After Mumtaz Sports Hijab’s debut in Sept’15, now we have XL or Extended version to suit wide and broad faces. The design of Mumtaz Sports Hijab is to suit modest ladies who prefer simplicity, and wide and long chest covering.
Here are the Key Features:
- Suitable for wide and broad faces
- Offers more room around the face and neck
- Optimal wide and chest covering
- Made of breathable & lightweight fabric
- Fast-drying & moisture wicking
- Reflective logo
- Weight : 95 grams or 3,4 oz only
- Available in dark colors; black, light grey and oxford blue
Due to its simplicity and key features, other than sporting activities, Mumtaz Sports Hijab is also a must-have in your travel luggage. It is small, durable, lightweight and fast-drying and goes well with any leisure attire. Below is the size chart that shows key difference between the XL and Large (first release)