5 Ways to Stay Motivated

If you’ve ever started a fitness routine and quit, you are not alone. Many people have no problem beginning a routine; they feel motivated, excited and ready to tackle anything. But the hard part is keeping that motivation up and continuing on in their fitness journeys for the long term.

Trust me, even those who seem to love the gym life have trouble staying motivated all the time. Here are some ways you can keep your motivation up and actually stick to a routine.


1. Set a goal

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to set a specific goal or goals. If you just say “ah I want to lose a little weight” but don’t have anything specific to work towards your likely to fall off of the bandwagon. Make your goals personal. Here are some examples:

  • I want to lose X amount of pounds/kilograms to get to a healthy weight
  • I want to lose weight because my doctor said if I don’t I won’t live long
  • I want to live a healthy lifestyle to set a good example for my children
  • I want show God that I am thankful for the health and body He has granted me

Setting specific goals in this way will really make it about so much more than the number on the scale or the way you look. If your goals are meaningful and close to your heart you are more likely to reach them.


2. Schedule a workout time

The key is to make exercise a habit, rather than something that you simply ‘should do.’ You want to think of exercise as a normal part of your day, like going to work or taking a shower. One way to do this is by scheduling a regular workout time. If you workout around the same days and time each week it will start to become a part of your everyday routine.

Sit down each week and plan your workouts to fit into your schedule. If you say to yourself “I’ll try to get my workout in after before dinner time” but have no set plan or time, you’re more likely to let excuses get in the way of fulfilling that workout. But, if it’s written down in your calendar you are more likely to stick to it.


3. Make it fun

Although there are numerous benefits to regular exercise, it’s still no easy task. If you do not enjoy the workout you are doing it will be nearly impossible to stick with it. Don’t just do a workout because you think it will burn the most calories or make you sweat more. There are countless different types of workouts to choose from that you’re bound to find something you enjoy.

If you’re a very outdoorsy person and nature lover, you might enjoy walking, jogging, hiking or biking. If you’re social and get really motivated by others, group fitness classes might be best for you. If you like to feel powerful then try picking up some heavy weights.

Variety is also important. It’s not only easy to get bored with the same routine day after day, but our bodies adapt rather quickly and need change to avoid a plateau. Mix it up throughout the week. It’s important to get a combination of both strength training and cardiovascular exercise.


4. Find your inspiration

While it’s important not to compare yourself to others, it can really help to have a little inspiration. Find someone who really inspires you, not just because they may be in shape but because they share your values, beliefs and concerns. Maybe they have an inspiring story that teaches you that you can accomplish anything.

Inspiration doesn’t just have to come from people. Other things that can be really motivational, especially during the times when you don’t feel like working out are quotes, motivational talks, or simply just putting on your workout clothes and starting your warm up to get in the groove.


5. Accountability

Accountability can be huge in keeping you motivated. Tell your close friends and family about your goals and what you will be doing to reach them. Ask them for their support. Next time you go out to dinner with those friends or have family over for brunch, you will be more aware about making good food choices because they are now watching you.

If you enjoy writing or keeping up with social media you might even start a blog or Instagram page showcasing your journey. Not only can you update your followers about your progress but you will find a lot of support which can be super helpful. Another option is to begin working with a professional, whether a nutritionist, personal trainer, wellness coach, etc. It can help to have a professional to design you a plan and help you track your progress. The fact that you would have to spend money on a professional is also a good form of accountability.


So stop telling yourself that you can’t and start telling yourself that you CAN! With some hard work, strong goals, and a little motivation you can start and keep a fitness routine, and it will be one of the best things you can do for yourself, inshallah.


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Sticking to Your New Years Goals Part 3: “I want to eat breakfast everyday.”

While breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, it is often the hardest to implement. Morning-times tend to be rushed; you overslept, you have to get the kids ready for school and make it to work on time, you can’t find your keys. It’s no wonder why so many people skip it.

However, adding breakfast into your daily routine may be worth it. A nutritious breakfast has been shown to:

  • Aid in a more nutritionally complete diet
  • Give a mental edge
  • Help with energy and alertness throughout the day
  • Provide more strength and endurance during physical activity
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Aid in weight control and appetite control




Adding a lean protein to your breakfast, such as eggs, Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, will keep you feeling fuller longer. It may even hold you over until your lunchbreak at work!

Complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal or fruit, provide a slower-releasing energy which will last throughout the day.

Healthy fats, such as nuts, nut butters or avocado will not only provide you with extra energy during workout time, but will also promote the fat-burning process.

A little caffeine can give you that quick mental alertness that you so desperately need in the mornings!



  • Wake up early enough to give yourself time to prepare and eat breakfast
  • Prepare breakfast ahead of time: overnight oats are a great option
  • Have a ‘no-cook’ breakfast like Greek yogurt with granola or cottage cheese and fruit
  • Take breakfast on-the-go: Quest bar or a piece of fruit with nuts are good choices
  • If you are able you might even take some breakfast with you and eat it while you are at work

I hope these tips were beneficial and can help you to add breakfast into your daily routine, inshallah.



Sticking to your new years goals part 1. “I want to eat healthy”

By now we’ve all made our New Year’s resolutions; laid them out in writing, pondered over them, and talked ourselves into the new and improved person we want to become. That’s great, but that’s only the first step. The next step is actually sticking to those goals rather than becoming among the 40% of individuals who drop out.

I’ve decided to create a series dedicated to providing you with information to help you stick to some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. This four-part series will, inshallah, be very short and informative to give you just what you need.

Without a doubt the most common resolution is: “I want to eat healthier.” Here’s how you can stick to it.


Eat more fruits and veggies

Fruits and veggies in heart tape

Eating more fruits and veggies will not only provide you with a variety of nutrients but will help to bulk up meals and help you to feel full faster.

Try adding vegetables to as many meals as possible. Throw some in your eggs at breakfast time, have a side salad at lunch, and roast your favorite vegetables to have with dinner. Vegetables can be incorporated into many dishes like soups, stir-fries, eggs and can even make great snacks with some hummus or a low-fat yogurt dip.

Fruits are a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth without added sugars and preservatives. Shoot for 1-2 servings per day.

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Go homemade

Whenever you can, make your own foods instead of buying it pre-packaged. Granola can be quite deceiving in stores; it seems healthy but the nutrition label is filled with added sugars. Mix together some rolled oats, nuts and seeds, and a little honey. Throw on a sheet pan and bake it at home.

Instead of buying frozen dinners like pizza, make an easy and healthy version of your own. Grab some whole wheat pita bread, top with your favorite veggies, a small handful of low-fat cheese and drizzle with some olive oil, salt and pepper in throw in the oven for a few minutes.



Hummus with pita bread and vegetables

Instead of 2 or 3 larger meals a day, try snacking in between and have 5-6 smaller meals. Snacking will help to prevent you from overeating by keeping you satisfied and energized throughout the day.

Great snacks include a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts, trail mix, some raw veggies dipped in low-fat yogurt, whole wheat crackers with hummus, or some pretzels with string cheese.

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In conclusion

Eating healthy is a totally approachable goal, as long as you do it in the right way. Take small steps. Add one more healthy food into your routine each week. Start by adding more fruits and vegetables. Once you feel comfortable with that, start making some of you own foods. Then a week after, start adding healthy snacks in between your meals.

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6 Tips to Staying on Track

It’s easy to get started, exciting actually. It’s Sunday afternoon and you sit down with a cup of coffee and your last cookie, and begin to plan out the next week. Healthy meals. Gym sessions. You have everything all set up and ready to start your new journey on Monday. The week goes really well, but then it begins to fall. You’re sick of the eating the same meals and your schedule is way too crammed to keep up with these workouts. You lose all motivation and eventually fall back into old habits.


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This is a very common scenario for someone starting down their healthy journey. The slip ups become more frequent and eventually discouragement and hopeless take over the once so lively enthusiasm. It seems to be that other people live up to their goals but you are just not made to do it.

Maintaining motivation it the hardest part of any fitness journey. But, it is not impossible! Many times, people are just going about it in the wrong ways. Here are some pointers what will help you to stay on track all the way to your goals and beyond.


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1. Don’t Rush

The biggest reason for a lack of motivation is that people try to do too many things at once. Think about the years of unhealthy habits you have down your belt. You can’t try and change them all in one day and expect to keep it up. Take small steps. Don’t go from laying on the couch everyday to 6 days a week of intense exercise. Start with 2-3 days per week, even for only 10 or 20 minutes. After about a month, once you feel it’s become a habit and your body is more accustomed, start adding in a bit more and overtime you will be a pro!


2. Plan Ahead

Don’t go into the week blindsided. Go over your schedule for the week and plan your meals and workouts around your schedule. Take one or two days to do some food prep for the week. Schedule your workouts on days where you have more free time and schedule your rests on busy days. If you have any plans to go out to dinner, check on the menu ahead of time and plan out your meal. Having things written out will make the week a lot easier.

Public domain image, royalty free stock photo from www.public-domain-image.com


3. Make the Time

This goes along with planning ahead. While you don’t want to overwhelm yourself, you also don’t want work and other responsibilities to take over your YOU time. If you really want to be healthy, make the time. 10 minutes of fast-paced exercise is better than nothing.


4. Have a Plan B

There will be many times when uncontrollable situations might ruin your plans. Always have a backup plan. Design a few quick at-home exercise routines in case you can’t make it to the gym. Keep smart food items in the house that will be there in case you have no time to cook. Examples of back-up foods I always keep in my house are canned beans, non-fat Greek yogurt, eggs, cans of tuna, and frozen vegetables. Just because you have to throw something together quick doesn’t mean it can’t be healthy.



5. Modify When Needed

Never be ashamed to modify. If you don’t have the time, modify your workout. If you’re trying a new workout class that is a little too intense, ask the instructor to show you some modifications. It’s great to push yourself, but when you go too far beyond your limits you may discourage yourself and drop out. Stop right at the edge of your comfort zone and work there.


6. Make a List



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Write a list of your reasons for beginning a health journey. Don’t be afraid to make it personal, after all, it’s only for you. Whenever you need a little pick-me-up, dig out your list and remind yourself of why you started in the first place. This can be a powerful tool to bringing motivation levels back up.


Most importantly…have fun. There will be times when you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. There will be times when you will have to force yourself to work out when you are dreading it. But always remember to keep it balanced. Push yourself, but not over your limits. Recognize the times when you have to listen to your body and just take a rest. The most important means of staying on track is enjoying the journey.




**Download a FREE Meal Plan from Fit Muslim Girl >>> FREE Meal Plan <<<

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7 Principles of Healthful Eating

The key to maintaining a healthy diet is understanding how to eat right in the first place. The diet industry could not be more confusing with its conflicting views, fad diets and continuous altering of information.

In reality, a healthful diet is actually quite simple. Once you know the basics you can alter it to fit your lifestyle and your taste buds. Here are 7 principles of healthful eating.


Eat Real Food

In general, you want to be sure you are consuming whole, nutritious foods such as in-season fruits and veggies, whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, etc.), whole grain bread/pasta, lean meats, Greek yogurt, hummus, nuts and seeds, all natural nut butters, organic eggs, beans, and water.This is not a definite list but a general idea of good foods to consume.

For the most part try to avoid processed/boxed foods, sodas and other sugary drinks, fast food, fried food, white bread, refined pasta, canned foods, chips, and candy.

The 80/20 rule

While it is important to get the majority of your calories from clean foods, there has to be some room for treats, otherwise you will be miserable and probably won’t last too long on the diet. A general rule of thumb is to eat clean 80% of the time and treat yourself the other 20% of the time. Allow a small treat every day or every other day, or allow for a big treat a few times per week.


Eat Less Meat

While meat offers a good source of protein, iron and vitamin B12, it also packs a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol. For this reason, meat should make up a small majority of your diet. For the most part the baseline of a healthful diet should consist of grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables; think Mediterranean diet. Nuts, beans, and whole grains are all great replacements for meat as they contain a lot of protein with better (or no) fats and a lot of fiber.

Reduce Sodium and Sugar Intake

While both sodium and sugar are essential parts of the human diet, it is safe to say that most people get more than enough. How can we avoid eating too much? First of all, staying away from the boxed foods is a start. These foods typically contain a huge amount of added sodium or sugar, especially if the labels read “low-fat” or “non-fat.”

Try to avoid adding extra salt while cooking; remember that a little bit can go a long way. Use flavorful spices and a lot of fresh herbs to count for a lack of salt.

It is also wise to limit fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day, as many fruits contain a lot of sugar. Instead of reaching for an apple, go for a serving of berries as they are known for their low sugar content.

Wholesome Grains

Replace refined grains such as white bread, white rice, white potato, white pasta with whole grains. Whole grains are foods like steel-cut or rolled oats, brown rice, sweet potato, whole wheat bread/tortilla/pasta, quinoa, couscous, whole grain barley, lentils, etc.

Instead of white toast in the mornings try having some oatmeal and berries with your eggs. Instead of croutons add some quinoa to your salad. Try some brown rice on the side for dinner.

Healthy Fats

245470Many people are confused about fats. Fats are an extremely important energy source for the body and the brain. There are two important things to know about fats.

1) You want to know which fats are good for you. The “bad” fats are saturated and trans fats which are found in foods like dairy, beef products, palm and coconut oil, butter, and fried foods. The “good” fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which are found in foods such as nuts and seeds, nut butters, vegetable oils, oily fish like salmon, avocado, olives, etc.

2) You need to know that fats contain more calories per gram than do carbohydrates and protein. So, although fats are extremely beneficial, you need to ensure you are not over-eating them. I will discuss this next.

Watch Portion Sizes

The easiest, and really only, way to gain extra unwanted weight is by eating too much. While unhealthy foods may be the culprit of various diseases, calories are the one and only culprit of weight gain. No matter what you are eating you need to have an understanding of healthy portion sizes. Does that mean you need to measure everything you eat? Certainly not. Here are some general tips.

  • Women should have about 3-4 oz of meat or a portion of meet the size of your palm
  • Carbohydrates (rice, beans, quiono, etc.) should be between ½-1 cup or a portion the size of one cupped-hand.
  • Because they are so low in calories yet high in nutrients, there is no limit of vegetables. In general about 2 cups, or two cupped-hand sizes is recommended. Shoot for a lot of leafy green vegetables.
  • Have 1 medium sized whole fruit or 1 cup (or size of a cupped-hand) of berries
  • Consume about 1 oz, or a serving the size of your thumb, of nuts/oils.
  • The portion size for nut butters is 1 tbsp per serving.
  • Listen to your body: eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full.



To sum it up 

The majority of your diet should consist of real, whole foods

Limit processed and junk food but do not completely cut it out. Follow the 80/20 rule.

Try to consume less meat and more beans and whole grains.

Be aware of your salt and sugar intake.

Replace refined grains with wholesome grains.

Pay attention to the type and amount of fats you consume.

Be conscious of portion sizes.

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The Weekend Runner: How to make SMART New Year resolutions

Can you guess where is the busiest place on every 1st of January? THE GYM. This is no surprise, since the most popular resolution is “Get healthy”, “Lose weight”, or somewhere along those lines. Sadly, the number of people and the level of enthusiasm slowly drops as the months passes by. In the end, we are unable to keep to our New Year resolutions.


The good news is, the key to sticking to your resolutions begins with forming the resolution itself. The first step is forming a S.M.A.R.T resolution. I would like to think annual resolutions as a year-long project. Therefore, if this acronym sounds familiar to you, you might have noticed that I borrowed it from the world of Project Management. However, I think the concepts are applicable to self-development as well.


S.M.A.R.T. stands for:

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Here are my top 3 resolutions for next year:

1) Running: Complete an ultra marathon at least once, and improve on my 10K timings so I finish in less than 1 hour 10 minutes.

2) Save up to travel overseas at least once to a Non-ASEAN country.

3) Take up yoga consistently, attending at least 2 classes every month.

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

What Is the Best Time to Exercise?

Many people swear by early morning sweat sessions as the best method for losing weight. But what about those of us who couldn’t fathom a workout that early in the morning? The good news is that finding the perfect time for exercise is more about personal preference than it is about physiological benefits.

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What is important is finding a time of day that works best for you in order to make exercise a habit.

Morning Perks

  • You have the psychological pleasure of knowing your workout is done.
  • It is easier to keep a consistent routine in the morning.
  • There is less room for other responsibilities and time pressures to interfere.
  • A full day of work can take a toll on one’s willpower, no matter how well-intentioned you may be.
  • Early workouts may help with a more sound sleep, while workouts too late in the day may make it harder to fall asleep at night.

Advantages of Later Workouts

  • Body temperature is higher later in the day, which leaves the muscles less stiff and less susceptible to injuries.
  • Muscle strength and endurance may be at its peak in the afternoon.
  • The body produces more testosterone later in the day which is important in strength and muscle building.
  • You may have more energy later in the day after fueling your body with some nutritious meals.

Listen to Your Body

While there may be some advantages to working out at different times of the day, those differences would be minor, with a bigger significance lying in the psychological effects of the workout. If you are not a morning person there would be no advantage to forcing yourself out of bed at 5 am to workout, only to be miserable the entire time. The benefits of working out come in consistency, so pick a time of day that will allow you to enjoy your workout and become consistent.

Be Realistic

Picking the perfect time of day may not be as easy as choosing a number on the clock. Take a look at your daily schedule and pick a realistic time that will not interfere with other responsibilities. If your days are packed from morning until night, a morning routine might be best. If you have a free schedule after work and morning is not your thing, go for an after-work routine. If you have some little bits of free time in the middle of the day, throw in a quick 20 minute workout in the afternoon.

Consider the Social Setting

To some people, the social setting is a very important aspect of their workout. Some prefer solitude and alone time which you can get early in the morning, in the middle of the day during the work-week, or much later at night. Others prefer a gym atmosphere with plenty of people to keep them motivated. The gym tends to be packed mid-morning, or around rush-hour time between 5-6 pm. You may even do better with an exercise partner. If that is the case, try to come up with a time that works for the both of you, even if that means a quick walk during your lunch break with a co-worker.

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The Bottom Line

The most important things to consider when coming up with a workout time is your preference, your schedule, and how you can be consistent. Exercise is not a “one-size-fits-all” kind of thing, so don’t be fooled by the people who say that one time of day is best. If you find mornings the best for you, just be sure to warm-up a little bit longer than normal to avoid injury. If afternoon/night time is better, keep the timing consistent and eat after your work out, not before.

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A Proper Cool Down

This is going to be my last post for my #workoutwednesday series. I thought it was a good idea to close it out with a cool down routine, which is often the most overlooked aspect of exercise, although it is equally as important as the warm-up.


The Importance of a Cool Down

A cool down takes place after a workout with the goal of slowly getting the heart-rate, breathing, and body temperature back to its pre-exercise state. A proper cool down usually lasts for about 5-10 minutes, and should start off with some low-intensity exercises followed by stretches.

The benefits of cooling down include

  • Bringing the body’s physiological state back to normal
  • Reduces the risk for muscle cramps and spasms
  • Helps to offset some muscle soreness
  • Aids in muscle recovery
  • Removes waste build-up (like lactic acid) that occurs during physical activity
  • Prevents dizziness and fainting after exercise


How to Cool Down

Step 1: Light Activity

The first part of a quality cool down should start off with about 3-5 minutes of light activity. This can differ depending on the individuals workout.

Here are some examples:

  • After a run you might take a light jog for 2-3 minutes, followed by a 2-3 minute walk.
  • After a spin or bike workout you might pedal on a flat road (light resistance) for 3-4 minutes, followed by 1-2 minutes pedaling with no resistance whatsoever.
  • After a strength training workout it’s a good idea to do 3-5 minutes of dynamic stretching, like we saw in our warm-up routine, or even some yoga poses.
  • After a swimming workout one can swim a few leisurely laps around the pool.
  • Instructor-led fitness classes typically have a warm-up and cool down built into the routine.

Step 2: Stretching

The second and last part of a quality cool down will consist of stretching for another 3-5 minutes. You want to make sure you are focusing on the muscles that were being activated during the workout. In order to incorporate relaxation into my cool-down routine, I like to hold each stretch for 5 deep breaths.

Here are some examples of stretches:

Front Shoulders Stretch 


Triceps Stretch 


Standing Side Stretch


Chest Opener Stretch 


The Forward Hang 


Upper Back Stretch 


Quad Stretch 


Calf Stretch 


Forward Fold

Standing Forward Bend Yoga(1)

Glute Stretch 


Hip-Flexor Stretch  


Lower Back Stretch 


Cobra Stretch 


I truly hope that you all enjoyed this series! The aim of #workoutwednesday was to share some information related to proper exercise, promote a healthy lifestyle, give ideas of some different types of workouts, and most importantly, to inspire you to exercise and take control of your health!

Please keep checking back on this blog for more health and fitness posts, and possibly a new series =).

Enjoy your cool down and don’t forget to incorporate it after every workout. If you are short on time, modify; something is always better than nothing.

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A Dynamic Warm-Up

For this weeks #workoutwednesday I decided to talk about warming up. Your warm is just as important, maybe more so, than the actual workout itself. Therefore, it’s imperative to understand the importance of warming up for the body and which types of warm-up exercises are best.

The warm-up is meant to gently prepare the muscles for physical activity by increasing heart-rate and blood flow. It is also a means of mentally preparing for the upcoming workout. A warm-up is the best way to loosen up the muscles and prevent injury.

About a decade ago, static stretching, which requires holding a stretch for about 8 or more seconds without movement, was considered to be the best way to warm-up before sports or any type of physical activity. However, we now know that dynamic stretching, which is a combination of stretching and movement, is in fact the most effect method to engaging the muscles before physical activity.

Through a mixture of stretching and light cardiovascular activity, dynamic stretching will activate the muscles, improve range of motion, and enhance muscular performance.

Here is a quick dynamic warm-up that can be done before any type of workout. You will perform each exercise once for 30 seconds each.


Knee Highs 

Glute Kicks 

Alternating Knee Hugs 

Alternating Ankle Grabs 

Alternating Leg Kicks

Walking Squats

Lateral Lunge Stretch


Knee Highs

Start by standing straight with feet hips width apart and arms hanging down by sides. Jump from one foot to the other while at the same time lifting the opposite knee as high as possible. You should be jumping onto the balls of your feet and arms should be swinging in motion with the movement. You may move forward while you perform this exercise or remain in place.


Glute Kicks

Start by standing with the knees close together and arms by the sides. Flex your right knee behind you so that the heel of the foot touches (or comes close to) the glutes. Then lower the leg back down and do the same thing with the opposite leg. You may do this at a faster (almost jogging in place) pace, or you can do one leg at a time and do more of a stretch pace. You may also move forward while performing this exercises or remain in place.

Alternating Knee Hugs 

This exercise is similar to the high knees only it is performed slower and more like a stretch. Start by standing tall with feet under hips and arms by sides. Lift one leg to bring the knee as high up as possible while grasping it with your hands and hugging in towards the body. Lower and repeat on the opposite side. This can be performed while moving forward or while standing in place.

Alternating Ankle Grabs

This exercise is similar to the glute kicks only it is performed slower and more like a stretch. Start by standing with knees close together and hands by the sides. Flex your right knee behind you while grabbing the ankle with the right hand and squeezing it closer towards the body to close the knee joint. You should feel this stretch in the thighs. Lower the leg and perform on the opposite side.

Alternating Leg Kicks

Start by standing with the feet shoulder width apart and arms by your sides. Engage the core and kick your right leg forward with flexed feet as high as you can (hip’s height is advisable) while reaching the opposite arm forward to meet the toes. Lower the leg and bring the arm back to the starting position then perform on the opposite leg. This can be done moving forward of by standing in place.

Walking Squats

Start with feet together and hands by the side or on hips. ‘Walk’ the right foot out to the side until the feet are about hips distance apart and perform a squat. Then, using the same leg you stepped out with, push back to the starting position. Repeat with alternating legs.

Lateral Lunge Stretch

Start by standing tall with feet hips-width apart and hands on hips. Step out with your right foot and shift your weight over the right leg while holding the leg at a 90 degree angle. Push with that same leg to bring yourself back to the starting position. Repeat with alternating legs.

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The Ladder Workout

This week for #workoutwednesday we will do a ladder workout. A ladder workout is a type of workout that focuses on gradually increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the exercises. It is a great way to build up endurance and strength. Due to a few requests this workout can be done at home and requires zero equipment.

Because all of these exercises have been featured in my previous workouts there will be no description at the bottom. If you do not know how to perform any exercise, YouTube is a great tool.

To complete this workout, perform each exercise down the list back-to-back. There is a short rest incorporated into the workout but remember to go at your own pace and take a break any time you need to.

5 Push-ups

10 Burpees

15 Crunches

 20 Jumping Jacks

25 Squats

30 second rest

25 Squats

20 Jumping Jacks

15 Crunches

10 Burpees

5 Push-ups







1. http://media3.onsugar.com/files/2014/10/31/677/n/1922729/f5a12f7fbcd52af8_Basic-Push-Up.xxxlarge.jpg

2. http://www.munsterbootcamp.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/knees-pushup-munster-bootcamp.jpg

3. http://www.smartfoodandfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Burpees.png

4. http://31.media.tumblr.com/c07f5137b8a54faa06ba920de03cd77f/tumblr_inline_mx41bxukVQ1rdu2za.png

5. http://www.dietsinreview.com/images/cache/450x300_Jumping-Jacks.jpg

6. http://www.rockwallrectech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Air-Squats.jpg