Beginners Push/Pull Full Body Workout

During this workout, we are going to be focusing on movement patterns during strength training. There are many different way to categorize weight training exercises: (1) exercises can be categorized based on muscle groups being worked, (2) compound vs. isolation exercises or (3) exercises can be categorized based on movement patterns of the body. I like to focus on number three. Movement patterns are the best way to ensure you are training your entire body. Movement patterns in strength training are based on the natural movements of the body.



There are hundreds of different types of exercises in existence, which is why coming up with a workout routine can be so overwhelming. In reality, however, the human body is really only capable of 6 types of movements (with a 7th miscellaneous group that I will explain later):










A pushing movement is any type of movement where you are pushing a weight away from your body, or where you are using your body as resistance to push it away from something (like the ground). Push movements can be divided into two groups: horizontal push and vertical push. Here are some examples of both:

Horizontal Push


A horizontal pushing exercise is any exercise where you are pushing an external weight away from your body in a straight-ward motion, or where you are pushing your mass away from the ground. A horizontal press tends to emphasize the pectorals or chest muscles. Think push-ups and bench press.

  • Push-ups (variations: regular, wide, narrow)
  • Bench Press (variations: flat, low incline, decline)
  • Chest Flyes (variations: incline, flat, decline)

Vertical Push


A vertical pushing exercise is any exercise where you are pushing an external weight away from your body in an upward or overhead motion, or where you are pushing your mass away from the ground. A vertical press tends to emphasize the shoulder muscles. Think shoulder press:

  • Overhead Shoulder Press (variations: standing or seated)
  • Lateral Raises
  • Front Raises
  • High Incline Bench Press
  • Pushups with feet elevated


A pulling movement is any type of movement where you are pulling a weight towards your body, or where you are using your body as resistance to pull it towards an object. Like pushing movements, pull movements can be divided into two groups: horizontal pull and vertical pull. Here are some examples of both:

Horizontal Pull


A horizontal pulling exercise is any exercise where you are pulling an external weight towards your body in a straight-ward motion, or where you are pulling your mass towards an object. A horizontal pull tends to emphasize the back muscles. Think rows.

  • Bent Over Back Rows
  • Seated Cable Rows
  • Single-Arm Back Rows
  • Chest Supported Machine Rows
  • TRX Body Row

Vertical Pull


A vertical pulling exercise is any exercise where you are pulling an external weight vertically towards your body in a downward motion, or where you are pulling your mass upwards toward an object. A vertical pull tends to emphasize the latissimus dorsi muscles (lats). Think pull-ups:

  • Pull-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Lat Pull Downs



A quad dominant exercise is any type of exercise where your quadriceps are the primary mover. A quad dominant exercise very obviously emphasizes the quadriceps muscles. Think squats.

  • Squats
  • Front Squats
  • Split Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg Press



A hip/hamstring dominant exercise is any type of exercise where your hamstrings, quads, or the posterior chain as a whole are the primary mover. A hip/hamstring dominant exercise emphasizes the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. Think deadlifts.

  • Deadlifts (all variations)
  • Bridges
  • Hyperextensions
  • Good Mornings
  • Leg Curls (standing, seated or lying)



An elbow flexion exercise is any exercise where the elbow joint in being flexing in order to move an external weight towards the body. An elbow flexion exercise tends to emphasize the bicep muscles. Think biceps curls.

  • Biceps Curls (standing/seated)
  • Cable Curls
  • Preacher Curls



An elbow extension exercise is any exercise where the elbow joint is being extended in order to move an external weight away from the body. Elbow extension exercises tends to emphasize the tricep muscles. Think triceps extension.

  • Laying Triceps Extension
  • Overhead Triceps Extension
  • Triceps Cable Press-downs
  • Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions
  • Tricep Kickbacks



The movements that fall into the miscellaneous group are other movements that (1) don’t fall into any of the other categories and (2) don’t need to be emphasized as much as the other movements. The other movements, especially the first two, should be paid stark attention to in any weight training program. These miscellaneous movements may or may not be added in. This category includes exercises such as calf raises, rotation/twisting movements, ab exercises, rotator cuff work, etc.



As mentioned above, movement patterns are movements that are natural for the human body to perform. It is imperative to highlight at least one exercise from every movement pattern (or at least the first 2 categories aka push/pull) into your workout routine in order to ensure proper strength training, progress, and symmetry in your overall body composition. The simplest way to come up with a full body routine is to pick one exercise from each category.



This routine is a full-body weight training routine utilizing the push/pull movements. It is perfect for beginners as it is very basic and includes all of the big compound exercises which are the foundation to any well-developed strength training routine. This routine would produce the best results if it were performed three times per week. This routine is not a one-time workout. You may use it for however long as you are seeing results! Don’t be afraid to up the weight once it starts feeling easier.

The amount of weight you use is based upon your body. You should be able to perform the minimum number of reps without being able to exceed the maximum amount of reps. If you cannot complete the minimum amount of reps then your weights are probably too heavy. Likewise, if you can do even just two or three more than the maximum amount of reps then your weight is likely too light.

You will perform this routine by executing the first exercise for the prescribed amount of reps. You will rest for 1-2 minutes, then perform that same exercise again for a total of 3 sets. Once you have completed 3 sets of the first exercise, you will move onto the next exercise and repeat the process.

*Note there are two workouts here. The first version is a beginners full/body workout utilizing just the push/pull movements. This workout may seem short and sweet, but I promise it will produce results. The second workout is an extended version where I have utilized all movement categories rather than just push/pull. This version is great for those who are still considered beginners but who have mastered form and technique and who have already been successful with the first version.

I have pasted some links at the bottom of the page in order to show you what some of less well-known exercise should look like.


Version 1: Full Body Push/Pull Routine

1. Squats (Quad Dominant): 3 set of 8-10 reps

2. Push-ups (Horizontal Push): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Back Rows (Horizontal Pull): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

4. Deadlifts (hip/hamstring dominant): 3 sets 8-10 reps

5. Assisted Pull-Ups (or Lat Pull-Downs) (Vertical Pull): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

6. Overhead Shoulder Press (Vertical Push): 3 sets 8-10 reps

Version 2: Full Body Extended Routine 

1. Squats (Quad Dominant): 3 set of 8-10 reps

2. Push-ups (Horizontal Push): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

3. Back Rows (Horizontal Pull): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

4. Tricep Kickbacks (Elbow Flexion): 3 sets of 10-12 reps

5. Calf Raises (miscellaneous): 3 sets of 10-12 reps

6. Deadlifts (hip/hamstring dominant): 3 sets 8-10 reps

7. Assisted Pull-Ups (or Lat Pull-Downs) (Vertical Pull): 3 sets of 8-10 reps

8. Overhead Shoulder Press (Vertical Push): 3 sets 8-10 reps

9. Biceps Curls (elbow flexion): 3 set of 10-12 reps

10. Crunches (Miscellaneous): 3 sets of 10-12 reps


Back Rows –

Triceps Kickbacks –

Deadlifts –

Assisted Pull-ups –

Full Body Bootcamp

Happy #workoutwednesday everyone! Today’s workout is a Full Body Bootcamp! This workout can be done anywhere with just a small pair of dumbells. As with many HIIT workouts, we will be focusing on a mix of cardio and strength. HIIT is a great, fast and efficient way to burn a significant amount of fat. It’s great for days when you just don’t have the time to put in, as these types of workouts can be done at home and in as short as 10 minutes. To do this workout you should perform each exercise down the list one time with minimal to no rest in between. Once you have completed the list you may rest for 60 seconds then repeat for a total of 3 times. Remember, if you are a beginner you can start off with 1-2 times, but don’t be afraid of the challenge!

Because many of the same exercises are being repeated from some previous workouts I have posted I will skip out on the descriptions. I will, however, provide links to YouTube videos for the exercises that are not as well known. Please note that these are not my personal YouTube videos.

Ready. Set. GO!


30 jumping jacks

10 push-ups

30 squat jumps

10 tricep dips

30 high knees

10 DB shoulder press

30 switch lunges

10 DB back flies

30 mountain climbers

10 bicep curls

30 burpees

10 lateral raises 









5 Tips to Determining the Right Workout For You!

There are so many different styles of workouts, from yoga, to kickboxing, to rowing, to spinning, to running, and so on. It can be hard, and quite overwhelming, to determine what you should be doing in order to reach your goals. So, with hundreds of different ways to exercise, how do you know what is best for YOU? Here are 5 tips to help you determine which workouts are right for you!

1. Determine your fitness goal.

Determining your fitness goal is essential in coming up with a workout routine. Is weight loss your main priority? Then you might want workouts consisting of a mix between strength training and cardio. Do you want to build up a significant amount of muscle? Heavy weight lifting is probably the way to go. Do you have a dream of running a marathon? Cardio and endurance-based workouts are in store for you. Determining your fitness goal is the most important step in determining your perfect fitness regimen.

2. Decide how much time you can invest.

The amount of time per week you are willing and able to invest is also a critical factor. If you are able to dedicate 10-12 hours per week to exercise then it’s possible to mix up your routine with different workouts, such as mixing strength training and cardio. If you are only able to hit the gym 3 days a week for short workouts, you might find that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) will work best for you and your schedule. This type of training should not be done more than 3 days per week, and is an extremely efficient way of burning fat as these workouts can be as short as 10 minutes and probably no longer then 30 minutes. You may also fall somewhere in the middle. You may have a few days where you’re able to stay 1-2 hours at the gym, but other days may be so busy that you can only get a quick 20 minute workout in. This is perfectly acceptable as well.

You should always take your schedule into consideration and take the time to plan your workouts according to your schedule. You need to be realistic with yourself. I know we all want to be able to get a workout in 5 days a week but many times this is simply not possible. It is important to be sure you don’t overwhelm yourself with too much otherwise your workout plan will fail in the end. If three days a week is all you can manage you are not shorting yourself in any way; you can get a great work done with a 3 day-per-week workout schedule so long as your workouts are smart. It is recommended to try and get a workout in at least three times per week, no less than twice per week.

3. Figure out what kind of atmosphere you like.

The atmosphere you workout in is more important than you may think. Are you the type of person who enjoys solitude and likes to workout alone without anyone around? Maybe home-based workouts are best suited for you. Do you enjoy the atmosphere of a gym? Would you prefer working out alone at the gym or do you enjoy the camaraderie of a fitness class? Or maybe you are someone who loves being out in nature. If so maybe trail running or hiking would be good for you. Figuring out what type of atmosphere you like being in can really help you to narrow down your exercise options.

4. Do you need accountability?

Some people need accountability or they won’t get it done on their own. Maybe you need to pay for a gym membership to force you to get to the gym. Many gyms have signup slots for their classes. Maybe putting your name down and taking up a slot will help you wake up for the 6 am spin class! Sometimes getting a workout buddy can be a great motivation so long as they are as determined as you, if not they can actually hold you back. Hiring a personal trainer might be another way to hold you accountable for working out. If you enjoy fitness classes or yoga you might find a studio that you love. These studios usually sell class cards that often times have to be used in a certain time frame. There are countless ways to hold yourself accountable for working out, you just have to figure out which way is best for you.

5. Always, always, always, do what you love.

Of course, this is the most important. If there are certain types of workouts that you love, then always do that. There truly is no bad workout. If you love yoga, do yoga. If you love running, run. If you love biking, bike. No matter what your goal, you will never reach it if you are forcing yourself to engage in workouts that you don’t enjoy. Doing what you love comes above anything else. If you’re new to the game and you have no idea which type of workout you like, I recommend trying out a few different styles and eventually you will find something you enjoy.  

Bosu Ball Stability Workout

Today our workout is going to focus on strength, stability and balance. The only piece of equipment you will need is a Bosu Ball, as that is what we will use for each of our exercises today. Although this is a full-body workout, you will really be targeting the core in order to stabilize and balance the ball during this workout. Note that any of these exercises can be modified by performing them without the bosu ball. This workout can be done in home, at the gym, or outside at your favorite spot in nature.

As with many of the other workouts we have done, this is a circuit workout. You will perform each exercise down the list once, back-to-back, with little to no rest in between. Once you finish the entire circuit you will rest between 30-60 seconds, and will repeat the same routine again for a total of 3 times! If you are a beginner, start by doing the circuit only once and work your way up to three sets. Remember that these routines can be done and modified by anyone, regardless of fitness level. As always, I will post descriptions of each exercise below. I will also paste some links to YouTube videos showing each exercise (note that these are not my personal videos). Here we go:


30 Second Bosu Mountain Climbers 

10 Bosu Push-ups

8 Bosu Burpees

10 Bosu Balancing Squats 

15 Bosu Bridges 

1 Minute Bosu Plank Hold 



Bosu Mountain Climbers – Start in a full (straight-arm) plank with the round side of the bosu ball down on the ground and yours hands on tops of the flat side. With the shoulders staying directly over the hands, begin by bringing one knee in towards the chest, then switch legs. Continue doing this at a fast pace for 30 seconds. Use your abs to stabilize the ball.

Bosu Push-ups – Again you will begin with the round side of the ball down and your hands up on the flat part. With shoulders directly above the hands, perform a push-up just as if you were performing one on the ground. Really squeeze and tighten those abs to keep the ball steady. You may drop down to your knees if this is too challenging. Perform 10 repetitions.

Bosu Burpees – These are just like regular burpees (or should I say death!) only you will be holding the bosu ball the whole way through. Start in a standing position holding the flat side of the bosu ball overhead. Lower it to the floor by putting the round side down. Continuing to grip the flat side, jump your legs straight out behind you into a plank position, then back in and come back to a standing position bringing to bosu ball overheard once again. Complete 8 of these.

Bosu Balancing Squats – Begin with the bosu ball on the ground, round side down. Step your feet onto the flat side of the ball (you may need a wall to help you get onto the ball). Once you find your balance, begin squatting by keeping the weight in your heels and dropping down as if you were sitting in a chair. Go down as far as possible. Note that the ball will shake, this is OK and normal. Tighten your core the entire time for balance and stability. Continue on doing this 10 times.

Bosu Bridges – This time we are going to have the flat side of the ball down on the ground (yayy!)…don’t get too excited yet =). Lay down on your back with your feet on top of the bosu ball, legs bent. Use the heels of your feet to lift your hips up off the ground, squeexing the glutes at the top, then slowely and steadily lower back down. Repeat this 15 times.

Bosu Plank Hold – As if we haven’t worked our abs enough during this workout, we are going to end with a 1 minute plank hold. Perform a full plank with the round side of the ball down and your hands on the flat part and hold for 1 minute.

YouTube Videos (in order by exercise)




Lower Body Blast

Today’s workout is a Lower Body Blast! Strengthening of the legs is very important as they are among the largest muscles in the body. Strong legs can translate into increased metabolism and improved cardiovascular health. Let’s start off this #workoutwednesday with a lower body HIIT routine, and next week we will follow up with an upper body workout.

As always, be sure you are familiar with each exercise and the correct form before engaging in this workout. An explanation of some of these exercises is provided below.

The Routine:

30 Jumping Jacks

45 Second Wall Sit

30 Mountain Climbers

45 Second Squat Pulse

30 Knee Highs

45 Second Jump Split Lunges

30 Squats

45 Second Burpees

30 Calf Raises

30 Supermans

60 Second Plank


*It is a good idea to have a set of dumbbells handy as you may want to use them for squats and/or calf raises.

Wall Sit: With your back supported against a wall, feet slightly in front of you and hip distance apart, lower yourself into a squat position and hold for 45 seconds. Your feet should be in front of you enough so that the knees do not go over the toes while in the squat.


Squat Pulse: Stand with feet hips-width apart. Perform a squat and hold at the bottom with arms out in front for balance and perform small pulses up and down (without coming fully up out of the squat) for 45 seconds.


Jump Spilt Lunge: Start in a split stance with a long stride, keeping the front knee directly over the foot and not over the toe. Lower down into a lung keeping the weight in the back leg, then jump up to alternate legs. Continue alternating for 45 seconds.


Supermans: Lie down on the stomach with arms raised straight overhead and keep the gaze towards the ground. Simultaneously lift both of the arms and legs while squeezing the lower back. Hold for a few seconds then lower back down. Keep repeating this lifting and lowering motion 30 times.

Fitness Beyond Looks; Hijab Beyond the Scarf

Up until the hijab went on, my world of fitness wasn’t what it is now. I preached that a healthy body meant more than appearances, but the words never resonated in my heart. I expressed to others the importance of focusing on how they felt, rather than the number on the scale. But here I was stepping on the scale every day to check if the number went down, making myself miserable by following restricting diets, and beating myself up if I didn’t feel like my workouts were ‘good enough.’ I was missing out on the number one piece of advice I was giving everyone else: having fun!

Once I started wearing hijab, not only did my life change, but fitness took on a whole new meaning. When you embrace hijab, you embrace it for reasons far beyond the concept of a hair covering. It becomes your identity, your protection, your safe place. It’s not about hiding behind the loose clothes and long sleeves, rather it’s about letting your personality, intellect and true self shine through. Exercise and nutrition have always been a big part of my life, and hijab has allowed me to grasp its due importance.

I won’t say that looks hold no significance when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Of course, we all want to feel good about ourselves; to look in the mirror and like what we see, and there is no shame in that. But this is just a small part of the fitness equation. First and foremost we need to learn to enjoy the ride. Fitness is truly a lifestyle, so let’s make it a lifestyle that we love! Since I began wearing hijab, which was almost 1 year ago, I’ve stepped on the scale maybe 2 or 3 times. I’ve lost interest in how much I weigh. I focus on how I feel, I focus on doing workouts I love, and I focus on keeping my inner body healthy for the sake of pleasing Allah.


Most importantly, I can truly say that I love my body. It’s the same body that I had before I covered, it has the same flaws it has always had, but I’ve somehow managed to appreciate even those. I love it because it’s no longer subjected to society’s harsh beauty standards. I no longer allow my body to be seen, thus judged, by anyone other than myself. I no longer base my workouts on how many calories I can burn. I no longer avoid the foods I love in order to look like the women on magazine covers. People can no longer call me too thin, too muscular, or too much of whatever they see. For once, I am my only judge.

I fell in love with Nashata sportswear because their products allow for modesty, but show sportiness at the same time. I feel beautiful and liberated when I put on my modest workout clothes. Many people think covering up makes for more obstacles, or that it forces one to give upon certain aspects of life, like working out. But in fact I’ve found it is quite the opposite. Hijab has renewed the passion within me, the passion to inspire women through my experiences with health and fitness. It has allowed me to dig into my inner self and develop a complete and balanced sense of fitness. I’ve found a spiritual nature to my workouts and I am able to interconnect a healthy lifestyle with my faith. Hijab has allowed me to attach fitness to something higher than myself. I now keep my body healthy for myself and for the sake of Allah, and no one else.

30:30:60 At-Home Workout

I’ve come across many women who truly want to begin working out but simply don’t know how or where to begin. It might seem as simple as ‘just hopping on a treadmill,’ but in reality when it comes to building the perfect routine, many different factors are at play. First and foremost, it comes down to personal preference. If you enjoy the treadmill, by all means use it. But for many people it’s a boring routine that in the long run doesn’t hold sustainable because the average person generally doesn’t enjoy it, but rather forces themselves to do it. So the most important part of any workout routine is figuring out what types of workouts you like. For a more in-depth discussion on this topic please read my article Do What You Love. Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the workout atmosphere. Do you feel more comfortable exercising in your own home? Are you a member at a gym or fitness studio? Or do you enjoy outdoor workouts?

Taking the first step into your fitness journey can seem like an impossible feat. But, with a little encouragement and the right routine, it’s as easy as slipping on your favorite color of your Amin Hijab and getting to work! In order to help make the process easier, I will provide a simple and easy workout routine each Wednesday, inshallah, in lieu of #workoutwednesday. It is my hope that you can benefit from learning how to make fitness a part of your daily routine. I will be providing different types of workouts each week, from at-home workouts with no equipment, to circuit-style workouts and plyometrics, to kickboxing and even some yoga. I would love to hear what types of workout routines you are interested in seeing so please feel free to email me at with what you would like to see each Wednesday!

This week I will provide a fun and simple full body workout routine that can be done right in the comfort of your own home, and the best part is you don’t need ANY equipment! The exercises are pretty simple but if you’re not sure how to perform an exercise you should be able to find everything on YouTube ;).

The Routine:









After completing these three exercises back to back, take a 30-60 second rest then repeat 2 more times. After you’ve gone through each exercise three times total, move on the next set below.







After completing these three exercises back to back, take a 30-60 second rest then repeat 2 more times. After you’ve gone through each exercise three times total, move on the next set below.

REVERSE SNOW ANGELS (lay down on stomach with forhead on the ground. Extend arms straight out to sides with palms facing down and hands off of the ground. With elbows straight, bring arms up towards the ears then back down towards the hips. Keep your gaze towards the floor and the neck straight in line with the spine)


SUPERMANS (lay straight and face down with hands straight overhead and palms facing towards the floor. Simultaneously raise the arms, chest, and legs off of the ground, squeezing the glutes. Then, lower the arms, chest and legs back down to touch the floor and repeat lifting and lowering keeping your gaze to the floor the entire time and lining the head with the spine)


PLANK JACKS (full plank with straight arms; jump feet in and out).

*If that’s too hard you can do a plank on your elbows and alternate knees into sides (like a side crunch).

60 seconds

After completing these three exercises back to back, take a 30-60 second rest then repeat 2 more times. After you’ve gone through each exercise three times total, grab some water and towel off!

Women and Weights Part 4: Putting It All Together

So far we have examined the myths of weight lifting for women, the benefits of weight lifting on the mind and body, and how weight lifting can aid in athletic performance. To close out this series I would like to discuss how to put it all together and actually incorporate strength training into your weekly routine. Here is everything you need to put together the optimal weight training program!



In order to successfully create a weight training routine you need to first assess your goals. What is the main objective you want to achieve? Of course, this can vary greatly depending on the individual. For this reason we can combine goals into two categories: looks and performance. People who fall under the category of looks have some type of goal pertaining to the way their body looks; building muscle, losing fat, getting a six-pack, toning up their arms, etc. People who fall under the category of performance have some type of goal pertaining to the way their body performs; improving running speed, jumping higher, building strength, etc. Your training routine will be based upon your individual goal.


Muscle Groups

It’s important to have a general and basic understanding of the major muscle groups in the body when training with weights. This knowledge will help you to understand which exercises work which muscle group, as well as how many times per week each muscle group should be worked…which we will be getting to next. The major muscle groups to consider while resistance training are the shoulders, back, chest, biceps, triceps, abdominals, and legs (including calves). Now let’s take a look at how many times we should work each of these muscles per week.


Training Frequency

Training frequency is the amount of times each muscle group is worked each week. There are three types of training frequencies. A once per week training frequency is when each muscle gro

up is worked once per week.This is ideal for people who want to maintain their current fitness level, without any goals of

photo build muscle, strength, or changing their appearance. A twice per week training frequency is when each muscle group is worked twice per week. This is ideal for intermediate and advanced trainees with any type of goal. A three times per week training frequency is when each muscle group is worked three times per week and is ideal for beginners with any type of goal.

Types of Resistance Training

There are three different types of resistance training exercises one may engage in: free weight exercises, body weight exercises, and machine exercises. Free weight and bodyweight exercises both allow you to engage in completely natural movements, as well as works the abdominals, other muscles, and is ideal for gym and home use. Machine exercises on the other hand, are known as isolation exercises, as they target the specific muscle being worked. They are not, however, a functional type of exercise so other muscles aren’t engaged, nor are the movement patterns natural. So, how do you know which type of exercise is right for you?

If your goal is performance related (e.g., building strength, improving speed, etc.) then your routine should consist mostly of free weight and body weight exercise, with machines kept to a very minimum and possibly none. If your goal is looks related (e.g., improve body composition, get ‘toned,’ lose fat, etc.) all three types of exercises work, but again, the best bet is to use free weights and body weights as the majority of the workout, but machines are a completely fine alternative.


Now, with all of this information in front of you, you’re ready to go out and train those muscles. I hope, through this series, that I was able to inspire some of you to add strength training into your routine in order to experience the amazing benefits it will bring you, inshallah.



Women and Weights Part 3: Strength Training for the Runner

Many people consider weight training and cardio as two separate entities; cardio is for burning calories while strength training is for gaining weight, right? Well, not necessarily. If you’ve been following this series of “Women and Weights” you’ve learned that strength training may in fact be an altogether superior method of fat burning (I’d like to point out that when I refer to weights I am using it as a general term to describe any type of resistance training, including free-weights, machines, resistance bands, or bodyweight). This is not to say that running, or any other type of steady-state cardio is ‘bad,’ but it certainly isn’t the only way of reaching your fitness goals. In fact, hitting the weights can actually improve running and other athletic performance significantly. Here’s how:



Strength training has been shown to help improve speed in both short and long distance runners.  As you build and grow your muscles they become better able to exert more runner-546896_640force in quicker time periods. Strong legs help with that extra push, a strong core aids in balance and stability, and upper body strength helps maintain that speed. This was proven in a study done that tested the correlation between explosive strength training and 5-km running time in endurance athletes. In the experiment, 18 endurance athletes trained for 9 weeks. While both groups kept the same training volume, 10 of these subjects trained with simultaneous explosive strength training and endurance training, while the other 8 subjects participated in endurance training only. 5K time was improved in the well-trained endurance athletes who participated in simultaneous explosive strength training and endurance training due to improved neuromuscular characteristics.



Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart, lungs and blood vessels to efficiently deliver oxygen to your body tissues for use as energy. Believe it or not, resistance training actually increases the body’s ability to use oxygen. In one study that tested the effects of concurrent endurance and strength training on running economy, endurance athletes who incorporated both running and strength training into their routine improved their performance whereas endurance athletes who did not incorporate strength training had no change in performance. These results are congruent with many other previous studies of the same nature.



Lifting weights isphysiotherapy-595529_640 a great way to burn body fat. Now, cardio certainly does burn a significant amount of calories, however, those calories stop burning off as soon as that hour or so of cardio is finished. With strength training, lean muscle mass is built, which aides in the body not only burning calories during periods of exercise, but also while that person is at rest! Clearly, a body with more lean muscle and less fat is going to be lighter, aiding in speed and also in better body composition.

It is well known that many runners, especially elite runners who engage in intense bouts of physical activity, burn off a lot of muscle due to the extreme forms of cardio. Strength training can help to counter this problem, but won’t result in a significant amount of muscle gain because the continued endurance training will hinder muscle hypertrophy. So for those distance athletes who do not want gains to slow them down, no worries, strength training won’t add on significant size!



Engaging in resistance training not only helps to strengthen and build the muscles, but it also helps to equalize them. Many times people are weaker on their left (or non-dominant) side which can cause a runners stride to be off key, or they have muscle imbalances somewhere in the body. Lifting weights helps to equalize strength and power within the legs and the rest of the body, which helps prevent future injuries. The benefits of strength training on injury prevention was shown in a study testing hamstring injury occurrence in elite soccer players after preseason strength training with eccentric overload. The study revealed that preseason strength training for the hamstrings would have positive impacts on the player’s performance and injury prevention.


Strength training is one of the most beneficial workouts to engage in, especially when combined with other forms of working out such as endurance running, sprinting, and other types of cardio. It helps to improve many aspects of performance including speed, cardiovascular fitness, proportion of lean muscle to body fat, and to decrease likelihood of injury. To all of my runners out there, take even just 3 days per week and add some resistance training to your fitness regiment and see how you can benefit!







Askling, Carl, Jon Karlsson, and Alf Thorstensson. “Hamstring injury occurrence in elite soccer players after preseason strength training with eccentric overload.” Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 13.4 (2003): 244-250.


Millet, G. P., Jaouen, B. E. R. N. A. R. D., Borrani, F. A. B. I. O., & Candau, R. O. B. I. N. (2002). Effects of concurrent endurance and strength training on running economy and VO~ 2 kinetics. Medicine and science in sports and exercise34(8), 1351-1359.


Paavolainen, L., Häkkinen, K., Hämäläinen, I., Nummela, A., & Rusko, H. (1999). Explosive-strength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power. Journal of applied physiology86(5), 1527-1533.

8 ALASAN Orang Malas Bersenam

Semua orang mempunyai perwatakan dan minat yang berbeza. Anda sendiri yang membuat keputusan sama ada ingin memilih yang baik atau pun tidak. Sama juga dengan bersukan, perlu ada minat dan kesabaran untuk mencapai berat badan yang di ingini. Jangan amalkan kata-kata yang buruk untuk semua perkara kerana ianya mendatangkan banyak keburukan pada diri sendiri. Antara alasan-alasan yang sering kita dengar untuk melakukan senaman :

ALASAN #1 – “Sibuk la. Tak ada masa nak bersenam”

Selalunya kerja yang banyak (workload) membuatkan seseorang terlalu sibuk dan tidak mempedulikan masa untuk bersenam. Kalau anda lebih pentingkan wang ringgit, sememangnya anda akan berikan alasan sebegini

ALASAN #2 – “Tak perlu la bersenam lagi, saya memang di takdirkan gemuk”

Ubah persepsi dan cara pemikiran anda yang negetif itu. Gemuk pasti boleh di kuruskan semula.  Tetapi perlukan usaha dan kesungguhan anda yang berterusan.

ALASAN #3 – “Saya diet, Tak bersenam pun tak pe”

Diet bukan la cara yang sangat berkesan untuk kurus kerana cara tersebut tidak membakar kalori malah hanya sekadar mengawal pemakanan.Ya pastinya sangat berbeza antara diet dan juga bersenam. Cuba sendiri baru tahu

ALASAN #4 – “kalau bersenam nanti badan saya nampak macam ahli bina badan”

Sebenarnya TIDAK sama sekali. Badan anda akan kelihatan lebih cantik jika anda bersenam dengan berdisplin. Untuk mendapatkan badan seperti ahli bina badan bukanlah mudah, memerlukan masa yang sangat panjang.

ALASAN #5 – “Bencilah bersenam, lepas bersukan penat dan badan akan terasa sakit-sakit”

Ya memang betul. Anda berasa penat setelah mengeluarkan peluh tetapi ianya perkara yang sihat untuk di lakukan. Kebiasaannya badan akan terasa sakit lepas bersukan kerana anda jarang bersukan, tidak memanaskan badan terlebih dahulu atau anda melakukan senaman dengan cara yang salah, Jangan jadikan ia aktiviti yang membebankan. Walaupun anda manaiki tangga yang tinggi juga sebenarnya anda SEDANG melakukan senaman.

ALASAN #6 – “Nanti-nanti jela bersenam, makan banyak nanti gemuk balik”

Sifat bertangguh bukan la amalan yang baik dan pastinya membawa banyak keburukan. Ada antara mereka bersenam hanya kerana ingin kelihatan cantik semasa majlis perkahwinan, anda yang bersenam kerana tujuan nak mencari pasangan. Oleh kerana itu golongan ini hanya akan bersenam TIDAK secara berterusan.

ALASAN #7 – “Leceh la nak bersukan, tak ada baju sukan yang sesuai”

Wanita yang selalunya sering mengeluh tentang cara pemakaian walaupun ketika bersukan. Anda tidak perlu terlalu cantik, cukup hanya sekadar menutup aurat dan besederhana seperti konsep pemakaian kami yang mudah di pakai, sangat sesuai untuk bersukan dan mengikut cita rasa orang ramai. Jika anda bermasalah tentang pemakaian, anda boleh membeli disini NASHATA.COM dan mencuba sendiri kesan dan perbezaan apabila memakai ketika bersukan.

ALASAN #8 – “Malu la nak bersenam, tiada kawan nak teman”

Ada sesetengah orang berasa malu untuk bersenam terutama orang gemuk yang ingin kuruskan badan kerana dia terasa dirinya seperti di lihat, di pandang dan seperti ada orang yang menyindir di belakang. Anda sebenarnya harus tidak sesekali memikirkan dan mempedulikan apa yang orang perkatakan kerana ianya membuatkan anda hilang semangat. Buktikan pada mereka anda mampu melakukannya! Untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Tak perlu pikir pelbagai alasan. JUST DO IT and you can feel the differences. It’s work!