Which Mom are you? Stylo, Super or Spiritual?

Everyday is a Mother’s Day. Despite of that, let’s Rejoice Motherhood this 14th May when family members come together to celebrate motherhood. You can treat your mom, spend time with other mothers, or you can treat yourself.

mothersday card

Free Mother’s Day Card


As much as we love to reduce use of paper, don’t you just LOVE it when you receive a card or postcard from someone in your mailbox? That is why, this year we are offering FREE Mother’s Day cards for all our customers. You can add a personal note on this glittery card if you wish. The A6 size postcard has a silhouette of a lady in hijab with caption “MOM, You are my Queen”. You can also send the digital version to all moms.

2. What can you get for MOMS?

What you wear is a expression of who you are. Here are the many styles of beautiful moms you can choose from: Supermom, Stylo Mom, Spiritual Mom.

Basic RGB


    Stylo-moms are trendy, up-to-date and looks youthful at all times.


    We have got many hoodie styles : Our best-selling hoodie is the Stripey Smokey Hoodie – it is so lightweight that you can wear it for a run in a humid weather. The LATEST is the hooded cardigan.

    Nashata Hooded Cardigan, Stripey Hoodie, Riada Hoodie

    Nashata Hooded Cardigan, Stripey Hoodie, Riada Hoodie: Price Range RM89 – RM159

    What about traditionally stylo?

    Nashata Kebaya Sports

    NEW Nashata Kebaya Sports RM99

    Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab, Raazglove & Amin Extended Hijab

    Sports hijabs that are bright, fashionable and practical are suitable for stylo-moms. The Nashata Hooda Racerback would make one stand out in the crowd – as the sporty hijabi trend-setter!

    Nashata Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab, Raazglove and Amin Extended

    Nashata Hooda Racerback Sports Hijab, Raazglove and Amin Extended : Price Range : RM19 – RM89

    Sweatpants & Leggings

    Monochrome prints with unique designs, be it tight or loose are simply elegant. Our leggings are designed to make you legs slimmer and the sweatpants make you look good while working out, even on lazy days!

    Nashata Leggings and Sweatpants

    Nashata Leggings and Sweatpants. Price Range : RM79 – RM99


    The ultra tops are made for super-moms who work, cook, nursing, clean, drive around and always need to be on their toes; on the go. Sounds like a stressful role to be in, but when they are geared-up, supermoms in today’s era look simply fabulous! High quality fabric that is anti-odor, fast drying and lightweight keeps supermom comfy and jiffy at all times.

    Nashata Heather ULtra & Zip Up Azeeza

    Nashata Heather ULtra & Zip Up Azeeza : RM129 – RM149

    The riada active pants offers you casual flair and practical use. That is why many super-moms love them. You can dress up in riada pants the whole day at work and while working out and no one would notice the difference.

    Nashata Riada Pants and Skirt Pants

    Nashata Riada Pants and Skirt Pants : RM99 – RM189

    Raazbelt is something useful for supermoms. It gives extra hidden pockets around the waist, keeping important items secure with hands free!


    Age is just a number and spiritual moms can be as young as early 20s. They prefer something long, loose, comfortable and do not stand out.

    Nashata Riada Nahl

    Nashata Riada Nahl : RM89

    The Riada Pesaque, Riada Peplum and Riada Nahl range are available for RM89. Wear them with Nashata Riada Pants for modest yet sporty look.

    Spiritual Moms

    Riada Peplum : RM89

    riada pesaque

    Riada Pesaque : RM89

    The mumtaz sports hijab is the most sought after hijabs among all – it is long, made of lightweight fabric and so simple that it goes with any tops.

Nashata Mumtaz Sports Hijab

Nashata Mumtaz Sports Hijab – sporty hijabi’s favourite! RM79

RM30 is approximately SD10 and USD7. We ship to Asean countries for RM35 only and it takes 1-2 working days to reach you.

Have a splendid Mother’s Day!


The Force of Nature: Newton Challenge 2016 30KM Run

I woke up at 4 a.m. to the sound of wind rushing and heavy clouds. It was still dark, yet I knew it was going to rain. True enough, as I was driving to the race venue it began to drizzle. The drizzling gradually turned to a torrential downpour. It wasn’t raining cats and dogs, but the rain was heavy. Yet, I was determined to go for the run. The organizers did not call off the race as there was no thunder and lightning. Upon lining up at the starting point, I was happy to see a few familiar faces and the energy was great – everyone was eager to run too!

By the first water station at 4km, I was already soaking wet. The rain came down on us in big fat droplets, leaving us drenched from head to toe.  Thankfully, I was wearing my black Mumtaz hijab, so it remained opaque even when wet. The wind was blowing, but it was heavy enough so it did not flip up, yet well-ventilated so it dries up quickly when the rain stops (optional: to securely attached your Mumtaz hijab, pin it at the shoulders).

IMG_5009My black Mumtaz Hijab was a life-saver!

IMG_5003We prayed Fajr (subuh) in the rain at the first water station. Nothing was going to stop us!

As expected from last year’s event, the route was hilly. Mental preparation is indeed important apart from physical training. I will keep a positive attitude, and I will not beat myself up if the race does not go as expected. It was just going to be me against myself. Through out the run, I could not help but think about how I felt compared to last year. I did not feel like the hills were mountains that were needed to conquer, but it was all part of the course that we must embrace. It wasn’t raining last year, but at least the weather is cool so we can go faster. Plus, I was glad that I invested in the right gear such as the right hijab, top, pants, and shoes.

I was feeling fine when I reached the 15km marker. Perhaps those cross-training were starting to pay off? Perhaps the additional mileages were starting to show results? I must have done something  right, and I am indeed grateful for all of the support I received.  I was on track to complete the 30km within 4 hours, however, just after midway I had a stomach ache attack. I spent precious minutes getting off track, looking for a toilet and calming my stomach down. The pain was seriously affecting my mental state, I really wanted to turn back to the 15km marker and hop on the ambulance. However, a volunteer encouraged me to keep on going no matter how slow I had to walk as I was already halfway. Finally, I found a toilet after asking at a few shop lots at the side of the road.

Despite not renewing my personal best for this event (I finished around the same time as I did last year), I finished the race feeling significantly stronger. It was definitely a challenging route, yet I had no regrets about signing up for it. Newton Challenge, I will be back again next year if my running calendar permits.

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

The Weekend Runner: Litefm Runderthon

I am sure everyone can relate to cancer. Some of you might be cancer survivors, or perhaps we have seen a family member or a friend fight through cancer. It is a silent killer that knows no gender or age boundaries. November is cancer awareness month, specifically male cancer awareness month, or more commonly known as Movember. In support of Movember, Litefm organized a free fun run called Runderthon to create awareness about male-related cancers, as well as celebrate cancer survivors towards a healthier lifestyle.


As the name of the run suggests, participants were required to run in their most colourful boxers over their running tights at Padang Astaka, Petaling Jaya (Malaysia). Both male and female participants showed off their most interesting boxers with witty designs. I think it was a great idea, because although this run is about male-related cancers, women should be aware about it too to support the men in their lives to go for annual medical check-ups.

IMG_1775Trying out the new Mumtaz hijab. I think the Rose Pink colour matches my hawaiian-themed “boxers” quite well.

The run turned out to be quite a sight! As it was a free fun run, the event drew participants from all walks of life, but mostly from avid listeners of the Litefm radio channel, as their favourite radio announcers will be running along too. In spirit of a fun run, some participants went beyond just wearing boxers – they even put on costumes!

IMG_1788#MommySonGoals. Running has always been a natural sport for humans. It is never too young to start running!

IMG_1778The angel has landed…in Petaling Jaya.

IMG_1786Batman, did you leave your Batmobile at home?

IMG_1780Weekend Runner turned Disney character.

Ultimately, the run was about creating awareness about male-related cancers. So they handed us some leaflets from the National Cancer Society of Malaysia about the importance of early detection, and how to do self-checks at home. Overall, everyone had a fun and educational experience at today’s run.

IMG_1798Early detection can save your life.


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

The Weekend Runner: FIT Malaysia 2015 10K

I think it’s every runner’s dream to be able to race for free with no entrance fees. After all, running events are getting more expensive these days. Well, your runner’s dream might just come true thanks to FIT Malaysia events. Held over several series in different states across Malaysia, this event features 10K and 5K running, and 30K and 10K of cycling. Yup you heard me right, a 10K race for zero payment. However, if you are not up for running, there is also martial art demonstration, obstacle challenges, and zumba at the main stage area.

IMG_1689On your marks, get set, go!

IMG_1690Fancy turning your 10K into an obstacle race instead?


As it was a free event, the number of participants were overwhelming. Parents ran with their strollers, school kids ran with their friends, or elderly couples taking a leisurely stroll. It turned out to be an interesting crowd, so everyone took the opportunity to make small talks along the way. If you ever feel like giving up, there were random people cheering for you along the way to lift your spirits. I think that FIT Malaysia focuses on one of the most important aspects of working out: interaction. People need to feel like they are a part of a community, that they have a support system. Then they are more motivated to successfully complete a run or a work out program.


IMG_1704 IMG_1714No t-shirts were given, but no problem. Running clubs or other communities proudly wore their own t-shirts instead!


Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetI entered the 10K run and completed it in approx. 1 hour 12 minutes, which was a new personal record for me. Was today’s speedier than usual performance a result of wearing a brand new Mumtaz hijab? If it was, then I need to get more colours too! (Pink Rose, Oxford Blue, and Baby Blue).



At the end of the day, this event made me re-discover the pure joy of running and nothing else that comes associated with it; no branded t-shirts, no goodie bags, no fancy sponsors. Sometimes all you need in running is high energy, a great crowd, and good company. The best things in life are free – and it probably is true for the case of FIT Malaysia 10K Run.


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

The Weekend Runner: My First Netball Tournament


“It is a friendly match”, they said. “Just play for fun”, they said. “A game full of middle-aged and women who are a lot older than you”, they said. Oh boy, they had never been so wrong. These ladies were tough, determined, constantly on their toes, and most definitely not slow at all!


When I was invited to join the team by my colleagues, I don’t think these ladies realised that I have never played netball. Not even during my school days. But I agreed to it anyways – it will be great to win, but if I lose, at least I learnt a new skill. Armed with only one month of training and zero knowledge, I did not know what to expect. We went all out during our training sessions, however, I admit that one month was not enough to whip us all into shape.

IMG_1261Us during one of our practice session.


My first impression of the game was that netball is a game for everyone. Unlike running, it was hard to judge who was the best just by looking at their physique, because the best team is made up of all shapes, sizes, and ages. The elder ones with more experience would come up with great strategies while the fitter, younger ones would provide support. The tallest ones would be the goal keeper, while the broader, sturdier ones would be the defender. The lightest and fastest will be in the center to pass around the ball. To sum it up, I learnt that I should never judge a book by its cover, as physical appearance can be misleading.

netball court A netball layout with the positions if you have no idea what I was talking about.


IMG_1501Don’t mess with these ladies. They are really good!


In the end, all of us knew that we were not going to win, but little did we realise that we would lose with a score of 16-1! Talk about major embarrassment! It was the best that we could do, but some players who were first-timers like me should practice at least 3 months in advance before the tournament to at least stand a chance of being in the top 3.


IMG_1499Keep calm and smile on, even after losing 16-1.


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

The Weekend Runner: IMU Chariofare Run 2015

Almost every Saturday or Sunday, I have been trying to consistently clock in about 15km to prepare myself for my first full marathon (and I know that that I am still under-training). So the routine before a long run will usually involve packing my waist pouch with power gel, water bottle, plus other required items, and hunting down my headphones, non-chaffing socks, etc. However, last Saturday, I participated in the 10km event for IMU Chariofare Run and none of those was required.


I forgot how simple it is to run 10km – no carbo-loding required, a comfortable distance, no power gel to be carried, no fancy gear required like water belt, bladder pack, etc. It was purely getting up, get dressed, go for a run. And Nashata’s Mumtaz hijab makes everything simpler – all I had to do was just slip it on and go!


Essentials for a 10km run: The grey Mumtaz hijab and Ultra top in Turquoise.


The race was held at International Medical University (IMU), Bukit Jalil, Malaysia, flagging off at 6.30 am. The haze condition has somewhat cleared up around Kuala Lumpur. The air quality has improved over the past few days, but today’s running condition is not really optimum because I can still feel the heat from the residual haze. However, I manage to complete the run in 75 minutes. Not my personal best, but I’ll run another 10km tomorrow to catch up on my mileage so I don’t want to over-exert myself for today.

11217663_10207505886835134_1234804215675049122_n Obligatory finishing picture with medal. The Mumtaz hijab goes pretty well with the Turquoise Ultra – My blue top for the not-so-blue skies. Keep your chin up everyone, we’ll brave through this haze together.


After the run there was a carnival. I still had some energy so I’d thought it would be fun to hang around and contribute to the good cause. There were booths set up by the students, selling items like food, pre-loved clothings, and fun-fair games. IMU is lucky to have students from all over the world, so I tried food from Iraq, India, and Korea. I guess everything smells and tastes good after working out!

12003353_10207506506530626_7145531200887536109_n A friend of mine was part of the organizing committee so it would be great to support her by joining this event. Plus, the event was for a good cause: to raise funds for the university’s welfare partners such as Penang Hospice Society, Ti-Ratana Welfare House, and many more.





The crowd was very encouraging, everyone was in high spirits! Keep up the good cause, folks!


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.