3 AMALAN berkesan untuk mengelakkan 5 PENYAKIT utama yang MEMBUNUH!

Mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat, mengawal pemakanan dan melakukan senaman secara berterusan dapat mengelakkan kelima-lima penyakit yang berhubung-kait ini antaranya ; Obesiti, Penyakit Jantung, Kencing Manis, Tekanan Darah Tinggi dan Strok.

Berdasarkan Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia (WHO), antara 5 penyumbang masalah kesihatan yang kritikal adalah penyakit tidak berjangkit (NCDs). Seperti  di Negara-negara lain juga, Malaysia bergelut dengan masalah penyakit tidak berjangkit (NCDs) ini yang merangkumi penyakit jantung, kencing manis, strok, dan tekanan darah tinggi.


Dalam Kajian Morbiditi dan Kesihatan Kebangsaan (NHMS) pada tahun 1996:

(a) 4.4% orang dewasa yang mengalami obesiti

(b) 6.6% yang mengalami masalah berat badan berlebihan.

Untuk kajian yang terbaru pada tahun 2011 pula :

(a) Jumlah orang dewasa yang obesiti  meningkat kepada 4.4 juta (27.2%).

Sebanyak 49% wanita dan 44% lelaki Malaysia mengalami masalah obesiti dan berat badan berlebihan. Mengikut kajian dari Institut Kesihatan Awam Kementerian Kesihatan, sebanyak 19.9% kanak-kanak yang berumur 7 – 12 tahun mengalami masalah berat badan berlebihan.

Apa yang boleh kita lakukan : Elakkan mengamalkan diet yang tidak seimbang serta lakukan banyak pergerakan seperti senaman secara berterusan. Obesiti ini boleh mengakibatkan sakit jantung, strok dan penyakit-penyakit yang lain


Di Malaysia, penyakt jantung menjadi pembunuh nombor satu rakyat Malaysia akibat kolestrol. Mengikut Data National Cardiovascular Disease, sebanyak 16, 866 pesakit terlibat dari 15 hospital utama di Malaysia dari tahun 2006 – 2010, dan dari jumlah tersebut 10% di catatkan angka kematian di sebabkan serangan jantung.

Apa yang boleh kita lakukan : Golongan orang muda yang banyak akan menderita dengan masalah penyakit jantung dengan peningkatan jumlah perokok muda dan kanak-kanak obesiti. Perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku sangat penting untuk mengelakkan penyakit jantung ini.


Penyakit kencing manis menjadi punca kematian tertinggi yang ke-7 di Malaysia pada tahun 2011. Ia mengakibatkan amputasi anggota badan, buta, kegagalan buah pinggang dan kegagalan jantung. Penyakit ini sering terjadi pada golongan umur 30 tahun ke atas akibat dari diet yang tidak seimbang selama bertahun-tahun sebelumnya yang membuatkan terhasilnya pemgumpulan gula dalam darah.

Apa yang boleh kita lakukan : penyakit ini bukan hanya dari penggunaan gula sahaja. Makanan yang tinggi kalori juga boleh meningkatkan tahap gula dalam darah. Ia boleh dihindarkan dengan mengambil diet yang sihat dan melakukan senaman fizikal


Tekanan darah tinggi menjadi pembunuh secara senyap kerana penyakit ini tidak memberi sebarang kesan atau petanda buruk. Kebiasaannya, orang yang menderita dengan serangan jantung dan strok berkemungkinan besar akan mendapat tekanan darah tinggi kerana penyakit ini amat berhubung kait antara satu sama lain.

National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2011:

(a) Umur antara 18 dan 30 tahun meningkat sebanyak 32.2% pada tahun 2006 kepada 32.7%.

(b) Golongan usia 30 tahun ke atas pula meningkat dari 42.6% kepada 43.5%.

Malangnya, 60.6% dari keseluruhan jumlah hipertensi tidak dapat dirawat. Punca utama tekanan darah tinggi tidak dapat di kenal pasti tetapi manjadi obes, tidak melakukan senaman fizikal, pengambilan garam berlebihan, stres, merokok dan pengambilan alkohol membuatkan anda menjurus mendapat penyakit ini. Pengambilan garam di kalangan rakyat Malaysia adalah 8.7g/hari dimana 1.7 kali ganda melebihi dari apa yang dicadangkan oleh WHO iaitu 5g/hari

Apa yang boleh kita lakukan : Cabaran untuk mengubati hipertensi ini adalh mengetahui kesan awal dan mempunyai kesedaran tentang tanda-tanda dan faktor risiko. Diet dan senaman memainkan peranan penting dan mereka yang sedia ada memiliki penyakit ini haruslah sering melakukan pemeriksaan yang berterusan.


Pada tahun 2012,sebanyak 50, 000 kes penyakit strok di catatkan dalam setahun.Kes ini meningkat sebanyak :

(a) 12% pada tahun 2003

(b) 55% pada tahun 2008.

Faktor risiko yang utama adalah hipertensi, di ikuti dengan kencing manis dan perokok aktif. Lebih kurang 6 kes strok baru di catatkan untuk setiap jam dalam negara

Apa yang boleh kita lakukan : Cabaran untuk mengurangkan penyakit ini bergantung kepada perubahan gaya hidup. Kesedaran perlu diterapkan kerana penyakit ini semakin meningkat di kalangan orang muda. Pengamalan gaya hidup yang tidak sihat akan memberi kesan mendalam ketika meningkat dewasa yang menyebabkan lebih banyak penyakit strok terjadi dalam golongan usia bawah 40 tahun.

Sumber dari Akhbar NST, September 16, 2014

Be Inspired : Why and How Amy, once an Overweight Mother of 5, is NOW an Aerobic Instructor

Kak Amy, as how she wants to be addressed, is a petite and active grandmother and a mother of five children. She is the co-founder and the main instructor at the Fun 2 Fit Aerobic &  Dance Studio, a place where women can get trained on aerobic and dances comfortably. Kak Amy started the studio together with her friend Kak Ram, and with the support of Y.Bhg. Datin Dr. Zainah binti Moktar. The studio is located on the first floor, Taman Sri Pulai Perdana, Skudai, Johor. On the ground floor, Kak Amy and her partner operate Fun 2 Eat Cafe where they serve healthy-cooked meals.

Kak Amy

How did her passion in Aerobic start?

Ten years ago, Kak Amy was overweight at 70 kg. She was determined to loose weight and with her husband’s blessing, she started aerobic. Being a muslimah, she was concerned going to the gym and dance studio opened for both male and female. It was hard to find any dance studio solely catered for women.

Through aerobics,  Kak Amy started to loose weight. Initially, the progress was slow, so she started educating herself on weight lost. This included learning different types of exercises, nutrition and deep understanding of our bodies. Her passion grew further and she was determined to take it to the next stage – to be an instructor.

So five years ago, Kak Amy planned to take the exams to be a certified fitness trainer. The certification was commission by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. With much challenges being a mother and soon-to-be grandmother, she passed the exams. That was the pivotal point of her passion in aerobic when Kak Amy started to train others.

Why did Kak Amy open up a dance studio specially for muslimah?

Kak Amy understands the need of other muslim women to have a special fitness center specially for women. Women tends to be more comfortable when they are among themselves. Furthermore, when it comes to dancing, one needs to enjoy the movement freely. So at Kak Amy’s all-women  dance studio, one can wear any attire they are comfortable in and sweat out!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAfun2fitaerobic and dance studio

How is a dance studio for muslimah differ from others?

First, it is for all women. No man is allowed. Secondly, ladies who come can choose to wear attire they are comfortable in. Kak Amy equips the studio with tools and equipment for all types of exercises. Thirdly, only indoor workout shoes are allowed. Trainees can keep their clean shoes at the studio. Lastly, the studio is clean for muslimah to pray as and when needed.

It is muslimah and Islamic friendly.

How does Kak Amy organise her classes?

Kak Amy, now 46 years old, trains not only at her studio but also external events. She is frequently being invited by hotels in Skudai area to train groups and companies on fitness and team building. At times, she does her training in the forest. Kak Amy uses Nashata Riada Top during outdoor activities. She has all five colors of Riada Top. She likes them because the design gives a very good ventilation during outdoor activities.

Her classes at the studio are scheduled either in the morning or evening. This is to suit busy schedule of women, working or not. Every trainee gets trained twice a week in a group of 20, for duration of an hour each. Every week, she focuses on one particular dance so that in a month, the students get to learn and practice four types of dances effectively.

What type of dances does Kak Amy teach at her studio?

All sorts of dances but since many of the trainees are new to aerobics, they focus on salsa latin, arabian dance, J-robik, hip hop kick boxing and etnic dance. However, occasionally, she schedules special dance classes like Zumba and Batuka at her studio. Her Batuka Dance Class scheduled on the 8th March is already SOLD OUT!

At each session, Kak Amy supplements the aerobic and dance routines with either floor exercise, rectangle step board, Stick2Stix, oval step board or fitball and dumbbell.
Fun 2 Fit Aerobic & Dance Studio

What motivates Kak Amy to train others aerobic?

Aerobic is good and fun for women. You get to move your body, enjoy the music and social with other muslimah. But to Kak Amy, fitness is beyond aerobic. She teaches about consuming healthy food, understanding one’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and the importance of performing different type of exercises. That is also the reason why she started  Fun to Eat Cafe just right below her dance studio three years ago.

Kak Amy trains other aerobic instructors too. When we visited her at her studio, we were appalled with the level of energy our sisters and her trainer. Her dance studio is not limited to muslimah only. She has non-muslim trainees. MUHIBBAH her dance studio is! At the end of the day, she wants her trainees to have a good time, exercise safely, has a good sleep with no pain before or after waking up and feeling fresh.

Her dance teams have won various competitions some of which represented Johor State to national level. Alhamdulillah, from her determination to loose weight, aerobic is now her passion and profession, keeping her healthy, beautiful and active.

Watch Kak Amy demoing simple steps on how to use the Gym Step

Kak Emy is the supporter of program Jom Kurus 1 Malaysia in Johor Bahru. Here is a her picture with the Kevin Zahri, the organiser of #jomkurus



If you are interested to join her exciting training program, visit Fun 2 Fit Aerobic & Dance Studio at No2A-01, Jalan Pulai Perdana 11/1, Taman Sri Pulai Perdana 81100 Skudai, Johor Bahru or simply give her a ring at +017-7716073.


How Eda Fatimawati transformed obesity to fitness

We got to interview a young civil engineer who claimed obese three years ago. Now, Eda Fuzi is very passionate about running and loves to keep fit and eat healthy. Currently, an avid marathoner, she is determined to be an ultra Marathoner and Duathlete soon. She also started swimming recently.


women marathon



1) Eda, how do you lose weight and maintain your health? 

My mother passed away in 2009 due to the cancer, a year after when I realised I weigh 80 kg. Yes, I was in a shock and since then I started to exercise and find new hobbies to ensure I would keep up with a healthy lifestyle.


I was a sports girl back during my school and university days, I played almost all types of sport. But I was not a runner. I never run for a competition back then. I was neither a short nor a long distance runner. But one day my best friend who embraces an active lifestyle convinced  to run and trained me. He kept pushing and motivated me to push my limit further. I would say he is the key person that made me fall in love with running. My cousin started running years before me and he motivated me as well. A few months after I started running, I met new friends while training for my runs and many became my running buddies. Soon after that I get to meet new runners, newbies, triathletes, elite runners, etc. What I love the most about the running community it we help each other no matter what. Now, I am happy with my weight. I am no longer obese.

I have been running for almost three years now; and I get to make new friends along the way. Since I am committed to running, I make sure I train 3 to 4 times a week, collecting 35-50 km of mileage in average. That is  2 – 3 times of short distance, speed training, or a 10 km run each per session. Then, LSD (Long Slow Distance) runs in the weekends (15-25 km) for endurance training.

2. Do you take any supplements?

I DO NOT take any slimming supplements. I have tried them before but never worked. Now, I only take supplements that are necessary such as Evening PrimeRose Oil and Fish Oil.

2) How’s your daily food intake?

Taking control of what to eat was hard at first. But once I get the hang of it, everything becomes so much easier.  I learn how to count calories and eat right. Knowing our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is key. After knowing how much calories I need per day, I just need to eat accordingly.

I always make sure there are vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein is in my food. I eat 4-5 times a day. With snacks and eat at small portions. I do take carbs but mainly bread.

3) Many people think that if they do an exercise more often, their muscle become bigger. Is it true? What’s your opinion about that?

Yes, it does technically. Most runners have bigger calves. But some say it is just a myth. While other part of the body depends in which area you are focusing on.  Most runners lost muscles after a long run. That is why long distance runners are/needs to be skinny and thin. And that is not exactly bad. Sprinter may have large calves and muscular body as they need to use those muscles to help them sprint as fast as they can, they use red muscle tissues. A long distance runner (marathoners for example) uses white muscle tissues that work to sustain longer time and endurance. The thin body would help to carry less weight on the long run. Sprinters are heavier and more muscular as they need to use their muscles as a boost to run fast in a shorter distance.

So, if you run long distance, you shouldn’t worry about growing muscles.


4) When did you start running and how long did it take you to train for a marathon?

I started running in 2010. I increased my mileage per week whenever a marathon approached. If my average per week is 40 km, I will gradually increase it to 50, 55, and 60 km. Two weeks before a marathon, runners will be in tapering mode. Taper simply means to cut or reduce mileage. Tapering is the training phase right before a long distance event, such as a marathon, when a runner starts to cut back on his or her mileage Reason behind tapering is to reduce the potential of injury, mental preparation and to recover muscles. A week before a marathon, I will rest completely. While carb loading will only starts 3 days before an event.

5) We notice you are always in your compression wear during a run. Why you wearing the compression wear instead of other usual sport wear? How do you feels and what the differences?

Most of the time I would wear compression pants during long runs (Long-Slow Distance, Half Marathon or Marathon events). On training sessions, I would prefer to wear calf guards which normally, compression as well.  I wouldn’t say compression wear improves my performance, but I personally, would prefer to run safe and finish with free injuries. That is my priority.

Runners I know use compression-wear to protect muscles. There are research articles that say compression helps runners to improve blood flow through their muscles, thus, protecting muscle from injury and then most probably help us to run longer distances safely.  Sometimes I can feel compression protects my muscle movements during strides.

Most runners also use compression wears/gears for recovery. I wear them after a hard run or sometimes before bed, to help recover my muscles faster.

This is because compression of the lower leg increases blood flow and helps flush out lactic acid. Hence, aids recovery.

6) What was your fear and how do you overcome it?

I guess every runner fears of injury. How do I overcome it? Run safe and run happy. I run for my parents. Running is not always about achieving Personal Best/Timing. The reason why you run matters more. I appreciate myself more, I have overcome what I thought I would never accomplish, I appreciate life. I run for my own well-being.


Eda runs


Thank you Eda for sharing your views and being an exemplary runner. From her sharing, we get to understand why she runs. It takes a lot of discipline and determination to achieve what Eda has achieved the past three years. InsyaAllah, she will get to be the ultra marathoner soon!

All the best!