1 tsp halal vanilla extract
  • dash of cinnamon
  • small handful chopped pecans


  • In a mixing bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, stevia and cinnamon.
  • Add the yogurt, egg, almond milk, and vanilla into another bowl and mix.
  • Then add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix until everything is incorporated together.
  • Fold the blueberries into the batter (put a small handful off to the side for topping later).
  • Take two or three even scoops and scoop the batter onto a hot griddle sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
  • Cook on one side until the batter on top starts to bubble, then flip and cook on the other side.


Sprinkle the chopped pecans and leftover blueberries over the top of your cooked pancakes.

As for pancake syrup you can really use any kind of syrup you’d like but I prefer to stay away from sugar free. You can also replace syrup with honey or agave. A good idea, is to heat up some maple syrup (or honey/agave) in a small saucepan mixed with the leftover blueberries to create a compote. So delicious and it’s a great method for using less of the sugary syrup because you get all of the juices from the blueberries!


Healthy Stir Fry

It can be quite hard to decide what to eat/cook when your trying to be healthy, especially when you need something quick and easy but also enough to fill you up for a while. I find that stir-fries are a great way to make a fast and healthy meal with whatever is already in the house!

The other day I realized that I had some baby spinach and broccoli that I knew would go bad if I didn’t use them up soon so I decided that throw everything together and make a stir fry. This is probably the easiest meal you can make because you can literally throw in anything you want. I don’t have an exact measurements for this stir fry as I just kind of threw everything in there, but here is how I made it.

Your Base








I always keep brown rice in my house, and to me, rice holds up really well to the traditional flavors of a stir-fry. Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice as it contains dietary fiber that aids in digestion and provides a slower release of sugar giving you a more lasting energy and feeling of satiation. For a non-traditional route you can also use couscous or quinoa. If you love noodles, try to use some variation of whole wheat pasta instead.



It’s a good idea to throw in some protein for added flavor, appeal, and to help you get fuller faster. I decided to go for a vegetarian stir fry and used chickpeas as my protein source because 1) I already had some in the house and 2) meatless meals contain less fat and cutting down meat consumption proves to be extremely beneficial in preventative health. So to go vegetarian you can use any kind of beans you like, or you can take the meat route and use some diced up chicken, beef, or any meat you prefer.


Organically grown head of celery behind which were two bell pepp

The suggestions are pretty much endless for this category. I used broccoli, carrots and baby spinach because I already had these in the house and my aim was to use whatever I had without making a trip to the grocery store. A tradition stir fry typically contains a lot of greens like broccoli, bok choy, watercress, celery and mushrooms. However, you can use any vegetables you prefer and as little or as many as you’d like.

Sauce and Spices


I always keep low-sodium soy sauce in my fridge because it is a great flavor enhancer to many dishes so this was the sauce for my stir fry. I find that ginger, cinnamon and curry work really well with soy sauce, and I also used some crushed red pepper flakes for a kick, and garlic powder because I didn’t have any fresh garlic to use. As with the vegetables, the spices you can use are limitless. Don’t be afraid to add your personality and culture to the dish; this is what makes cooking so great!

Putting It All Together


Because stir fries can contain many ingredients it may seem a little overwhelming to cook.But, if you have even the slightest experience with cooking you’ll be able to figure it out quite easily.

Prep Your Ingredients – Decide exactly which ingredients you want to use and get them prepped. Chop your veggies, cook your rice and beans ahead of time, and get everything together that you will need.

Cook in Steps – If you are using meat, get those going first and cook your veggies separately. If your not using meat, then start with the vegetables as they are going to take the longest to cook. I started by sauteing my broccoli and carrots in a little bit of olive oil because I know they take a while. Because they are quite hard I cooked them covered in order to retain their moisture. Once they were about halfway cooked I added in the spices along with salt and pepper to release those flavors and continued cooking them covered. When they were just about done but not quite, I got my cooked rice in there to heat up, then added the beans (which were already cooked) to get those nice and warm. Once everything was just about done I added my baby spinach because I know it cooks very quickly. I added some more salt and pepper, a dash of olive oil and some soy sauce.

Taste – Give your stir fry a small taste to make sure the flavors are there and your meal is done! So easy and it only takes three simple steps.

Next time you want to make a simple, nutritious dish that will leave you feeling full and satisfied, try your hand at a stir fry. If you keep the right ingredients in your house then you won’t even need to make a trip to the store!




The Weekend Runner: Eid Detox

Eid Mubarak to everyone! As the festivities gradually slow down and everyone is easing back into their routine, most of us have come to realise that we might have indulged in one too many rendang, kuih, and other treats. Our performance might have gone sluggish, and we feel less energetic from the excess food, which will accumulate into fat and unwanted toxins in our body. It’s time to detox to get rid of them!




The most basic detox drink to consume everyday would be:

1)     Lemon and water

2)     Green tea (no sugar)

3)     Extra brownie points: Fasting for a total of 6 days in Shawwal.


On top of that after consuming one too many rendang and curry, I think it’s time to take a break from chicken and meat and focus on fruits and veggies.


1)     Overnight chia seeds pudding


This is the most versatile and filling breakfasts you could have, as you can customize the toppings as you wish. My favourite combination are banana and peanut butter.


To make chia seed pudding:

½ cup of chia seed

1 cup of milk

Cinnamon or honey (optional)


Combine both ingredients together and leave overnight in the refridgerator.

In the morning, top your chia seed pudding with fresh fruits, cocoa powder, or youghurt.


2)     Mango ‘lassie’


This is actually a lighter, healthier version of my favourite drink found in most indian restaurants, because there are no refined sugars and ice cream is substituted with youghurt and ice.


To make mango ‘lassie’:

One whole mango, peeled and roughly chopped into cubes

A dash of milk (coconut milk tastes good too)

½ cup of youghurt

Some ice

Chia seed or oat or flax seed (optional)

A table spoon of honey

Additional equipment: Blender


Bottom layer: blend the mango with youghurt, honey, and some milk. Pour in a tall glass.

Top layer: do not wash the blender. Pulse some milk with ice. Pour over the bottom layer.

Sprinkle with chia seed or flax seed for additional omega-3.


3)     Roasted chicken salad



Arguably, this recipe does contain meat but it’s cooked in a much ‘cleaner’ method, with all of its fat and skin removed. The good fats and lean protein will make this meal a satisfying lunch or dinner.


To marinade the chicken:

One chicken breast

Juice from half a lemon

A table spoon of honey

A dash of thyme, pepper and salt.

Combine all ingredients and leave to marinade for at least 2 hours.

Before cooking, rub some olive oil on the chicken and grill on a non-stick pan until juices run clear and no longer pink inside. Use a fork to tear the chicken into strips.


Assemble roasted chicken with avocado, on a bed of greens such as butterhead lettuce, rocket, and carrots. Squeeze some lemon juice as the salad dressing.


Ultimately, all of these detox drinks, fruits, and vegetables should be complemented with working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let’s make all those kilograms lost during Ramadhan count and consistent all year round!


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.