Confidence: What Every Woman Needs

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to reach your goals? Why it seems impossible to become the healthier person you’ve always wanted to be? Confidence might be the key to finding that motivation you need to reach your fitness goals, and unfortunately this quality is generally low in women. I recently finished reading a very interesting book called “The Confidence Code” by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, in which these two journalists sought out highly professional women in order to determine what gives them the confidence that most other women are lacking. They interviewed women with leading roles in sports, politics, the military and arts; women who seem to have it all put together. Sure enough, they found that even these powerful, highly educated and determined women are lower in confidence than their male counterparts. Although this can come as a surprise, we realize that when it comes to success women are under the microscope. There is much more pressure to prove themselves worthy and there is a great deal of doubt surrounding their success.

This got me to thinking about the success of women when it comes to their fitness goals. Countless women struggle everyday with their weight, their bodies, their ability to stick to a consistent routine or a healthy eating regimen. We are often quick to blame this on laziness. “You just need to motivate yourself,” we will say, “just get up and do it!” There is no argument that motivation and determination play a significant, in fact crucial role in developing a healthy lifestyle. But what if there’s more to the story than that? What if confidence, this critical quality that many women lack, is the key to developing our success both in the work field and in our fitness life?


I truly believe that in order acquire the motivation and determination needed to reach fitness goals one must be able to see a finished product at the end of the road. I think the problem is that most women don’t actually believe they can obtain these goals and therefore aren’t able to imagine themselves the way they want to be. This absence of confidence creates barriers; if they don’t believe that they can achieve the goal they want, how can they constitute the motivation they need to go out and work hard for those goals. We can dream about the person we want to be, but if we don’t actually believe we can become her then we probably never will.

It sounds completely hopeless, I know, but I have some good news. In their journey to find out where confidence comes from, Katy Kay and Claire Shipman found that confidence is fickle. Although it is partly influenced by genetics, it can be built if it is lacking. It can be built by first making the choice to be confident. It can be built by choosing to please yourself instead of pleasing others. It can be built by stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. It can be built by accepting failure and learning from it.

If your struggling with getting to the gym or becoming the healthy person that you’ve always wanted to be, I encourage you to perform a self-check. What are the underlying reasons that you are not fighting for your goals? Are you afraid that you can’t accomplish what you want? You can truly do anything you set your mind to. Start working on building up that confidence. Set an image in your mind of the person you want to be and KNOW that you can get there. It’s going to take a lot of work and a lot of positive self-assurance but I promise you can get there. Every woman deserves to be healthy and happy!

1 Minute Hard, 2 Minutes Easy

Today’s workout will focus on running intervals. Interval training or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a type of training technique accompanied by very intense intervals, or big bursts of energy like sprinting or jumping, followed by moderate to lower intensity intervals, followed again by high intensity intervals then back to lower intensity intervals and so on. During the intense intervals a person will typically give 100% of their effort and go all out, and the lower intensity interval is usually refereed to as an active rest. Because these big bursts of energy and shorter recovery periods are keeping the heart rate high, this type of workout burns much more fat in less time than compared with steady-state cardio. These workouts can take as little as 10 minutes and generally don’t last beyond 40 minutes.

HIIT training is great for the body as well as for cardiovascular and metabolic health. However, is it recommended that you limit HIIT training to between 1-4 times per week in order to give your body the proper recovery time.


The Routine (1 Minute Hard, 2 Minutes Easy): Running for 1 minute at a fast pace (close to sprinting pace) then jog or power walk for 2 minutes. Repeat between 5-10 times.


Although it seems simple this workout will have you working up a sweat! These drills are a great way to build up speed and cardiovascular endurance. It is effective for anyone from sprinters to distance runners to people just looking for a quick and effective way to burn fat and build endurance! So Throw on your favorite Nashata running outfit and head on down to the track. Happy #workoutwednesday!

Exercise Ball Ab Routine

Strong abs are about more than just a six-pack. Building a foundation of strength in the core is essential for improving posture and balance. It’s also important in supporting the back to prevent injury or even to help with current back pain. Today, we are going to be working on strengthening the abdominals. Be sure to learn how to perform these exercises and learn the proper technique in order to protect the neck and get the most out of your ab workout. I’ve provided a description of each exercise below. YouTube is also a great tool to use.

This routine consists of four abdominal exercises and will all be done using an exercise ball.


*Perform each exercise back to back, then take a 30 second rest and repeat 2 more times. 

Exercise Ball Crunches (20)

Exercise Ball Oblique Crunches (10 each side)

Crunches with Feet Elevated on Exercise Ball (20)

Exercise Ball V-Pass (10)

Exercise Descriptions:

1. Lie on the exercise ball with the curvature of your back resting on the spherical part of the ball. Perform crunches with arms either by your side or crossed over the chest. Keep the motion slow and controlled, rather than bouncing on the ball. On the way down the torso should curve over the edge of the ball, keeping the head in line with the spine at all times.

2. This time, you will rest with your back straight on the ball, rather than curving over it (you still want to curvature of your back on the spherical part of the ball, just don’t fall over the edge of the ball). You will keep your hands behind your head, and on the way up for your crunch you will twist to one side, then slowly lower back down to the middle. One the next rep you will twist to the other side, and keep alternating sides each time.

3. Lie on the ground and rest the feet on top of the exercise ball. From here you will perform 20 regular crunches.

4. Lie on your back on the floor holding the exercise ball in your hands with arms straight out overhead and legs extended straight on the floor. In one motion, tighten the core and lift your legs and arms off of the ground to meet in the middle. Pass the ball by placing it in between your lower legs. Squeeze the ball with your legs and lower the legs and arms back down, then bring them both up again and pass the ball back to your hands.

This is a great way to add a little spice to your ab routine. Keep in mind that this routine is between intermediate and advanced. If it is too hard for you, all of these exercises can be down on the ground with no ball.



Fitness Beyond Looks; Hijab Beyond the Scarf

Up until the hijab went on, my world of fitness wasn’t what it is now. I preached that a healthy body meant more than appearances, but the words never resonated in my heart. I expressed to others the importance of focusing on how they felt, rather than the number on the scale. But here I was stepping on the scale every day to check if the number went down, making myself miserable by following restricting diets, and beating myself up if I didn’t feel like my workouts were ‘good enough.’ I was missing out on the number one piece of advice I was giving everyone else: having fun!

Once I started wearing hijab, not only did my life change, but fitness took on a whole new meaning. When you embrace hijab, you embrace it for reasons far beyond the concept of a hair covering. It becomes your identity, your protection, your safe place. It’s not about hiding behind the loose clothes and long sleeves, rather it’s about letting your personality, intellect and true self shine through. Exercise and nutrition have always been a big part of my life, and hijab has allowed me to grasp its due importance.

I won’t say that looks hold no significance when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Of course, we all want to feel good about ourselves; to look in the mirror and like what we see, and there is no shame in that. But this is just a small part of the fitness equation. First and foremost we need to learn to enjoy the ride. Fitness is truly a lifestyle, so let’s make it a lifestyle that we love! Since I began wearing hijab, which was almost 1 year ago, I’ve stepped on the scale maybe 2 or 3 times. I’ve lost interest in how much I weigh. I focus on how I feel, I focus on doing workouts I love, and I focus on keeping my inner body healthy for the sake of pleasing Allah.


Most importantly, I can truly say that I love my body. It’s the same body that I had before I covered, it has the same flaws it has always had, but I’ve somehow managed to appreciate even those. I love it because it’s no longer subjected to society’s harsh beauty standards. I no longer allow my body to be seen, thus judged, by anyone other than myself. I no longer base my workouts on how many calories I can burn. I no longer avoid the foods I love in order to look like the women on magazine covers. People can no longer call me too thin, too muscular, or too much of whatever they see. For once, I am my only judge.

I fell in love with Nashata sportswear because their products allow for modesty, but show sportiness at the same time. I feel beautiful and liberated when I put on my modest workout clothes. Many people think covering up makes for more obstacles, or that it forces one to give upon certain aspects of life, like working out. But in fact I’ve found it is quite the opposite. Hijab has renewed the passion within me, the passion to inspire women through my experiences with health and fitness. It has allowed me to dig into my inner self and develop a complete and balanced sense of fitness. I’ve found a spiritual nature to my workouts and I am able to interconnect a healthy lifestyle with my faith. Hijab has allowed me to attach fitness to something higher than myself. I now keep my body healthy for myself and for the sake of Allah, and no one else.

Dr. Shima Rashid – Keeping FIT is a strive but NOT impossible for a CAREER Mom

Dr. Shima is a surgeon who specializes in  Ear Nose Throat (ENT) and mother of 4 young children. Within less than a year, she participated in many many runs. Here’s a brief on what drives her to keep FIT!

“I had my 4th baby just after Raya last year (August 2013) and I felt like I wasn’t losing weight. I had never really taken care of myself after my first baby anyway. Seemed like life and work got in the way! Although this was my 4th C-section, it was still hard to get back into the normal routine. I was very lethargic all the time. So when my baby was about 3 months, and having never ever run before, I taught myself to run, using certain applications on the smart phone. My first official run was the Bangi Fun Run, end of last year. With the support of friends and family, I found that I actually liked running and yes the weight was starting to fall off and the rest, they say, is history!”

YAY for Dr. Shima!

Here’s some sharing about Dr. Shima and her active lifestyle.

1) On this month of Ramadhan, do you do any exercise ?

I try to do some aerobics at home, but it is minimal as there are other ibadah that take up my time.

2) How do you feel when your weight is reduced and that you have achieved your certain target?

I feel great, of course, and more importantly I have learnt that there are no ‘short cuts’ when it comes to health. It is a type of investment – you need to put in time and effort to achieve good results.

3) What is your fitness target?

To achieve a normal Body Mass Index (BMI). And to maintain it!!



4) How do you manage your time between work, family and fitness?

I usually workout after 8pm during weekdays and early mornings during weekends. The workout schedule may be ‘ruined’ due to a child’s illness, or being called to the hospital during On-Call. It is a challenge, but you do what you can.

5) Do your other family members have an active lifestyle? How old is your eldest and youngest child? Do you do any activities with them? 

My husband plays futsal twice a week but he doesn’t fancy running. My eldest is 10 years old and my youngest is 11 months old. My older 2 children – Nazme who’s 10 and Effa who’s 8 – have started to want to join me in running events and so we train together during weekends. My 3rd one, Ezza who’s 4, wants to join too but she’s still has some growing up to do before she can.

gambar anak-anakIsn’t Dr. Shima awesome? Not only she has a HIGH self-discipline teaching herself to run and keeping up with it, she also shares her active lifestyle together with her children.

Dr. Shima like many other mothers, gets through her daily life by ‘doing what she can’  in taking care of the children and balancing career and health. Yes, there is no short cut. Fitness like anything else in life, requires EFFORT.

A big thanks to Dr. Shima Rashid who gives us many words of encouragement to build better products for modest women like her. She wears Nashata’s  Ultra Top, Riada Tops, Amin and Iman Hijabs and Riada Active Pants. She has got them all!

Which “her” are you in Summer colors?

What color would you like to put on, in the coming summer? Which “her” are you?



Baby blue

She’s going to run into the sky; she wants to have a blueberry cake; she has got a lot of love… Her mind is clear like the water and her attitude is simple but strong. When she feels hot, she would just drink a glass of ice drink and throw herself into the swimming pool. Is she wild? No, she is just cool.


Our pick: Baby Blue Top RM89


Where is the icon? She is here. We can feel the power is nearby when she is coming. Always energetic, always smiling, always gives an outstanding impression. That’s her, the friendly orange queen.

Heather Orange Top

Our pick: Orange Print Top RM99

Silvery grey

Do you enjoy your time of having deep thoughts? Still confused? She definitely does. Because she is an independent lady. Her mind is well developed, her thinking is sensible and her behavior is natural and generous. She was born in the modern and always looking into the future. Her wisdom makes her more and more beautiful.


Our pick: Grey Riada Pants RM109

Apple Green

She is like a light. She brings happiness to people. The life is hard for everyone, we should try our best to fill energy for ourselves. However, she is like an apple, you can’t smell it by distances, you would just love the feeling when you bite it. Sweet, healthy and fresh, unable to forget.


Heather Purple

Ms Mystery is in front of the flowers, she looks noble, smart and attractive. When the wind comes, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Maybe it’s difficult for people to understand her by the first sight, but she is real. She uses her sincere heart to do everything and share everything kindly. No doubt that her gentle experiences let her go further and further.


Our pick: Heather print top RM99

Menaiki TANGGA sebagai salah satu aktiviti sukan anda!

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Anda tidak perlu pergi ke gimnasium semata-mata untuk bersukan atau susah payah mengganti pakaian sukan, TANGGA juga boleh dijadikan sebagai medium untuk anda bersukan.


1) Menaiki tangga adalah salah satu aktiviti sukan aerobik dimana jantung anda akan mengepam laju dan sistem dalam badan anda berfungsi dengan baik. Kaki anda juga akan menjadi kuat kerana menaiki tangga ada melibatkan bahagian otot terutama dibahagian betis dan juga peha.

2) Cuba mulakan dengan mendaki 25 anak tangga terlebih dahulu, anda boleh teruskan anak tangga yang seterusnya mengikut kemampuan anda sendiri. Berhenti seketika jika anda penat dan jangan terlalu memaksa diri. Tarik nafas dan hembus secara perlahan-lahan.

3) Kedudukan badan anda juga perlulah betul semasa menaiki tangga bagi mengelakkan sakit di bahagian tulang belakang. Pastikan belakang badan anda lurus dan halakan badan kehadapan sedikit bagi mengelakkan anda terjatuh ke belakang.

4) Mendaki dua anak tangga sekali gus pada satu masa adalah latihan yang baik untuk otot kaki utama (terutamanya quadriceps) dan punggung (otot gluteal). Tetapi mereka yang mempunyai masalah lutut perlu berhati-hati dengan langkah ini. Jika kaki anda pendek, anda mungkin risiko mencederakan otot paha anda.

5) Melangkah menuruni tangga juga adalah senaman yang baik. Ia menggunakan paha-otot quadriceps dan, sedikit sebanyak, hamstrings. Berhati-hati dan jangan terlalu mengunci lutut ketika anda turun ke bawah. Jika anda terlalu banyak menuruni tangga atau bukit, lutut dan quadriceps anda akan berasa sakit walaupon kesakitannya akan berkurangan dengan melakukan sukan ini secara praktis

6) Untuk meningkatkan kecergasan,selang selikan langkah anda dengan satu dan dua anak tangga pada kadar yang sederhana dengan selang ringkas pada kadar yang lebih cepat.

7) Jika anda pergi ke gimnasium, alat Stepmill adalah pilihan yang baik. Anda boleh meningkatkan daya tahan untuk meningkatkan latihan anda. Beberapa alatan yang lain juga akan memberikan kesan pada bahagian atas badan anda dengan menggunakan alatan pemegang bergerak. Bergantung pada pemegang tangga akan mengurangkan intensiti senaman anda.