Weight Loss – Tips for Dieters

Weight loss journey is more of a mental challenge. Being mentally prepared is key that will help you stick to your journey on the long run and adapt to a healthier lifestyle.

Here are some tips that you need to tap into to make your weight loss journey manageable:

  • Think of your self as a think healthy person. Skip all the negative thoughts about feeling that you don’t deserve to be in this journey or how will you achieve your goals.
  • Eat health food that will feed your body not the food that will feed the fat.
  • Avoid dinning outside at least the first two weeks of starting your journey. This will help you to tap into a healthier lifestyle.
  • Plan meals ahead of time. This will help you to avoid dinning outside and will get you prepared.
  • When eating, eat slow, as you are sitting down and chew your food well.



Bad hair and skin habits that active hijabis should avoid

This is a special post, dedicated to all my active ladies yet still dress modestly doing all sorts of activity that they enjoy. We need to take special care of our hair and skin, even though it is not exposed to pollutants, dirt, and UV rays. However, all of these key points relates to cleanliness, and it is applicable to non-hijabis as well. After all, cleanliness is next to Godliness – something that everyone should strive for.

Are you guilty of doing these while or after working out?

1.Wearing make upwashing-face-skin-shower-1

Why is this a bad habit?

  • Make up hinders your skin from breathing properly while working out.
  • Make up and sweat is a bad combination as this will clog the pores, leading to break outs and acnes.
  • Side note: melting make up that runs down your face when you are sweating isn’t very pleasant to look at either.

2. Wearing your gym clothes all day after working outP1020670

Why is this a bad habit?

  • The most simple and direct answer: cleanliness.
  • The damp and sweaty surface of your work out clothes is a breeding ground for bacteria, plus the combination from the natural oils on your skin that is secreted out while working out will lead to body odour.
  • Although Nashata’s hijabs are light, breatheable, and evaporates sweat faster than normal hijabs, it is adviseable to change after you’re done working out.

3. Leaving your hair damp after showering


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Just like point no. 2 above, damp areas will become a breeding ground for bacteria, and this creates an unpleasant odour.
  • Covering your damp hair will affect your scalp, leading to problems such as dandruff, itchy and oily scalp. In the long run, hair becomes brittle and will easily fall off.

4. Touching your face without clean hands


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Some surfaces might not be as clean as it appears to be, such as railings and even our phones. Imagine touching that sweaty bench at the gym with your hands then putting it on your face!
  • The bacteria and germs on your hands will transfer to your face, and this can also trigger acne and break outs

5. Dehydration


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Water is lost through sweat and heat while working out.
  • Not drinking enough water after working out will leave the skin and lips dry, leading to a very dull and tired skin appearance.
  • Exposure to UV rays and indoor gyms with air conditioning will dry out the skin. After washing your face, do not forget to moisturize.

All pictures are courtesy of google images.