Malaysia Women Marathon

Did you know that until 1967, no women participated in a full marathon event? Katherine Switzer broke that record and signed up as a gender-neutral “K. Switzer” in Boston Marathon. When reporters realised she was a lady, she made headlines. She continued fighting to empower women in sports, and the rest is history. Imagine what would have happened if Katherine Switzer decided not to run! I am so glad that female-friendly races are becoming more common these days. Fast forward to 2016, inspired by Katherine Switzer’s legacy, I was honoured to run under Team Nashata in the full marathon category for Malaysia Women Marathon.

IMG_3061 IMG_3060An opportunity to run with the ladies of Nashata? Why yes of course!

When the gun goes off at exactly 4.00am, it’s show time. Game face on, it is time for a second shot at completing a full marathon. This time, the challenge lies not in the distance, but in the cut off time. I have never completed a full marathon in 6 hours and 30 minutes. My personal best at 42km was during Pink Ultra when I clocked in just slightly under 7 hours. So shaving off 30 minutes will be a struggle.

IMG_3067Excited for pacer duties, boys?

Everything was fine and I was ahead of schedule up to the 30km check point. The last 10km was the hardest part, especially the highway route. The rolling hills along the LKSA highway, the heat, the emptiness…you can run for miles without bumping into anybody. The highway route felt like forever to complete. At this point, it was a battle between the mind and the body. Many people started walking, and I felt like I should start walking too. I was glad that I had my pacer with me. We didn’t talk much, but at least he was there to keep me company. He pushed me to continuously run, no matter how slow I went, which I tried to abide to (in protest!). In the end I ended up with the walk-run-walk-run cycle just like everyone else, and my pace fell dramatically towards the end. Not to mention the confusing signage and unclear direction from the marshall at the 38km, causing most participants to lose precious time hesitating which direction they should go.


Hunger was slowly settling in too. But I was surprised that the only food provided along the way was only bananas, apples, and pears. I was accustomed to seeing at least some biscuits, chips, ice-cream, or at least Coca-cola in most long distance events, so the lack of sweet and salty snacks spread was pretty surprising. Luckily, I had my energy gel with me, and my pacer bought along some protein drink mix.


IMG_3064The last few hundred metres push. Believe me, I wasn’t smiling if it wasn’t for the camera.

IMG_3068Spotted any of these cheer squad along the way? Boys, your macho level and manliness just went up a notch in those tutu skirts and pompoms!

I managed to conclude my 2nd attempt at a full marathon in 6 hours and 33 minutes, exceeding the cut off time by 3 minutes. Now I wished that I listened to my pacer because he was right when he said “Hey no pain, no gain, girl!”. I have to train harder for my next full marathon in a few months time, because it is not fun being among the last ones to arrive!

IMG_3069Full marathon and half marathon finishers.


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

Gunung Nuang Ultramarathon Challenge (Support Crew)

One might argue that although running in an individual sport, it takes a collective effort to be able to successfully complete an ultramarathon. Very few people can manage running an ultramarathon event by themselves, especially for first-timers. Even if you are not allowed to pace or provide external support, team mates or friends can be a welcoming sight to push you forward.

On Sunday, I head up to Gunung Nuang (Nuang Mountain) as part of the support team to cheer friends who are running in the Gunung Nuang Ultramarathon Challenge. Runners must complete at least 5 loops of 10km trail route (5 x 10KM = 50KM) in 12 hours. To get a taste of the event, I accompanied my friend to do her last loop of 10km, and it took us over 2 hours to complete at a leisurely pace. Elevation gained was 530 meters, and my thighs were screaming in pain. I could not imagine doing it for 5 times, yet at the same time I was secretly considering if I should register for this event next year.



IMG_2997Her first ultramarathon! Congratulations, welcome to the 50km club.

IMG_3015Race post-morterm discussions. Mad respect to this bunch for completing an ultramathon event!

IMG_3003Another familiar face in the local running scene that needs no introduction.

Overall, it was a great event. I enjoy attending ultramarathon events as spectators or supporters because of the genuine camaraderie and team spirit which seem to be the highlight of the event. Everytime a participants completes a loop, there will always be cheering and clapping. Various teams set up tents and brought along loads of food, some even took the opportunity to go for a quick hike to the waterfall and stream. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people and expand your running social circle.

Gunung Nuang Ultramarathon Challenge, I’ll train hard and come back for you next year as a participant!

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

Natura Run 2016

Today I woke up, dressed up, and laced up as usual for the Natura Run 2016. Nothing fancy, it was just a 15km run, just like any other run on any Sunday. However at 5km into the race I realised that my body was not cooperating. I knew that I wasn’t going to call it a day yet. Instead of hitching a ride on the patrolling ambulance, I decided to cut the run short by going into the 10km route instead. I guess I wasn’t ready to run to my fullest ability – I needed more time to recover from last week’s ultramarathon.

IMG_293110km instead of 15km. That’s all for today, folks.

This run has been receiving bad press and complaints since the first day of the race kit collection. The awkward size of the race t-shirt, delayed flagging-off by 30 minutes, no prizes for podium finishers, last minute route changes, no goody bag or freebies, no timing chip on the race bib…and which charity organization does the proceeds go to again??? At RM65, this run was not cheap. Nobody had high expectations- they just want their money’s worth.


IMG_2929This was all that I got for today, plus water, a packet of bread, and a banana.


Negative comments aside, let’s focus on the brighter side of the race today: The weather was pleasant because it rained yesterday, the route was scenic because we passed by a park with a vast lake. There was a calm, meditative, and stress-free feeling while running through that route. On top of that, there was ample parking space, enough water stations, free ice-cold Milo and cereal at the finishing line, supportive crowd and running community, and the volunteers were friendly and helpful.


IMG_2937Positive vibes despite negative comments about the event. I guess It takes more than a badly organized event to crush these people’s spirits.


Every race or event will have its plus and minus points. But in the end, all that matters is our passion for running and good sportsmanship.


Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

15 Ways to Make Exercise Fun and Productive

Working out is no easy task. We get busy, tired, lazy, stressed or simply have other things we would rather be doing. But getting in a good workout is actually the best remedy for all of the above. It gets your blood circulating and heart pumping, it gives you energy, helps you to sleep better at night and can act as a great stress reliever.

The goal with a consistent exercise routine is to knock out all excuses. One of the most common excuses is, “I hate to exercise.” I find that the general population hates to exercise because they don’t really know what exercise is.

Let’s clear up a few key points about exercise before moving on:

  • 60 miserable minutes on the treadmill is not the only form of exercise
  • blood, sweat and tears does not equal exercise
  • you do not need to be in shape to start
  • a gym is a great resource, but is not the only answer
  • a 10 minute workout still counts
  • exercise can be fun!

Here are some exercises that are so fun you don’t even feel like your exercising:


1. Short Workouts

Ever tried HIIT training or Tabata? If you’re short on time these workouts are perfect for you…they can be as short as 5 minutes! The trick is to push your body to limits you never thought it could go. Spike your heart rate by quick, short bursts of exercise, and then follow it with a short active rest period. The cool thing about these workouts is you can do so much; sprints, plyometrics, strength training, rowing…just about any form of exercise you can think of can be turned into a HIIT workout.


2. Walking/Hiking

You don’t have to be dripping sweat and out of breath for your workout to be considered effective. Go for a brisk morning walk, even grab a coffee on the way, or get together with a group of friends and enjoy a beautiful day on the hiking trail while stopping for a picnic. That doesn’t sound like exercise to me!


3. Biking/Rollerblading


Whether you’re into hardcore biking or just enjoy a leisurely ride, biking or rollerblading can be great exercises. You can enjoy the outdoors on a beautiful day while getting your workout in.


4. Yoga


The great thing about yoga is there are so many different types that you’re bound to find something you like. From beginners to advanced to yoga therapy, yoga for relaxation, yoga for flexibility, strength training, even hot yoga or power yoga where you’ll find yourself wiping the sweat off your mat. Do your research, try a few different styles and decide which one your enjoy most, or even mix it up.


5. Group Fitness Classes

Group fitness classes are amazing! Not only do gyms typically have a wide variety of classes to choose from but they provide a great atmosphere of camaraderie and motivation. Typical gyms will offer classes in zumba, aerobics, kickboxing, kettlebells, spin class and more. You might like a mix throughout the week or you may search for a studio that specializes in the type of group class you enjoy.


6. Crossfit

A lot of women are afraid of weights. Crossfit is definitely an exercise that will get you over that fear. Learn proper form and push your muscles to their max with squats, deadlifts, weights, pushups and more.


7. At-Home Workouts

You may enjoy more solitude while you workout. There are countless DVDs out there ranging from total-body workouts to exercises targeting particular muscle groups, to dance and more. Pop a DVD in while your dinner is in the slow-cooker and you’re good to go!


8. Adult Sports Leagues

Were you active back in school? Do you ever miss being part of a team and competing? Join an adult sports league. Choose something you may have never tried like volleyball, softball, tennis or rowing, or kick it old school with something you used to do back in grade school like running, soccer o basketball.


9. Races

Races can be a fun way to get your exercise in, and many runs are set up as fundraisers for great charities. Try an adventure run, a color run, or simply run for a charity that you are passionate about.


10. Swimming


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that is great for your heart, muscles and joints. Get in a pool and start swimming some laps, or if you don’t know what to do on your own, try a water aerobics class.


11. Get Active

Next time your friend wants to meet for coffee, suggest something active instead. Go for a walk, throw a frisbie, fly a kite, go bowling, or anything else that gets you up and moving.


12. Play with the Kids

Don’t just bring your kids to do fun activities to sit and watch. Spend some time with them and engage in those activities. Play tag outside, bring them to the playground, an indoor trampoline park or bring back your childhood games and play with them. Not only is it your exercise but it’s setting a great example for your kids to be fit and active.


13. Clean

Don’t feel like working out? Well I’m sure you don’t feel like cleaning either but remember those tedious house tasks that you keep saying you will get to but never do? Skip a day at the gym and instead get some house-cleaning done, especially the tasks that you’ve been putting off for months. You can also make cleaning time Qur’an time. Most of us probably don’t read or listen to Qur’an as much as we should. I like to play it in the house while I’m cleaning to be extra productive and feel good.


14. Ditch the Car


Ditch the car whenever possible. If you work or go to school close by, swap the car for a walk or bike ride. If your gym is close to your house, jog over as your warm-up. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator and choose walking or biking over driving whenever possible.


15. Stop Sitting

If you have a desk job it’s a good idea to take a break and get some movement in every hour or so. Studies show that sitting all day can not only lead to back problems but also heightens the risk of heart disease, even if the person is thin and exercises regularly. Take a short, 1 or 2 minute walk around the building, or, if you have a private office or cubicle, you might even throw in some squats, pushups and stretches every hour. You can also use your lunch break to get active. Take a walk or go up and down the stairs a few times.


You see, the possibilities for exercise are endless. You don’t have to have a treadmill or a sweat rag. Any type of movement truly counts. It’s not about the calories you burn but it’s about getting the heart pumping and staying active for long-term health.


What types of exercise do you do for fun? Did I miss any that you want to add to the list? Comment below!


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Pink 50 Ultramarathon

A friend once said “Never trust a runner. If he/she said that we won’t do it again or won’t be running just as fast, you know they are lying”.


I wasn’t lying when I said I was done with loops when I ran my first [incomplete] full marathon. But a few days later I when heard that there will be a female-only ultramarathon, I knew that I just had to sign up for it. Plus, a part of me wanted redemption for not being able to complete a looped full marathon. Initially, I signed up for the 50km solo category, which required me to run 17 loops of 3km (17 X 3KM = 51KM), but as the event date approaches a male friend of mine decided to run with me, so we upgraded to the 100km duo category (each participant will run 50km) because that’s the only category that allows male participants.


My ultramarathon objective is simple: Just finish the race within the cut off time of 9 hours. To be able to do that, I must prepare myself physically and mentally. For first timers like me, it is advisable to clock in at least 200km in one month before the race, and run at least 30-40km one week before race day so your feet is used to moving slowly but consistently over long distances. All of that training will wear you out, you will feel exhausted even before race day! So spend at least 1 week before the race tapering and resting. Most importantly, you have to come to the race mentally prepared. It is going to be hot, at 42°C there is nothing else that keeps you going except your inner motivation. It is going to hurt, but keep telling your mind to fight through the pain. Like 2 straight lines moving together, both mental and physical preparation must be parallel to able to finish an ultramarathon.


My ultramarathon strategy is equally simple too: Run 30KM continuously at a very comfortable pace (8:00 – 8:30 min/km), then power walk (10:30 – 11:30 min/km) for the rest of the way. I was glad that the training paid off. When boredom or negative thoughts started to kick in, I turned up my music or randomly chatted to other participants. There is an encouraging vibe to a women-friendly event, I even made new friends along the way! To avoid wasting precious time, I had to refrain myself from stopping too long at the checkpoint. All I did was quickly drank some water or Coke, refill my bottle, or mix my hydration tab or Gatorade powder, and grab a quick snack, all in less than 3 minutes.



I think my partner’s shirt almost matches my top. True to it’s Ultra name, this top is highly recommended for long distance running. It is bright to minimize heat absorption, evaporates sweat quickly, and very light.


IMG_2870The familiar faces that greeted me at the finishing line.


IMG_2863Congratulations for finishing 3rd! You go, girl! Oh and the 2 faces behind me and on my right requires no introduction, right? 🙂


IMG_2852This medal is for my family who have never doubted my capabilities, my official and unofficial pacers during the event, Nashata for always keeping me covered, late night training sessions, pre-dawn LSDs,  support crew for coming to cheer, messages of encouragement, well wishers, and advisors. Thank you for being a part of my ultramarathon journey.


In the end, I completed all 17 loops in under 9 hours, thankfully without any major injuries or cramps. There was the usual muscle fatigue and soreness the next day, but that is normal. I expect to start running again in less than one week, and hopefully I am at least 80% recovered by then. So, what’s next for me? Would I do it all over again if I had to?

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

Les Mills GRIT Strength Class

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

I have not forgotten that one of my New Year resolutions was to build some upper body strength. After a good, long weekend with my family I found myself back in the gym to eliminate those ‘chicken wing’ arms. I was glad that I was invited by a friend who happens to be a certified GRIT Captain to to attend her Les Mills GRIT Strength group class.

What is Les Mills GRIT?

Designed to improve strength and build lean muscle. This workout uses barbell, weight plate and body weight exercises to blast all major muscle groups. LES MILLS GRIT Strength takes cutting edge HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches who will be down on the floor with you, motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast. (taken from the Les Mills website)

If you have done HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) before, you will know that it’s usually for 30 minutes only, yet it burns like crazy. It’s a great, compact work out if you are pressed for time. Each set lasts for few minutes, therefore you are expected to give 100% energy and elevate your heart rate at every set. The movements are quick with very little rest time in between, so you can get a full body work out in a short time. Within the first 5 minutes of the class I was already dripping with sweat, and we were just getting warmed up! The instructor knew that majority of the class were runners, so she kept encouraging us by saying “This work out will make you a faster and stronger runner! Don’t give up, guys!”

IMG_2816One with the Captain (in black hijab). #RunnersNotRunning.

As the name suggests, a Strength class will be incomplete without some weight. There are no fancy equipment being used besides the barbell and weight plate, but what makes the Les Mills programme unique was that the barbell and weight plates are very ergonomically designed. They are easier to hold and grip, and it’s faster to change weights as required during a class.

IMG_2812Stuff runners say after a HIIT class: “Running a full marathon is easier than this!”


12729018_10208389276119314_4203295327486670262_nSecond round of cardio, perhaps? This gym even comes with a pool.

I am sure my arms are going to be sore tomorrow, but that’s ok, because it means that this work out is effective. I had a great time in this class, and I’ll be back for more if there are any opportunities in the future.

For more info on Les Mills classes, sign up at your nearest Fitness First gym

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

The Perfect Workout for Your Fitness Goals

When people think of diet and exercise, weight loss is usually the first thing that comes to mind. However, there are countless reasons why people engage in a healthy lifestyle and weight loss is just one of the reasons. People may decide to take up exercise to build strength or muscle, to get faster, to improve overall health, or even as a means of socialization and keeping busy. Whatever your aim may be you need a proper workout plan that will help you reach your specific goal most effectively.

One Size Fits All

Here are the best ways to reach five of the most common fitness goals.


Goal: Weight Loss

Plan of action: When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, there’s a lot to think about. It is recommended to dedicate 3-6 days a week to cardio for 30-60 minutes. It’s also a good idea to incorporate strength training into your routine about 3 times per week. Building lean muscle tissue will aid in the fat-burning process.

If you really want to burn a lot of fat but don’t have the extra time HIIT workouts can take as little as 8-20 minutes. It involves short bursts of energy followed by an active rest period. Examples of HIIT workouts are sprinting and plyometrics.


Goal: Build Muscle/Strength

Plan of action: Although I’ve grouped muscle building and strength building together they are actually two different goals. While both goals call for resistance training, muscle builders are training for size while strength builders are training for strength and endurance.

In general, muscle building requires lighter weight as you should be lifting one to six sets of eight to 12 repetitions. Building strength requires lifting heavier weights for less repetitions. A strength goal should incorporate one to five sets of weights for one to eight repetitions.


Goal: Overall Health

Plan of action: Some people neither want to gain nor lose weight but aim to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to maintain a healthy weight/lifestyle one should workout 3-5 times per week and should mix it up between cardio and strength training. Lean muscle helps to burn fat even while at rest so strength training is great tool to keeping your body in maintenance mode. Cardio can be anything you enjoy like walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga, etc.


Goal: Increase Speed

Plan of action: If you want to increase your running speed whether it’s for a 5k, a mud run or a marathon, consider adding specific drills into your routine. Sometimes people think that if they want to run a faster mile they should train by always running a mile until it gets faster. But the real way to amp up your speed it to switch up your routine. Try adding some sprinting and strengthening drills into your normal running regimen like sprints, pushups, lunges and squats. Drills can be added in as part of a dynamic warm-up, they can be added after your regular run, or you can even dedicate a few sessions per week just to drills.

Goal: Socialization

Plan of action: If you want to get your workout in all the while interacting with others, try a gym membership. Group fitness classes are a great way to interact with others who share similar interests. Many times you will see the same people attending the same classes so it’s easy to get to know each other. Not to mention the motivational atmosphere of ‘all being in it together’ really helps give you that extra push.


Goal: Stress Relief

meditation (1)

Plan of action: First you have to figure out what relieves your stress. Some people might benefit from light yoga classes that involve meditation and relaxation, while others may find that a sweaty kickboxing class really helps them to take the edge off. You may even benefit from a mix of both. Take one or two days a week to engage in relaxation and take another few days to attend a kickboxing class and let it all out on the bag.




If you feel you have been putting everything into your workout but are not seeing that outcome you would like, it may be that you are not training the right way for your specific goal. I hope this post can help to shed some light on the different methods of training that go along with different goals.



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Best Running Buddy Contest

A running buddy helps you push yourself, reach your goals and keeps you company.

#AIAVitalityMY is generous to offer free entries for us to run a #RunningBuddy  #NashataChallenge for you! Limited to 5 winners only, each winner gets 2 X 12km FREE running entries worth RM176 & Nashata Raazgloves & shoe bags worth RM116

#AIAVitalityMY #NashataChallenge #RunningBuddy

#AIAVitalityMY #NashataChallenge #RunningBuddy

So take this opportunity to win 2 tickets to run with your best buddy at the Men’s Health Women’s Health Night Run by AIA Vitality at Penang on 2nd April (Saturday). It is the first Men’s Health Women’s Health Night Run by AIA Vitality in the Pearl of the Orient, Penang and it offers you sea-breeze run by the shores of southern Penang. Check out this awesome route!


mhwh-night-run-AIA Vitality-Penang-12km

To Win the #AIAVitalityMY #NashataChallenge:

  1. Post a photo or video of you and your buddy running together on Instagram or Facebook
  2. Share the distance and tell us why both of you would like running in Penang
  3. Include hashtag #AIAVitalityMY, #NashataChallenge & #RunningBuddy
  4. Please ensure your account or post is set to public

The contest ends 14 Feb 2016.
Winners will be selected based on creativity of photo, video, caption, likers and shares. Winners will be announced on Nashata’s Instagram & Facebook account!

Now, bring out the best in you and start running with your buddies. Don’t forget to take awesome pictures or videos!

AIA Malaysia Presents the Largest Night Run Series

Can’t have enough for just one run? Well, big surprise for you!

Men’s Health Women’s Health Night Run by AIA Vitality offers you three night runs in Penang, Putrajaya and Johor. Here we are announcing you the running events details.

The age limit of the running events is 18 and above that consists of three categories. For true runners you can join the competitive run (12km and 21km), while for the beginners who’s interested in running just for a start, you can join the fun run (5km).


  • You can appreciate darkness and the beauty of the sky and sound of nocturnal animals while  running at night

Why Night Run?

  •  Night run offers a different running experience, be it temperature, humidity and heat level. If you want to experience a different running atmosphere, try night run as you would be running together with a group of people instead of alone
  • You can appreciate darkness and the beauty of the sky and sound of nocturnal animals while  running at night
  • Running at night keeps you away from UV rays. Over exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer and damage your eyes. So if you plan to run for long hours and sensitive to the sun, night runs may work for you.

Review & Tips for Night Run


Below is the summary of the events.

Event Summary


First Night Run – 2nd April 2016 Penang (Saturday)

Second Night Run – 30 July 2016 Putrajaya (Saturday)

Third Night Run – 7 January 2017 Johor (Saturday)


Date: April 2, 2016

Starting point: Queensbay Mall



Date: July 30, 2016

Starting point: Dataran Putrajaya, Presint 3



Date: January 7, 2017

Starting point: To be announced



Race kit consists of runners T-Shirt, a number bib attached with timing chip, safety pins and race guides (if any).

The theme color for the Penang, Putrajaya & Johor Night Runs are orange, red and blue respectively.

Runners who do complete all three runs will also be rewarded with a unique “trifecta” medal – a three-in-one medal that clips together – as a special memento to commemorate the experience and achievement.

MHWH Medal


Quickly register before the registration close for the all the three locations. The run in Penang will be held on 2 April 2016. The flag-off will be at 8pm and the starting point will be at Queensbay Mall in George Town, Penang.

Running Shirt

So, what are you waiting for? Register here now!


What’s Cooking at MWM 2016?

The Malaysia Women Marathon is back this March! This year Karen Loh, the Race Director welcomed the guests and media in an apron and long boots. Yes, Karen is full of surprises, so be prepared to get loads of them with classy feminine touches at the run!

Karen Loh in an apron and long boots : MWM 2016

Karen Loh in an apron and long boots : MWM 2016



There are 4+1 categories at MWM 2016: 5km, 10km, 21km and 42.195 km. The other category is for charity where corporate companies can participate in a 3km race.

The date of the race is 6 March (Sunday) and the flag off venue is the same as previous years; Dataran Kemerdekaan, Shah Alam (GPS Coordinate: 3.07266, 101.515861). Race Kit Collection starts 4th March – 5th March at Bandar Rimbayu IJM Lands (GPS Coordinate : 2.941069, 101.54636). Make sure you use GPS coordinates as I couldn’t find Bandar Rimbayu IJM on Waze nor Google Maps.

Those who are running full marathon would start from Dataran Merdeka to Rimbayu and back to Dataran Merdeka. The roads to Bandar Rimbayu are ushered by lushes trees from rain trees to palm oil trees so do expect a nice cool run. Here are all the routes at a glance.

MWM 2016 Routes ; 5km, 10km, Half Marathon, Full Marathon

MWM 2016 Routes ; 5km, 10km, Half Marathon, Full Marathon


What I like about MWM this year is the long sleeves running tee. Yay, finally, a tee that suits our hot and sunny weather. Assuming you run a full marathon for 5 hours, you would be on the road till 9am. In Malaysia, after 730am, the morning sun can give you a sun burn. Unfortunately the long sleeves was just for press conference. For the run, you would get the running vest.

2016 MWM Event singlet

RUN SISTER RUN is the theme for this year and you get the print together with a gold emblem on the running tee.

MWM Running Shirt

MWM Running Shirt at Press Conference


Not only there was the Queen of Marathon, Anand the Orange Man from Hooha was also at the Press Conference to give support !

I also bumped into Kelvin Ng, one of the male pacers at MWM 2015. I was following him towards the end of my run last year and I am thankful for having a witty pacer like him at MWM. I hope he paces again this March!

Kelvin Ng, the Pacer MWM 2015

Kelvin Ng (on the right in skirt), the Pacer MWM 2015

I did my first full marathon at MWM 2015 and I encourage first timers to take the opportunity to push yourself to the next level at MWM because it is woman-friendly and super fun! You can read my experience at MWM last year here.


Karen Loh & Anand (Orange Man)

Karen Loh & Anand (Orange Man)


Do expect to see more diverse and fun runners at MWM. At the press conference, I was happy to meet Wen Li and Shirley Chan of Running Toones and 261 fearless group. I hope to connect you ladies with these passionate runners soon.

Shirley started to Draw the Running Toones

Shirley Chan started to Draw the Running Toones, How Cute!


Nashata sponsors a few seasoned and new runners for full marathon this year so don’t forget to look out for them. Please run with them too and let’s make the run more exciting for us girls!

Some of the runners are Intan Suraya, Eda Fatimawati, Efah the founder of WOW RUN, Azlina or widely knowns as Along, Aina the WeekendRunner, Mimi Abdul Rashid and Nahsuhah.

We will be at the racekit collection to feature our new innovative sports hijab so do drop by and check out our hot selling items & new collection – to be featured at MWM Expo!


Special Thanks to the Sponsors : Etiqa, Tourism Selangor, Rimbayu IJM, Garmin, KT Tape, Columbia & Newton

Special Thanks to the Sponsors : Etiqa, Tourism Selangor, Rimbayu IJM, Garmin, KT Tape, Columbia & Newton


Lastly, a very special thanks to the sponsors and organiser for organizing MWM for the 4th time! Registration is still open so hurry and get your friends to run with you at MWM.MY. The early bird prices end 22nd January and they range from RM38 – RM98. Wait no more and register today!