Monochrome Sportswear – Sharp for the Modest

Monochrome is not black and white. It is not grey either. Monochrome is use of shades of a single color and it is the foundation of our designs first half of 2017.


We use shades of maroon, blue, turquoise, beige and black in our recent collection. We also apply some traditional flair into our designs with the Kebaya Sports. Yes, we just love adding hints of cultural elements into sportswear, just like the Pesaque in 2016. The shades of one color gives soft touch to sportswear.

Monochrome Nashata Kebaya Sports

Monochrome Nashata Kebaya Sports in Turquoise & Maroon

The kebaya sports are monochrome, long and modest, making it suitable for all body types and dressing preferences. After testing for many months in many runs, we released it in 2 colors ; maroon and turquoise. This is to suit the young and gold hearts of kebaya lovers.


We use different types of breathable fabrics – all lightweight with different textures. From monochrome tops, hijabs and pants, we apply monochromatic design philosophy with use of intricate fabric texture and patterns from head to toe. It is actually quite FUN and CHALLENGING.

Pattern Fabric Kebaya Sports

Intricate and Different Textures in Kebaya Sports

Monochrome Hot Pink Hooda Racerback Fabric : Smooth & Wafer-like Combination

Smooth & Wafer-like Combination Texture on  Hooda Racerback  Sports Hijab – the Limited Edition

SIMPLE YET SHARP – Is what you need for training and working out. Sometimes, you just want to wear something that does not attract attention but feels so good working out in. That is why we focus on using high quality and lightweight fabric. The Hoodie Top below for example is so lightweight that you could run swiftly in stealth mode, without being noticed.

Monochrome Hoodie

The Monochrome Hoodie – Stripey & Sporty


The less contrast, the better. Reveal your sportiness with your character and activities. Improve performance and elevate confidence. Not convinced yet? Scroll further.

Runnning Monochrome @ Raub Village

Runnning  21km in Monochrome @ Raub Village – Finished Second! Intan wears the Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab, Tron Ultra Top and Fitness Leggings by Nashata

Same Tone Nashata Ulttra Top & Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab - the limited edition

Same Tone  Gives her More Confidence. She wears Blue Hoodie Ultra Top & Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab (Navy) – the Limited Edition by Nashata

Running in Kebaya Sports

Running 7km on a windy day in  Turquoise EZ Tazz Sports Hijab, Kebaya Sports and Riada Pants by Nashata


Don’t forget! You can still wear bright colors in monochromatic outfits. You can try shades of hot pink, green and turquoise. Monochrome is just subtle, yet sharp.  It is beyond black and white and you can look Simple, Sporty and Stylish – just what a modest lady needs!


Zip Up Azeeza Lite Splashes of Color

Be Happy, Be Bright, Be Fit, Be YOU!
That is what the Zip Up Azeeza Lite is about. You may wonder, What are the differences between Zip Up Azeeza Hematite and Zip Up Azeeza Lite?

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The design is the same, but the Lite version does not have wrist pocket with zip, the fabric in the middle part is solid, comes in 3XL as well and lastly, the weight is slightly more than the hematite.

Features Zip Up Azeeza Hematite Zip Up Azeeza Lite
Wrist Pocket With Zip X
Fabric texture Mesh and Heather Mesh & Solid
Fabric Polyester Mircofiber, Spandex Polyester Mircofiber, Spandex
Sizes S / M / L / XL / 2XL M / L / XL / 2XL / 3XL
Weight 220 grams 290 grams
Colors Black Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue
Long and Designed for Modesty
360 degree Slimming Effect
Nursing Friendly
Price RM189 RM149

If you are a Zip up Azeeza lover, this is your chance to add more colors to your favourite design. Wear it for your run, cycle, to the gym, zumba or when you travel.  We have very limited pieces, so wait no more and get yours today at!

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The orange is my new personal favourite color! Running in it makes me feel HAPPY!

Orange is my new personal fav color

After 5 km run in bright colors – I just feel happy!

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