Running on the International Women’s Day 2020

The Malaysia Women Marathon (MWM) is a yearly running event that happens on International Women’s Day. It’s 8th version in 2020 and it was called off three days before the race day due to the coronavirus (COVID19). Many got upset about the last minute decision by the organiser and sponsor. The run was called off when the exhibitors and sponsors were already on race village to set up. The MWM was not the only race that got cancelled or postponed. However, other runs in Klang Valley went ahead on the same day -> Malaysia Youth Run 2020 & Kuala Lumpur City Day Half Marathon 2020.

Despite the cancellation, the three day expo continued at Padang Timur of Petaling Jaya. Runners came to pick up their race kits and finisher items as promised by the organiser. I was not able to go and got someone to pick up mine. I opened the race pack the day after the race day just to find the shirt I ordered was the wrong type and the finisher buff missing. This was not the first time such thing happen. A friend who ran the half marathon last year was not given the finisher buff too. I checked the event facebook page and saw many angry comments about not receiving 5km medals, even on the last date.

Hibiscus Dog Tag & Farhati’s Finisher Buff by the Malaysia Women Marathon

I committed to run the half marathon and raise funds for the Malaysia Rare Disease Society. I had obligations to keep to my words, especially towards donors who collectively contributed RM1,140 to the cause. I just had to run. I knew many wanted to run too. After all, it is a good practice to earn the medal. So, I put up a post on my instagram, inviting others and Nashata Runners to join me.

The morning twilight by Putrajaya Lakeside

A few wanted to join but a couple of turned up to run on International Women’s Day. It was a 8 km loop around the Putrajaya Lake starting from Perdana Lake Jogging Track . It was a safe and scenic route, with a couple of public toilets along the way. I brought some water, coconut water, energy bars and mars chocolate and left them at the gazebo where we started (at the Perdana Lake Jogging Track). Below was the route.

8 km loop Perdana Lakeview

We started running at 6:40am and finished when the sun was scorching hot. The first loop with Farhani and Farhati was easy and breezy, while the second loop after the 15km mark was a bit hard for both of us due to the heat. We stopped after the first loop to replenish and ran slowly until we finished the second loop under 3 hours.

Throughout the run, we bumped into other MWM runners, some solo and some in a group of two. All of them ran in a great spirit of International Women’s Day!

Half marathon  route from Perdana Lake Jogging Track. It is a loop of about 10km each. We made 2 loops to achieve 21km

Now, I feel I do not need to run in races. Having a bigger cause, like raising funds for special need groups make running more meaningful. After all, with availability of public toilets, GPS/Running watches and running companions you can just train frequently and run with your friends. If I want to push the envelope, I would just join major and well-managed marathons for a good experience!

RM1,140 Raised for the Malaysia Rare Disease Society

Happy International Women’s Day! #EachforEqual. To me, every women is strong and beautiful. It is a day for us to celebrate. Here’s sending lotsa love ♥♥♥ to the ladies out there.

The runners made the best of the day, no matter where we were. Intan ran 15km in Nilai on International Women’s Day.

Take advantage of Nashata RM20/USD5/SGD3.5 voucher valid until 11 March when you purchase more than RM100/USD25/ worth of items at Use vouchercode EachforEqual.

Gift Voucher Women’s Day

Tips untuk Larian UiTM Ultra 2020 – #HillsareMadeforToughLeg

Date : 1 -2 Feb 2020

Venue : Stadium UiTM Shah Alam

Distance : 52 km, 84 km, 104 km

Kategori : 52 km (Women Vateran)


This is the Vol. 4 for this event.  But it is the 1st time for me to join.  Dari vol. 2 nak cuba, sebab nak rasa lari di tempat saya ambil degree dulu, tapi keadaan tak mengizinkan. Actually, this year pun  tak dapat nak register sebab faktor masa. But last-minute, a week before the event one of my friends have an emergency issue, she can’t make it. Luckily It’s possible to transfer the bib, so I can change my name to the event system. 

Terus terang, saya memang tak cukup training, millage collect past few months pun tak banyak. Paling jauh saya berlari bulan Januari itu pun 20km saja.  Cuma sepanjang Januari hingga ke hari event saya ada join BiiB challange, iaitu setiap hari tanpa miss walau sehari saya perlu berlari 2 km. Itu saja persediaan yang ada. The only I had is the spirit and confidence plus a few experience, sebelum ni saya pernah juga join event  50km.

Saya baca banyak review tentang event ni, and they said this event was well organized.  Patutlah event ni semakin besar dan ramai. Konsep larian ialah looping, 1 loop = 5.2km.  So untuk kategori saya, I have to run 10 loops within the cut of times 10 hours. Kalau ikut teori matematik, 1 loop berlari dalam masa 1 jam, itu memang cukup-cukup masa COT. 

Route :

picture credit UiTM Ultra, Runner’s Guide


Flag of untuk kategori 52km ialah pada 1 Februari jam 10 malam. Untuk loop yang pertama saya easy run belajar route, tengok jalan ada lubang or not, tengok keadaan jalan, tengok timing mat, cari di mana toilet dan sekeliling. Starting dari Padang Kawad terus ke Kolej Aggerik, Pusat Kesihatan,  Fakulti Engineering, dan sehingga di cabaran pertama bila di Bukit Tonggek dan waktu ni saya rasa kaki  saya melekat di jalan. It’s seriously  tonggek. This hill was killing me, how can I walk here for 10 loops?  Hahaha… Than, lepas azab di Bukit Tonggek, jalan terus menurun bukit sehinggalah jumpa cabaran berbukit kedua, di Kolej Seroja terus ke Fakulti Art & Design, Menara, dan PTAR.  Kira-kira 1km lebih juga laluan bukit disini. Laluan bukitnya yang agak panjang.  Terus ke Fakuti Sains Gunaan, Kolej Perindu, Pusat Sukan dan terus ke starting point semula.  

This is Bukit Tonggek. You can imagine the hills by just looking how they walk.  Picture by Pixel Asimo

Second challenge, Bukit Seroja. Picture credit Pixel Asimo

Water Station (WS) :

Sebab loop cuma 5.2km, jadi ada 2 saja WS.  WS1 di starting line dan WS2 lebih kurang dalam 2km di Bukit Tonggek, Konsep minuman kat sini you all kena bawa cawan/ botol sendiri / Bring Your Own Bottle (BYOB) bawa 2 bottles , satu letak di WS 1 dan  1 lagi di WS2. Bottle/ cup di marked guna number bib. So senang you all nak cari. 

Water Station & Rest area Picture credit Pixel Asimo

Baguslah konsep yang macam ni, kurangkan kos dan environment friendly. Food & drinks semua sangat mewah. Air coke, kopi ice, nescafe ice, sirap, 100 plus. Food pun banyak sangat, ada cekodok, sandwich, bubur dan sup dan banyak lagi sampai saya tak tau nak makan apa, saya cuma makan pisang dan watermelon sebab senang nak kunyah dan telan. 🙂

Di WS ni ada sediakan kerusi, boleh lah kalau you all nak rehat-rehat. Tapi kerusi ni juga boleh makan diri kalau tak ada sebab jangan duduk tau, bahaya!

My Strategy and tips

As i said before, saya  memang tak cukup millage untuk training game ni.  Dapat bib seminggu before event. Jadi apa yang saya buat ialah :

Seminggu sebelum game :

  • Saya berlari sehari 3km je, slow-slow layan angin pagi
  • Plank seminit 5 kali sehari
  • 90 x squart
  • 100 x 5kali sehari jumping jacks
  • 90 x burpess 
  • Makan minum macam biasa avoid yang pedas

Event day (tips macam mana nak kejar COT)

  • Masa 1st loop saya  lari untuk  tengok route, tengok jalan kalau ada berlubang berbatu, tengok part mana bukit, turun bukit yang flat, kat mana toilet, timing mat dan segala nya yang boleh nampak.
  • Bila dah tau, saya  atur strategy 🙂 naik bukit fast walk, turun bukit dan flat kena lari.  Jangan rehat terlalu lama di WS, minum dan sambung lari. My aimed, 1 loop mesti lari dalam masa 40-50 minute, so that saya ada buffer time, If anything happened, saya masih boleh kejar COT.  Bila dah loop ke 5, saya stop makan energy bar dan ambil Natura shot. Alhamdulillah, kenyang dan sangat berkesan.
  • Jangan duduk! Kalau kaki cramp streching, kalau penat berlari, jalan.  Mengantuk? Memang akan rasa mengantuk sebab waktu tidur kan, ambil coffee, makan gula2 kopiko. Jangan tidur! sebab  game ni you all yang pilih, so kena lah berkorban waktu tidur, tak mau rasa susah, jangan sign up event ni.. your choice! 
  • Listen to your body! Badan kita semua tak sama, you control your mind and body.  Kalau rasa tak sihat, stop dan jumpa medic!

Alhamdulillah, strategy saya ni berjaya untuk saya dapat habiskan game ni dalam masa 8jam 17 minit dan dapat no 7 kategori Women Vateran.  My personal best so far. Yeayy!!! Bangga sangat dengan diri sendiri! 


Overall  event ni sangat baik.  Semua cukup, medical, marshall, peronda Uitm pun selalu round, air dan makanan cukup, ada tempat massage, surau, toilet, dan bagagge area, tempat rehat, parking space pun besar.  Nak pacak khemah, bentang tikar semua boleh. Seronok dapat jumpa kawan-kawan yang datang support, ramai juga yang bawa family “berkampung” .  


Special award for top 10


Medal for all categories

Terbaik event ni walau route sangat mencabar, mungkin saya akan kembali beraksi di lain kategori. Who knows.. :). Good job & well done kepada organizer & crew!

I am running in Hooda Ellipse Sports Hijab, non-flipping, and secure hijab.  With Ultra Top I, breathable, fast dry and super comfy. Leggings – High Waist Fitness, soft and stretchable. All you can get at





Larian Hari Keputeraan Sultan Nazrin Shah 2019 – “Raya Runners”


Hari Ahad lepas (17/11/2019) saya berlari di acara Larian Hari Keputeraan Sultan Nazrin Shah (LHKSNS) Kuala Kangsar, Perak.  Acara ini edisi ke 5 LHKSNS dan untuk saya ini adalah tahun ke 3 berturut saya sertai.  Acara yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh runners, sebabnya ia ibarat hari raya bagi kami semua. Apabila pendaftaran dibuka, hanya mengambil masa 2  jam sahaja dan slot telah ‘sold out’, walaupun pada tahun ini penyertaan untuk semua kategori ditambah dengan total keseluruhan 6000 slot.  Macam goreng pisang panas! Kenapa? Sebab ia ada tarikannya tersendiri! Memang seronok!

Waktu ambil race kit di Dewan Jubli Perak, jam 6.30 petang masih ramai, rata-rata yang datang dari luar Kuala Kangsar.

Gambar kenangan selepas ambil race kit. Depan saya ramai lagi yang beratur untuk ambil gambar disini.

Waktu saya beratur, Tuanku Zara juga berada di dewan. Cantiknya Tuanku Zara!

Pagi itu saya terus ke starting line, sangat mudah bagi saya sebab Masjid berdepan dengan Dewan Jubli Perak, mudah nak solat subuh.

Saya dalam kategori 15km wanita vateran, starting point di Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Kangsar pada jam 7.00 pagi.  Penyertaan pada tahun ini sangat meriah kerana ramai runners datang dengan berbagai jenis pakaian, termasuk saya sendiri.

Flag of 15km oleh Sultan Nazrin Shah

Larian pada hari tu, saya cuma nak berlari santai, jumpa kawan-kawan, dan bergambar saja.  Kami berlari di kawasan kampung, seronok bila berlari dapat jumpa dengan orang kampung yang bersorak, di jamu dengan kuih tradisional.  Selain itu kami boleh berhenti untuk sama-sama main congkak, batu seremban, ada live band untuk hiburan kami semua.  Orang kg Kuala Kangsar sangat awesome! Ini bukan race! Ini larian hari raya!

Photoshoot di tengah jalan pun boleh!

Route yang mendamaikan 🙂

Kita stop main batu seremban dulu 🙂


Geng afro – photo by Zul Ramly

Geng pajamas – photo by Kin K Yum

Kami berlari di kawasan bendang.  Untuk saya yang duduk KL ni, nak tengok sawah bendang ni memang setahun sekali je. Ya Allah! dah jakun sangant rupanya. Masa hari tu sawah bendang jadi tempat photoshoot.  Meriah!

Saya berpakaian baju melayu, bergambar di bendang. 🙂

Di km10 saat yang paling kami tunggu,trademark LHKSNS ialah dapat minum air kelapa free!!! #satukepalasatukelapa, seronokkan, bila penat berlari, dengan hari yang semakin panas dapat basahkan tekak dengan air kelapa muda.


Sisterhood is powerful, minum air kelapa bersama-sama. Photo by Fieza Ahmad.

Di Dataran Lembah pula, seperti berpesta, kami dihiburkan dengan lagu joget, ada kumpulan tarian dan sesiapa boleh menari bersama.  Kami juga di jamu dengan air dan kuih muih, makanlah seberapa banyak.

Kuih muih yang dijamu untuk peserta. Photo by As_Ayub

4km ke Finish Line, berlari santai-santai, suasana di bandar yang agak sibuk dengan kenderaaan, namun keselamatan kami semua masih di jaga dengan baik. Polis dan Rela sangat-sangat memebantu dan sportingnya orang Kuala Kangsar!

Farhati & Farhani with finisher medal.

Finisher Medal. Cantik!

Suasana berlari yang macam ni, memang saya tak pernah dapat rasai dimana-mana, cuma di sini.  Dengan yuran penyertaan cuma RM35, berbaloi dengan rasa kepuasan berlarii disini! Sebab itu, saya tak akan ketinggalan untuk sertai setiap tahun.  Jumpa lagi LHKSNS 2020.

Nashata #hijabirunners at SCKLM 2019

In a couple of weeks the Standard Charted KL Marathon (SCKLM) will be back again. It is the biggest running event in Malaysia and the most anticipated marathon by runners from Malaysia and overseas. The event is held annually since 1989. It starts on 29th of September in Kuala Lumpur this year, with an estimated forty thousand participants.There are several categoriest: Full Marathon (FM) with a distance of 42.2km, Half Marathon(HM), with a distance of 21km, 10km and 5km.

We are very excited for this event this year as Nashata celebrates hijabi runners who are taking up the challenge be it the first time or repeatedly running a marathon. Here are the nine hijabi runners who will be running the FM at the SCKLM, InsyaAllah. Three of them will be running their very first full marathon and the other six – repeated marathon runners.

Meet the nine of the Nashata Runners who will be running the FM at #SCKLM2019.


Farhati started running in year 2018. She loves running as she finds it as a free prescription for happy hormones. She is finisher of eight Half Marathon and she will be running her 1st Full Marathon at SCKLM 2019. She ran her personal best for 5KM and completed her recent Half Marathon in Nashata Sports Robe 

“Since it’ll be my very first FM, I hope that I would be able to survive it”, says Farhati


She runs in Nashata : Sports Robe, Ultra Top and Hooda Sports Hijab


Intan Siza is a mother of two kids. An active lady since young, Intan started running in 2014. She loves running and stays active to catch up with her kids’ energy and also to gain back her stamina. She will be running her 5th Full Marathon at the SCKLM2019 and has finished running 50km races twice.

She said “This 5th FM will mean a lot to me because I will run together with my friend for her Virgin FM as a birthday gift for her. I will support her to finish the race within the cut of time”.

She runs in Nashata Ultra Top, Hooda Ellipse Sports Hijab & Fitness Leggings


Intan Suraya is a veteran marathon and ultra runner. She started running at 33 and has been running over a decade. Other than running she supports and helps many runners too. SCKLM2019 would be her 12th Full Marathon and her 9th year running at the SCKLM. She runs to maintain her body weight, improve stamina and to stay fit and healthy.

“I am prepared and training hard for this event, I would like to finish the race before the cut of time but if I can break my personal best, it’s a bonus for me”, shares Intan who tries not to miss running at SCKLM.

She runs in Nashata Head to toe all the time


Due to blood sugar test that indicates pre-diabetic condition, Laili chooses to practice a healthy lifestyle. So in 2018, she started running and will be running her first Full Marathon at the SCKLM2019.

“I am a very busy mom and running is the best workout for me. I can run alone, anytime and anywhere without involved with any team, it’s just myself for me time. SCKLM 2019 is very meaningful to me, because this would be my 1st Full Marathon. I will try my best to finish the race within the cut of time without any injuries”, says Laili.

She runs in Nashata Ellipse Sports Hijab


Nor Baizatul Akmal or better known as Apeng is a Ultramarathoner,  a six times finisher of 100km category.  She started running in 2011.  At first, she ran to lose weight, keep healthy and be fit.  Nowadays, she wants to challenge herself to run long distances races. 

“I wish to complete my FM at SCKLM 2019 within the cut of time since it’s been a while since the last time I race a full marathon”.

She runs in Nashata Ultra Tops


Nur Azyan is a mother of a lovely girl, loves to run for weight loss and  to keep her healthy and fit.  She said “When I run with my friends, I get some ‘me-time’ for myself away from work and home stresses”  She loves to challenge herself and for now her longest distance is 90km, and planning to achieve 100km races.

“SCKLM is very meaningful to me because my 1st race event was at SCKLM 2010 in 5km fun run category,  I broke my virgin full marathon at SCKLM 2011, and my still-holding personal best record for FM is at SCKLM 2012. SCKLM 2019 will be my 8th FM, I will try my best to finish the race within the cut of time without any injuries.”

She runs in Nashata Ultra Tops, Hooda Ellipse Sports Hijab, Crop Top


Siti Nor Aliza is a mother of two daughters. She started running in 2014.  She loves to run as a way to stay fit and healthy and to inspire all mothers out there. “In my opinion, every mother should always be healthy and fit to look after their children. So, as a mother, we need to find time to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle”. 

“I broke my virgin full marathon last year at Malaysia Women Marathon but for SCKLM 2019, it would be my 1st full marathon as I signed up for half marathon category previous year.  I will try my best to complete the race within the cut of time without any injuries”, Aliza shares excitedly.

She runs in Nashata Ultra Tops, Hooda Ellipse and Riada Salasa Pants


Syariza, started running in 2017.  She loves running to maintain her body weight. She said “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams”

InsyaAllah, she will break her virgin full marathon at SCKLM 2019.

Celebrating my 42nd birthday on the day by successfully completing the 42km run. It will be the best birthday gift that I could give to myself”, says Syariza

She runs in Nashata Leia Top, Hooda Ellipse Sports Hijab and Riada Salasa Pants


Zamzamiah, started running in late 2014. She also loves trail run and hiking to challenge herself. An ultramarathoner and finisher 100km in few races, she says “I dare to challenge myself and push myself beyond the limit. We are all the same, but the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. If I can do it, so do you !”

She added, “Achieving a Personal Best timing is always a bonus for me. I hope I’m in the best form to run in SCKLM2019 with no injury and that I will be able to smile towards the finishing line. Apart from that, I look forward to see more competitive hijabi runners in SCKLM2019.”

She runs in Nashata Ultra Tops, Hooda Ellipse and Racerback Sports Hijab and Compression Skirt Pants


For those who will be running – All the best for your run and enjoy it.
If you see #NashataRunners and any other runners, smile and say hello. All runners are awesome!  So do support and cheer each other for trying the best and for finishing the race with alhamdulillah. See you on the 29th September 2019.

Follow #nashatarunners on Instagram to follow their updates

Weekend Training Plan for Marathons

Ladies, here’s Nashata Runners calendar for July, August and September for long distance running! You can join these weekend sessions if you want to train for half and full marathon anytime before October.

This weekend training plan is tailored for those running  half marathon for SCORE RUN 2019, PJ Half Marathon and Standard Charted KL Marathon 2019. You can also join us if you would like to train for full marathon at the Standard Charted KL Marathon.

The distances planned for each weekend is to prepare you for upcoming races and what we do is to train  together with you. This plan does not include plans for weekdays. Do train on weekdays as well to ensure you gain enough mileage prior to races.

There are two main venues for our training: Cyberjaya and Bukit Jalil. The meet points are Perdana Lake Jogging Track for Cyberjaya and Bukit Jalil Recreational Park (Car Park Gate C) for Bukit Jalil.

There is no fees involved, but if you would like to join the sessions, please whatsapp +60123112489  or email Just let us know your name, session you wish to join so that we know that you will join our session. Follow Nashata Active instagram account for updates.

Why Join Us?

Nashata runners consist of avid and seasoned marathon runners and we have inspired and supported many female runners to push their limits. If you are a new in embarking into long distance running, you can join us to get tips and support.

If you cannot join us, you can still train on your own, no matter where you are. Do clock in the mileage and keep training.

Weekend Training Plan for Marathons


Intan and Apeng running together at the Pink Ultra Run

The Color Run Malaysia 2017

Are you a fan of colors? If you are, then I hope you managed to attend The Color Run last Sunday (13 August) at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur.

If you’ve never heard of The Color Run, it’s a run where fist-full of colors would be thrown at you throughout the whole 5 kilometres. It first began in Phoenix, Arizona five years ago and slowly expanded across the globe.

The race kit was collected at eCurve, Mutiara Damansara the week before. Needless to say, they were pretty cool. The white t-shirt was a soft cotton fabric, unlike most of the other t-shirts I own. There were a few other things too, including a goodie bag and a headband with the words “THE COLOR RUN” printed in bright yellow.

Race kit – a white t-shirt for colors to be thrown at and a goodie bag containing facial products, sticker tattoos, and a headband.

On the event day, I got up at 5:40 a.m. and made my way (with my uncle) to the designated location. The sky was still dark, and the roads were exceptionally empty. Without the usual heavy traffic present during the day, it took a short 30 minutes to get there.

Upon arriving the field (Padang Merbok means Merbok Field, so the event was set up on a field), we were astonished to see the wave of people in identical white t-shirts. There were at least 500 people warming up, lead by the event hosts who were already onstage with two unicorns dancing about.

Took a bite of a giant doughnut before the run.

After a few stretches here and there, we were lead into a pathway towards the starting line like a massive herd of sheep plus we were all wearing white, so we were all human sheep. There were at least three drones flying high up above our heads, recording the whole thing.

Participants were released in waves, each one starting off with a sprinkle of color over their heads. We were the lucky enough to be at the second wave, which started a little after 7:15 a.m. Participants who started later had to run under the eight to nine o’clock sun.

It was a cool and lovely run, thanks to the ample shade the tall trees provided for us. It was like running in a forest. At first, we thought there would be color stations every kilometre, which should add up to five stations. To our surprise, the distance between the first station and the second was less than a kilometre, probably as short as 500 metres.

The first station threw yellow, green, and purple at us. I was lucky my aunt advised us to bring a scarf or a cloth to cover our faces while running through the stations beforehand. The colors were made of powder, in which the event crew threw fist-full of colored powder at us. Since they were made of powder, it caused irritation to the eyes and the mouth. There were a few times where we ran past families, their young children complaining of the powder in their eyes or their color powdered shoes.

After running blindly through stations of blue, orange, neon green, and red, we reached the finish line at 8:30 a.m., our clothes and hair stained with color. At the finishing line, we were given a packet of colored powder each, including a bottle of water and a can of energy drink.

Thoroughly stained with color.

Nashata Sweatpants splattered with paint.

My uncle’s red mane after the run.

Overall, it was a fantastic event. Though it wasn’t your typical run-and-go marathon, it was definitely a fun run. Not recommended for children 10 and below because they may not be able to handle the irritation. If you’re in Rhode Island or Portland (and many more places in the United States and around the world), you still have a chance to participate in the fun. Who knows, maybe you’ll join the run next year.

– Nukey

Driving Mileage for FTPC Singapore @ #NashataRun4Charity

Nashata Runners and running sisters from Singapore are fueled with more determination and drive to collect mileage For The People & Community-FTPC. The funds collected from #NashataRun4Charity in April will be used for Ramadhan Grocery Pack Distribution.

Seven more days to go and the runners are more committed than before. For the run in Singapore, we welcome all of you to be a part of it! You can JOIN the run virtually for RM69/SG22 or SPONSOR the run for at least RM22/SG7. It is not too late for you to JOIN the run no matter where you are. In the spirit of sisterhood, we welcome your support to be a part of a charity drive!

Mudzalifah, a Nashata Runner who is also the lead runner from Singapore took more mileage when she participated in her 1st Triathlon at the MetaSprint Series Triathlon, East Coast Park yesterday. She trained weeks and in fact months prior to the race!

efah triathlon

Efah raced in Nashata Azza Toplectic and Nashata Body Suit.

As to date, the team has collected more than 382 km and we need your support to keep our running spirits high. You can view our progress from these hashtags on instagram #nashatarun4charitysingapore and #nashatarun4charity. It is not too late to JOIN or SPONSOR  the run. You can get more info here’s.

Run Raudhah Run!

Run Raudhah Run!

Raudhah Takes Her Run FAR!

Raudhah Takes Her Run FAR!

Each and every runner updates and motivates each other. Here are updates of Rose

Each and every runner updates and motivates each other. Here are updates of Rose

NashataRun4Charity is a virtual run that aims to raise funds for a ‘Charity of Choice’ in a new country every month. Nashata runners together with a group of runners in respective country would run virtually for the whole month. Nashata pays RM1 for every 1 KM each runner’s mileage. Nashata Run for Charity fosters 3 things:-

  • Stronger Sisterhood
  • Strengthen Fitness
  • Support a Cause

Started first in Brunei in Feb ’17, the run gathers four female runners from respective country and two Nashata runners who volunteer to run as much as they could to raise fund for a charity of their cause in the country. These runners ran 707km for an Autism Center SMARTER Brunei.

Ain & Smarter Brunei

Ain the lead runner from Brunei giving collective contribution to SMARTER Brunei

In March’17, six Nashata runners from South Africa & Malaysia pledged to run to raise funds for Baitul Aman Children’s Home in South Africa. They finished collectively with 717km and all funds were channel directly to the center.

For those who have been supporting the runners and their cause – I thank you. Only Allah can reward you.

#NashataRun4Charity Continues to Singapore

We ended #NashataRun4CharitySouthAfrica on 31st March with 717km with 4 runners from South Africa and 2 Nashata runners.

In April’17, Aida Saini, Rose Saini, Renee Ismail, Raudhah Abdul Rahim, Nahsuhah, Muzdalifah Anuar from Singapore & Malaysia pledge to run to raise funds for For The People & Community-FTPC for  Ramadhan Grocery Pack Distribution in Singapore.

For the run in Singapore, we welcome all of you to be a part of it too! You can JOIN the run virtually for RM69 or SPONSOR the run for at least RM22

1. Join the Run


  • Virtual run with the runners wherever you are for RM69 only. You get a Nashata EZ Finisher Skirt worth RM59 when you run more than 10km in the month of April.
    Shipping fees are not included for countries other than Malaysia.
  • Nashata EZ Finisher Skirt

    Nashata EZ Finisher Skirt

  • You can post your runs and use hashtags #nashatarun4charitySingapore #nashatarun4charity
  • For proof of mileage for finisher skirt, post your final mileage on instagram and add #nashatarun4charitySingapore and your order number in caption.
    Final date to post to claim for finisher is 1st May 11:59pm Singapore time. Make sure your account is public until 2nd May 2017 11:59pm
  • Shipping of finisher skirts starts 3rd May onwards

2. Sponsor the Run


  • Sponsor the run for RM22 only. Add +quantity to contribute more!
    Proceeds would go to FTPC
  • Follow and support the runners on social media. These are the hashtags for the run #nashatarun4charitySingapore  #nashatarun4charity

Meet the Runners


Running Sisters from Singapore & Malaysia

About FTPC:

Started in Jan 26 2012 by a group of friends giving out cooked porridge to the needy.
Since the years we have evolved into giving Grocery bags, Medi Kits amongst others.

 Funds raised are for Ramadhan Grocery Pack Distribution

Funds raised are for Ramadhan Grocery Pack Distribution

Their effort is #powerbythecommunity as all contributions comes from friends and families within the community of good hearted people. FTPC is previously known as ‘FEED THE POOR CAMPAIGN’.

About Nashata Run for Charity

It is a virtual run that aims to raise funds for the  ‘Charity of Choice’ in a new country every month. Nashata runners together with a group of runners in respective country would run virtually for the whole month. The runners get to choose the cause and beneficiary of the run.  Nashata pays RM1 for every 1 KM each runner’s mileage.
To Join the Run :
To Sponsor the Run :

Thank you for your support!

The Inspiring Running Niqabi From Durban


Zaheda finished strong in her Half Marathon in Durban few weeks ago ?

Zaheda is one of the running sisters from Durban, South Africa who joined Nashata Virtual Run For Charity in March edition to support Baitul Aman Children Center in South Africa. Zaheda is 43 years old and a mother of 3. She runs in veil and in March and she collects the highest mileage among all which is 170km. Here are a few sharing about her passion in running in Q&A:

1. Q: When did Zaheda start running?

A : Fitness has always been a big part of my life from a young age but I only started running in my final year at school for 500 dollar loan. I went to a school where athletics played a major role, but I never participated. In my final year, I felt like I wanted to finish knowing that I at least tried. I finished second last but I was bitten. Starting off was very difficult for me, I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I almost gave up but I didn’t. Everyday, I’d go back to it until slowly I started getting better and better at it and I was doing longer distances each time. I became hooked as I was happiest when I was out there. In terms of speed and pace I’m pretty slow but I’m working on it.

2. Q: How frequent does Zaheda run?

A: I aim for 25KM a week but this year, I’m quite busy so sometimes I was only running on my treadmill, 3 to 5km, 4 or 5 times per week. On a week day, I limit my running time to an hour.

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онлайн займ на карту без отказа These are some of the recorded mileage collection for Nashata Virtual Run for Charity South Africa,..she manage to collect 170km in March 😉

3.Q : When and where does Zaheda run?

A: I run early in the mornings. I live in the area which is very near to the beach, so I always run along the beach on the promenade. I am a mum of 3, my kids are independent and grown up but I  try to run at time that doesn’t affect my family life. When I get back from my run, they are getting up and I’m there to prepare their breakfasts and school lunches and see them off to school.

Zaheda runs very early in the morning

4.Q : What motivates Zaheda to run?

A : My sister, Zainab run much faster, very disciplined and she is incredibly amazing and I draw my inspiration from her. We run together every Sunday and we always encourage each other to keep improve ourselves. Other than that. I have always found that running helps me get back in shape and I feel good when I’m running consistently. Unfortunately, life sometimes doesn’t allow you to do as you please always. That been said, I am also finding my time for it with proper time management and discipline you can always make it work; this is what my sister, Zainab taught me.

Note : Zainab runs at Nashata Virtual Run for Charity too and she runs FAST!

5. Q : How is Zaheda’s diet like?

A : As far as my diet, I’m not the most disciplined but I’m training myself to control my indulgences as well as my portions. What you eat really affects the way you run. Don’t take fizzy drinks, even the sugar free variety. I don’t really take supplements except my calcium supplement, so I try to eat healthy food and keep well hydrated. I also can only run on a empty stomach, if I eat before run I will feel lethargic. But, yes everyone is different, this works for me.

6. Q : How running change Zaheda’s life?

A : Running has had huge impact on my life. It helps me deal with the stress in life. I am healthier, fitter and I find that I don’t get sick often, Alhamdulillah. It is good for your body and mental well being. I often joke with my friends that I’m addicted to the endorphins and need to get my fix daily.

7. Q : What does Zaheda wear when she runs?

A: Initially I ran in an abaya but after a few near falls, I started customizing my gear and now I’ve discovered Nashata whose range I’m totally in love with. I now have the freedom of doing what I love, looking good and modest all at the same time.


8. Q : How did Zaheda discover Nashata? 

A : I discovered Nashata by chance really, I searched Islamic Sportswear and it came up. Then, I followed them on Facebook. Eliza is very professional and it was absolute pleasure purchasing from her.

9. Q : What is Zaheda’s advice to other novice runners?

A :  My advice is please don’t give up. It is difficult at first but it gets easier and enjoyable. Listen to your body, rest when you feel like it and don’t feel guilty. I adorn the niqaab or face veil, I’m wearing it for 5 years now, Alhamdulillah. Initially I thought I’d never run again as I had never seen a niqaabi run. I used to do strength training with a personal trainer and we found that I was getting really strong but not really loosing weight and she suggested I start running again and for a while I found excuses, silly ones, what would people say, what would I wear until finally she pushed me so hard that I was out of excuses. Things that I learnt are don’t give up on your dreams, the only thing holding you back is YOURSELF. There is certain kind of magic in misery, ask any runners out there.

InsyaAllah, may all women out there will be inspired by Zaheda, the running Niqaabi 😉

#NashataRun4Charity for South Africa Children Centre

In March 2017, Fatimah, Intan Suraya, Nahsuhah,  Saamiyah, Zaheda and Zainab (not her real name)  volunteer to run more than 600 km as a team to raise funds for Baitul Aman. For every 1km they run, Nashata will contribute RM1 to Baitul Aman. You can help sponsor them too and make their run worth more for the children at Baitul Aman.

As of 22nd March, the running sisters have ran 457 km. Zaheda tops the team with 124km to date. Make their sweat worth more and more for the children they wish to help. Sponsor at least USD5 to these runners at LaunchGood or RM22 at Nashata

Zaheda runs in niqab and the most in the pack!

Zaheda from Durban runs in niqab and the most in the pack!

Zaheda runs the most and fastest in the pack!

Zainab runs fast and diligently. She keeps us on our toes!

Intan Suraya runs a full marathon and 2 half marathon in March

Intan Suraya runs a full marathon and 2 half marathon in March

Nahsuhah - The fastest and youngest in the team

Nahsuhah – The fastest and youngest in the team

Saamiyah & her running team

Saamiyah in Nashata Azza Toplectic & her running team at her 1st full marathon Oct’16

We update the team everyday and support each other

We update the team everyday and support each other

Why you should sponsor the run?

You can be a part of the cause and help our running sisters make a bigger impact for Baitul Aman. Make their sweat worth more and more for the children they wish to help. Sponsor at least USD5 to these runners at LaunchGood or RM22 at Nashata

Why Baitul Aman, La Mercy?

Our running sisters from South Africa feel strongly about children and education. They collectively chose Baitul Aman to be the recipient of the cause. With the increase of the HIV and AIDS pandemic, the number of abandoned babies and neglected children from diverse backgrounds requires Baitul Aman  to cover conventional child and youth care programme as well as others. The home takes care on average 48 children including abandoned babies.

What is the duration of the fund raising?

Our running sisters started running for Baitul Aman from 1st March ’17 and will stop 31st March ’17. However, the sponsorship continues until 10 April ’17

What happens to the sponsorship?

The amount sponsored via launchgood will be transferred directly to Baitul Aman.  Fatimah, Saamiyah, Zaheda and Zainab (the runners) will visit the center to deliver sponsorship from Nashata at the end of the campaign.

You can be apart of this too. You can :

  • Sponsor the runners at least USD5
  • Virtual run with the runners wherever you are. You can post your runs and use hashtags #nashatavirtualrun4charitySouthAfrica #nashatavirtualrun4charity
  • Follow and support the runners on social media. These are the hashtags for the run #nashatavirtualrun4charitySouthAfrica #nashatavirtualrun4charity

About Nashata Run For Charity

It is a virtual run that aims to raise funds for ‘Charity of Choice’ in a new country every month. Nashata runners together with a group of runners in respective country would run virtually for the whole month. Nashata pays RM1 for every 1 KM each runner’s mileage. Nashata Run for Charity fosters 3 things:-

  • Stronger Sisterhood
  • Strengthen Fitness
  • Support a Cause

Started first in Brunei in Feb ’17, the run gathers four female runners from respective country and two Nashata runners who volunteer to run as much as they could to raise fund for a charity of their cause in the country.

In March’17, six Nashata runners from South Africa & Malaysia pledge to run to raise funds for Baitul Aman Children’s Home in South Africa. Be a part of the cause and help the runners make a bigger impact by sponsoring them with Nashata.

… more countries to be announced soon. If you are interested to participate please email