Tips bersederhana menyambut Aidilfitri

Hari Raya Aidilfitri bakal berkunjung tiba tidak lama lagi. Seluruh umat islam disyariatkan untuk menyambutnya dengan penuh rasa syukur dan gembira di atas nikmat kurnia yang Allah S.W.T anugerahkan kepada hamba-Nya yang berjaya melakukan ibadat pada bulan Ramadan.

Di hari raya kita dapat berkumpul bersama ahli keluarga, menziarahi sanak saudara, menghadiri rumah terbuka dan banyak lagi. Namun dalam menyambutnya, tidak perlulah kita berlebih-lebihan atau bermegah-megah berbelanja sehingga membawa kepada sifat riak lebih-lebih lagi membawa kepada pembaziran. Allah S.W.T mengingatkan bahawa orang yang membazir itu adalah bersaudara dengan syaitan.

Tips bagi mengelakkan pembaziran di hari raya

1. Berjimat Cermat Semasa Berbelanja
Jika kita lihat di pusat membeli belah pasti kebanyakan kedai membuat pelbagai promosi bagi menawarkan produknya sempena menyambut lebaran. Jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan promosi harga murah yang dilakukan, berbelanja sekadar yang perlu mengikut keperluan diri dan keluarga kita. Kita hendaklah sentiasa berjimat cermat dan bersederhana dalam berbelanja. Gunakan wang yang ada dengan berbelanja secara bijak.

2. Elakkan Membazir Makanan
Bila tiba hari raya kalau boleh kita ingin merasa semua makanan-makanan tradisi melayu yang sudah sinonim dengan hari raya. Pelbagai jenis makanan tradisi hari raya seperti lemang, ketupat, rendang, dodol dan banyak lagi. Jika zaman dahulu makanan-makanan ini disediakan sendiri tetapi kini zaman telah moden, hanya beli sahaja di pasaraya yang telah tersedia. Kita sepatutnya bersyukur dengan rezeki yang diberikan oleh Allah. Jangan sampai menyediakan makanan hari raya yang terlalu banyak hingga boleh menyebabkan berlakunya pembaziran.

3. Kuih Raya beberapa jenis sahaja
Kadangkala didapati kuih raya sekadar hiasan sahaja, langsung tidak disentuh oleh tetamu. Malah kuih raya disimpan sehingga menyebabkannya rosak dan tidak boleh dimakan lagi. Justeru, sediakan sejenis atau dua jenis kuih raya ikut keperluan berdasarkan tahun-tahun lepas.

4. Baju raya
Jika puasa selama 30 hari, baju pun nak 30 pasang. MasyaAllah! Jangan jadikan hari raya kita dengan sifat riak dan membazir. Beli sepasang atau dua sahaja baju raja (jika mampu), jika tidak mampu, sediakan baju yang paling baru untuk dipakai di hari raya.

Kita perlu merancang perbelanjaan agar tidak berbelanja melebihi daripada kemampuan. Dalam kita bergembira menyambut hari raya, janganlah pula lupa kepada orang yang tidak berkemampuan. Ada yang tidak berkemampuan membeli pakaian baru dan tiada makanan di hari raya. Dengan bersederhana menyambut hari raya kita dapat bersyukur kepada Allah dengan nikmat rezeki yang kita perolehi.

Semoga dengan kedatangan Syawal tahun ini dapatlah kita mendidik diri dan ahli keluarga meraikannya dengan cara sederhana di samping terus mentaati apa yang diajarkan oleh agama Islam dan semoga kita semua juga diberi keberkatan dan keampunan serta dipanjangkan usia bertemu dengan Ramadan akan datang dan segala amalan kita sepanjang Ramadan diterima oleh-Nya.




Legs/Hips stretch – Good for Acheiving Splits

Salam Sisters,

This is a quick 9 min stretch for the legs and hips.
Take advantage during Ramadan and do it when you can. It will help kick away any stagnant feelings in your muscles.
If you want better results, try to hold each pose for 30 sec to one minute. 

Let me know if you have any questions or if you want any specific workout videos.

Peace and Love

Use Code “Nura” for a 10% discount on any Nashata products <3 

FullBody Workout – 4 Sets – NO Equipment Needed

Salam Sisters,

Here is a new video in the NO Equipment Series.
Today it No Equipment FULLBODY Workout.
All you need is your energy and some space.

How to use this video?
I have 4 sets of full body workout out. Pick which ones you want to do and repeat each move 10-15 times. Then repeat them 3 times.

Workout Outfits Details: 

Sports Hijab:
– Hooda Ellipse in Black

Modest Sports Tops: 
– Ultra Top II in Pink
– Ultra Hoodie Gen in Gold and White
– Zipper Hoodie in Grey

– Riada Training Pants II
– Riada Sweat Pants II

Use Code “NURA’ for 10% discount from 

Keep It Healthy,

Benefits of Joining a Race – Why pay to torture myself?

Why should we invest time, effort and money to join races?

I have personally received many feedback about how it is wasteful to spend on races. The time and effort spent to train for the races are better off spent on other beneficial things they say. While I respect the opinion of others, I beg to differ.

We study for exams. Undergo training for work.

Should we simply take a chance in life?

Entering a race is like a learning process with many beneficial attributes for this lifetime and the next. Learning should never cease in one’s lifetime regardless of age. One should yearn for lifelong learning and should be willing to spend on beneficial education. Learning is not constrained only within the classroom walls. Learning happens everywhere. We spent most of our time learning through books in the classroom or perhaps reading online. We learn through experience, our own or from others, where it is most beneficial when followed by reflections. We learn best when we are able to apply the theory we learnt into practical exercises where we are able to relay and convert words into productive actions.

How do one learn to speak with confidence? Learn the techniques in theory in a classroom or from a book. Does it end there? Will one automatically develop confidence upon graduating from a theory only course? Definitely no. One needs to go for a series of lessons which includes practical exercises, speaking to the mirror, practice in a mock set up, etc. One will finally be successful when they eventually effectively deliver a talk/speech in front of a life audience.The police force, the armed forces, the fire fighters, the paramedics, doctors don’t become what they are just through books and lectures. They undergo a series of training to be able to perform effectively and efficiently when the time of need arrives. When the bell rings, when the siren sound
off, when the call is made… they are prepared. Prepared due to the practical lessons, intensive training, like it is the real thing and through repetition. And it is imperative because, the preservation of life, depends on them, their capabilities, their abilities to perform under stress.

How do we learn to have tawakkal (reliance on Allah alone)?

How do we practice istiqomah (steadfastness)?

How do we learn to instil discipline in ourselves?

How do we learn to develop sabr (patience)?

How do we foster teamwork, inculcate determination, resilience?

How do we become confident?

When Allah put trials and tribulation in our path,

is He torturing us?

Or training us?

I choose to believe the latter

We usually would wait till the next real life challenge or the next calamity before we
know whether we have any of those qualities and abilities . What if there is a way for us to develop these heaven-worthy qualities through self-imposed challenges? Wouldn’t it be better than to wait for something to happen to see whether we have such abilities?What if we are able to train ourselves purposefully to adopt those qualities? There are many ways… and one way is to enter a race.

Once we are committed to a race, we will have to plan our training schedule. Training must be progressive and adequate with enough time for rest and recovery. A poor plan or failure to follow the plan will result in poor performance or injury. One would definitely suffer throughout the race without proper training. With this knowledge, we instill discipline upon ourselves to keep to the training schedule and meet training objectives in order to compete/complete the race successfully.

A well planned training program is essential. We need to instil discipline to follow the program and to meet the training objectives. This ensures that we do not suffer during the race and not incur any injuries

Discipline and istiqomah Checked.

Race day. How can one not clearly see how completing a race comes with great benefits? The more difficult the race/challenge, the higher quality of benefits attained. Completing a race requires much determination. It not only requires physical strength, it calls upon great mental strength. The long distance, the elevation gain, the inclement weather, the obstacles – man-made and natural, the sheer fatigue are factors which can bring one down to the ground, admit defeat, call it quits, DNF.

Resilience is what drives one to cross the finishing line, jump over the fiery pit. The journey increases one’s level of situational awareness, sportsmanship. One learns to appreciate nature, His creations and ponder over His grace and blessings. Standing at the foot of a mountain makes us timid and humbled at His Magnificence. Standing at the summit will make us prostrate in gratitude, awed at its beauty. Racing in a team will foster teamwork, spirit of altruism, unity, patience. Promotes social wellness. Free falling requires one to embrace the essence of tawakkal. With landing knowledge in hand, safety checked, one surrenders to Allah as the feet land safely to the ground (or not). Wall/rock climbing promotes problem-solving skills, enhances coordination, increases strength. Completing the race/challenge brings a bout of newly attained confidence, increases one’s self- esteem, negates one’s uncertainties over her own abilities, upon His Mercy and Might.

There are some things that we simply cannot learn just from books

Determination, Resilience, Social Wellness, Environmental Wellness, Physical Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Sabr, Tawakkal, Confidence Checked.

Forging of camaraderie through hard times

The above mentioned qualities are probably less than 50% of the total wholesome benefits of completing a race/ challenge. Not to mentioned the health benefits it claims as made obligatory (wajib) in the deen. The best thing is, all these qualities and benefits does not end at the finishing line. It transforms us. Whatever we attained in that one challenge is applicable in real life as well! Tadaaaa.. (Surprising meh?) Having overcome such hardships willingly, in a controlled environment, we will be able to face anything that crosses our path in syaa Allah. What is a mere life’s obstacle when you have climbed mountains and touched the clouds, when you have jumped over walls, tumble through grit, run through pain and fatigue, swim across the ocean… Believe me, you will automatically apply the qualities you attained and reap the benefits. Our everyday chores becomes simpler, dreams and goals becomes more achievable, trials and tribulations becomes more palatable. Consider races and challenges you sign up for as simulations of a real life challenge. With the knowledge, you have made the effort and play your part to prepare yourself, when the real thing happens, you take action then you let go and let God.

He told us that life is nothing but trials and tribulation. Each one to prepare us for the next and every struggles is never in vain. Every hardship is a stepping stone and we get stronger at every successful step. He said knowledge is the key to paradise. Successful are those who bears patience and is grateful. We can choose to wait and see or work hard to prepare ourselves. We study for exams. Undergo training for work. Should we simply take a chance in life?

Lets calculate. (ROI vs Opportunity Cost)

  • $100 x 12 local races = $1200 spent on races (It’s not much for an lifetime investment)
  • 2hrs of training x 6 days x 52 weeks = 624 hours / 8760 hours in a year (7% of your total time!)
  • 624 x 500 = 312 000 calories loss (Is this not beneficial?)

A 1 hour walk will burn between 1.6 and 2.4 calories for every pound of your weight, depending on speed. That’s 250 to 350 calories for the average person walking pace

We all have 24hrs each day. 2 hours of training leaves us with 22 hours to do everything else. Sleep, rest, eat, work/attend school, attend religious classes, pray, housework, read, practice a hobby, meet friends, cook, spend time with family and much more. There is definitely much to gain than to lose. Need I say more?

In conclusion, being committed to a race will not only increases one’s physical strength but also mental, emotional and spiritual strength (with the right intentions and proper execution). It builds character, qualities one requires not only to complete a race but to overcome challenges in our everyday lives.

Disclaimer: To fully reap the benefits with barokah (His blessings), one must practice this within the stipulated laws of syariah and in moderation like everything else we do.

Mother’s Day Contest & Special

Mother's Day Contest

Post a picture of you and mom or you and daugther wearing Nashata and/or doing an activity on your instagram account and stand the chance to win RM20/SGD8/USD5 voucher, valid at Please add these tags on your post. : #nashata #AnaNashata #MomAndI. The contest ends 13 May 2019.

Top 5 winners will be notified two days after contest and will be given the vouchers, valid until 31 May 2019.

Voucher is valid at only.

Other Mother’s Day Special




“Life at its best is a series of challenges. A big enough challenge will bring out strength and abilities you never knew you had. Take on challenges and you will bring yourself to life.”

Physical Courage is bravery in the face of physical pain, hardship, death or threat of death while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, discouragement or personal loss.

Mental strength is the ability to regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts and behave in a positive manner despite your circumstances. Developing mental strength is about finding the courage to live according to your values and being bold enough to create your own definition of success. Mental strength involves more than willpower; it requires hard work and commitment. It’s about establishing healthy habits and choosing to devote your time and energy to self-improvement. Although it’s easier to feel mentally strong when life seems simple, often, true mental strength becomes most apparent in the midst of tragedy. Choosing to develop skills that increases your mental strength is the best way to prepare for life’s inevitable obstacles.

Although it’s easier to feel mentally strong when life seems simple, often, true mental strength becomes most apparent in the midst of tragedy.

“The Brave is not one who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Developing mental strength is a work in progress. It may even take a lifetime of learning. At times it will seem more difficult than other times. How do the toughest people summon the will to keep going? In the book Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges, the authors studied resilient people for over 20 years. They spoke with Vietnam prisoner of war, Special Forces instructors and civilian who dealt with terrible experiences like medical problems, abuse and trauma. This is a few pointers of what they learnt…

  1. Be Optimistic. Truly resilient people who need to survive the harshest situations and still accomplish goals, balance a positive outlook with a realistic view of the world. But what about when your optimism gets tested and things gets scary
  2. Face your Fears. Neuroscience says there’s only one real way to deal with fear: you need to face it, head on. This is what most resilient people do. When we avoid scary things we become more scared. When you face your fears, they become less frightening. To extinguish a fear-conditioned memory, one must be exposed to the fear-inducing stimulus in a safe environment and this exposure needs to last long enough for the brain to form a new memory which conveys that the fear-conditioned stimulus is no longer dangerous in the present environment.
  3. Have a Moral Compass. They found that the emotional resilient people all had a strong sense of right and wrong. Despite being in situations that could threaten their lives, they always thought about others, not just themselves. They possessed a keen sense of right and wrong that strengthened them during periods of extreme stress and afterward, as they adjusted to life following trauma. Altruism often stood as a pillar of their value system.
  4. Practice Spirituality. This was the #1 thing that one researcher found when studying people who overcame tragedy. He found that religious belief among survivors to be the single most powerful force in explaining the tragedy and in explaining survival.
  5. Social Support. Our brains need social support to function optimally. Connection with others releases oxytocin which calms your mind and reduces stress.
  6. Have Resilient Role Models. Resilient individuals have role models whose beliefs, attitudes and behaviours inspire them. However, often enough, they have bad role models instead – people who provide an example of what they don’t want to be.
  7. Maintain Physical Fitness. Those who are resilient believe that staying fit has helped them both during their traumatic ordeal and during their recovery. The stress of exercise helps us adapt to the stress we will feel when life challenges us. Researchers believe that during vigorous exercise, the “anxiety-sensitive” person is forced to tolerate many of the symptoms (rapid heart rate, sweating, rapid breathing) that frighten them during periods of anxiety. Over time, the “anxiety-sensitive” individuals who continues to exercise vigorously can learn that these symptoms of arousal are typically not dangerous and the fear that these symptoms trigger gradually decreases in intensity (Salmon, 2001).
  8. Keep your Brain Strong. Resilient people are very often lifelong learners. They keep growing their mind, learning to learn and adapting to new information about the world. They continually seek opportunities to become more mentally fit.

“The Brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. For now, you are travelling the road between who you think you are and who you can be”

What is GEMS: Grundy + POPWOW Empower ME Series?

GEMS is a series of fun and easy challenges across different elements, especially tailored to simulate life’s obstacles. GEMS hopes to EMPOWER participants with essential life skills, help to identify and remove any mental obstacles, bring clarity and complete with renewed confidence in themselves and their ability to make decisions and conquer life’s challenges. Participants will learn to enhance their spiritual practice, develop a heightened self-awareness and expand their comfort zone. All they have to do is participate in the activities and collect as many Gems as possible. The more Gems they collect, the more skills they will attain and more confidence garnered. All activities will be conducted as a group to foster social support with command opportunities to develop leadership skills. Don’t worry, no creepy crawlies in included in this series!

GEMS is brought to you by Nashata Active Singapore. Register here :


Ramadan, already started on  May 6 in most countries this year (2019), is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. It involves abstaining from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relations from dawn to sunset, in the hopes that it will lead to greater “taqwa”, or consciousness of God.

Benefits of fasting

Experts have also found that restricting food intake during the day can help prevent health problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity, as well as improve mental health and wellbeing. By not consuming any food, our body is able to concentrate on removing toxins, as we give the digestive system a rest.

Maintain healthy, nutritious & eating habits

 1. Never skip suhoor – Suhoor is important during Ramadan.  It helps your body stay hydrated and fueled up on energy and nutrients until iftar.

A well balanced meal suhoor contains : 

  • Complex carbohydrate – oats, wheat, grains and other complex carbohydrates are slow-releasing carbs, it helps keep your blood sugar steady and give you feeling fullness.
  • High Fibre food – High fiber food are digest slowly dates, apricot, prunes, vegetables, and fruits. Bananas are good in potassium that help your body hydrated.  
  • Protein – eggs, cheese, yoghurt or meat can replenish your energy.

2.  Cut down sugary and processed food – Avoid heavily processed food contains refined carbohydrates like sugar, and white flour as like normally Ramadan desserts. They are high in fat and low in nutriens.

3.  Break your fast slowly and don’t overindulge – Start with a few dates, and water than wait before your main meal.  Avoid heavy oil and fts in your meal. Make sure you consume plenty of vegetables and good portion of protein and enough carbohydrates.  Eat slowly so that your body can digest the food.

4.  Stay hydrated

Drink at least 8-12 cups of water a day ( 2-3 liter).  Drink plenty of fluids for hydration from the period of Iftar to the time of suhour.  Although juices and milk are sources of fluids, water is the best choice. You can consume other drinks in moderation but beware of sugary Ramadan drinks.

This is the tips how to drink (2-3 liter) in Ramadan.  1 glass = 250mil

1 glass – before suhour

1 glass – after suhour

2 glasses – break fasting (includes juice/ milk)

1 glass – after break fast

1 glass – after maghrib solah      

1 glass – after isya solah

1 glass – after terawih

1 glass – before go to bed

You can also drink in between the time as you need.

5.  Avoid Caffeinated drinks – Caffine such as coffee, tea and colas can stimulates faster water loss, leading dehydration.   

6.  Avoid deep frying – Try to avoid fried foods or those prepared with large quantities of oil.  It it cannot be avoided, reduce the quantities of oil. Alternative recommended oils to use are sunflower, canola and corn oil.  

 7.  Working out

If you can modify your training routine a bit, you will still be able to keep fit with a busy Ramadan  schedule. Try to time your workout so the ending coincides with iftar and you have enough time to shower and break your fast, so you aren’t waiting around totally dehydrated after your run.Take your average workout down a level to make it a little easier on your fasting body. Don’t do any extreme workouts, just something that gets your body moving.

WOW RUN (Singapore) 2019


WOW RUN is back for the 4th season! This year we will be running at Coney Island amidst the beautiful pine trees along the beach. You will definitely enjoy the scenic route! The theme this year is “You’re a Gem!”

Runners’ Entitlement 2019

NASHATA Ultra Top – WOW RUN 2019 Limited Edition
Awesome Medal
Cool Race Pack


WOW RUN was first conceptualized by a group of active ladies who are passionate about fitness and women’s wellness in 2013. They were concerned about the state of health of Malay women in Singapore. Since 2010, there is an increased no. of obesity and obesity-related disease within the community. Findings from an independent study show that sedentary lifestyles, food culture and lack of awareness (of activities available) are amongst the most popular reasons for the cause of increase. Most women also express low self-esteem and feel shy to exercise in public even though they are keen and desperate to lead a more active lifestyle.

We are kids friendly!

Together We are Stronger – WOW RUN 2014 @ Marina Barrage

WOW RUN 2017 Podium Winners


The objective of this event is to continue to encourage fellow ladies to participate in sports and fitness, and engage in an active lifestyle. The intention is to nullify the common beliefs that health and fitness is a chore and to raise awareness of the unlimited variety of activities they can engage in, and the variety of modest sports apparel readily available in the market now. Nashata provides an affordable and impressive variety of apparels for all kinds of activities.

Why target the Malays? In lieu of the increasing numbers of obesity and obesity-related illness and the recent increase in kidney failure patients within the community, the run is a great platform to advocate and educate about healthier choices. The event is open to all ladies but is targeted at Malays mostly, to address the current social health issue.

Why Women? We hope to empower women to take charge of their health and fitness to secure a brighter future for themselves and their family. A healthy home starts from us (women). Through this fun run, we strive to provide a wonderful and fun experience and convey a positive note towards health and fitness.

“In addition, we should focus a lot more on the women as they are the ones that plan and cook for the family” – President Halimah Yaacob

Meet the ladies behind WR19

WOW RUN 2019 is a non-profitable event organised by volunteers. We are a mix of full-time professionals, homemakers and business owners who are active and is passionate about sharing the benefits of being active. We dedicate a part of our time and effort amidst our hectic schedule and responsibilities to bring forward a meaningful event for the community. We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from this as much as we have.

All proceeds after operating cost will go to our appointed beneficiary and to fund future programs for the community.

WOW RUN 2019 EXCO (Executive Committee)

Join us for an amazing journey with running clinics, daily workouts by #teamfitsg and weekly/monthly activities by GEMS starting from April 2019. Don’t wait any longer, call your sisters and running kakis and sign up now!

WOW RUN 2019 is proudly brought to you by Nashata ACTIVE


Nashata Active – The Platform to Keep Active and Stay Pretty

Alhamdulillah, Nashata is pleased to announce the arrival of Nashata Active. It is the platform for ladies to keep active & stay pretty through activities powered by sisterhood. You won’t be judged!

Our aspiration to empower women to have active lifestyle has always been beyond providing products and solutions. Now, through Nashata Active, we are offering a platform for women to have activities, access to knowledge and community of like-minded women. It is exclusive for women, as we are building a haven with content and activities tailored for women across the globe.

Nashata Active Logo

There is so much more I wish to share about Nashata Active, but for initial phase, we are offering different types of activities for our sisters in Malaysia and Singapore, lead by Intan Suraya and Efah respectively. You can find the activities on Nashata website and we hope to bring together more exciting activities and coaches for you through our platform. The activities we will bring to you span from running, spartan training, hiking, yoga, rowing, trail running, zumba, tabata and many more like cooking and make-up classes.  We will also bring together knowledge and content from our ambassadors and independent female coaches specially to our sisters via a private platform where women can be themselves within a community, physically and virtually.

InsyaAllah, we will bring you these experience no matter where you are.  You can also get updates from Nashata Active instagram. If you are interested to be Nashata Active coaches or partner with us, please contact us at

Here are some recent activities in Malaysia & Singapore that brought smiles and sweat for many sisters. We hope to bring you more. 

Join Nashata Active and get rewarded for every achievement unlocked! You can check the activities at Nashata website -> Active

Nashata Active Leads : Intan Suraya (Malaysia) and Efah Anuar (Singapore)


Nashata Active is a platform for ladies to keep active & stay pretty through activities powered by sisterhood.

Activities | Knowledge | Community

20 Legs Workout – No Equipment Needed (Indoors or Outdoors)

Salam Sisters,

Here is a new video in the NO Equipment Series.
Today it No Equipment Legs Workout.
You can do som of these just sitting infront of the TV, literally!
All you need is your energy and some space.

How to use this video?
Pick 5 of the workouts in the video, repeat each move 10 to 15 times, then do 3 sets of all.

Workout Outfits Details: 

Sports Hijab:
– Hooda Hijab in Beige
– Raazglove in Black
– Mumtaz Lite sports Hijab in Maroon
– Amin Extended Sports Hijab in Maroon

Modest Sports Tops: 
– Ultra Top Galaxy Collection II in Beige
– Azza Topletic in Navy
– Azza Topletic in Black
– Azza Topletic in White

– Fitness Leggings
– Dual Colored stirrup high waist
– High waist fitness in maroon
– Stirrup high Waist in Black

Use Code “NURA’ for 10% discount from 

Keep It Healthy