Bad hair and skin habits that active hijabis should avoid

This is a special post, dedicated to all my active ladies yet still dress modestly doing all sorts of activity that they enjoy. We need to take special care of our hair and skin, even though it is not exposed to pollutants, dirt, and UV rays. However, all of these key points relates to cleanliness, and it is applicable to non-hijabis as well. After all, cleanliness is next to Godliness – something that everyone should strive for.

Are you guilty of doing these while or after working out?

1.Wearing make upwashing-face-skin-shower-1

Why is this a bad habit?

  • Make up hinders your skin from breathing properly while working out.
  • Make up and sweat is a bad combination as this will clog the pores, leading to break outs and acnes.
  • Side note: melting make up that runs down your face when you are sweating isn’t very pleasant to look at either.

2. Wearing your gym clothes all day after working outP1020670

Why is this a bad habit?

  • The most simple and direct answer: cleanliness.
  • The damp and sweaty surface of your work out clothes is a breeding ground for bacteria, plus the combination from the natural oils on your skin that is secreted out while working out will lead to body odour.
  • Although Nashata’s hijabs are light, breatheable, and evaporates sweat faster than normal hijabs, it is adviseable to change after you’re done working out.

3. Leaving your hair damp after showering


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Just like point no. 2 above, damp areas will become a breeding ground for bacteria, and this creates an unpleasant odour.
  • Covering your damp hair will affect your scalp, leading to problems such as dandruff, itchy and oily scalp. In the long run, hair becomes brittle and will easily fall off.

4. Touching your face without clean hands


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Some surfaces might not be as clean as it appears to be, such as railings and even our phones. Imagine touching that sweaty bench at the gym with your hands then putting it on your face!
  • The bacteria and germs on your hands will transfer to your face, and this can also trigger acne and break outs

5. Dehydration


Why is this a bad habit?

  • Water is lost through sweat and heat while working out.
  • Not drinking enough water after working out will leave the skin and lips dry, leading to a very dull and tired skin appearance.
  • Exposure to UV rays and indoor gyms with air conditioning will dry out the skin. After washing your face, do not forget to moisturize.

All pictures are courtesy of google images.

City Spin & Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2017

Diversity is beautiful – everyone is unique, yet we should celebrate the difference. Due to it’s immense popularity, history, and significance, SCKLM 2017 is one of the highlights for most runners. Never have I ever seen a running event which brings thousands of people from various background, fitness level, and goals! The beauty of diversity among runners was highlighted and deeply appreciated both before and during the event.

Before The Big Day

My running group, Kyserun Krew, organized a friendly, fun run called City Spin 2017. It was a short 4.5K run around KLCC and Jalan Ampang, giving runners a quick tour of KL and what to anticipate for tomorrow’s event. Everyone had a good time, taking photos of the iconic buildings and landmarks in the city. Thankfully, the morning rain was starting to subside so the weather was good too!

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Besides shaking out the butterflies in your stomach before the big day and to stretch out those legs, the main aim of this event was to gather various running crews through out Malaysia, as well as welcome those who came from abroad such as Indonesia, Korea, and other countries. After all, what better way to break the ice among runners other than to run? Every running crew might have different principles and culture, yet united by the same, common love for running.

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All photo credit belongs to Syahiran of Kyserun Krew. Thank you!

On the Big Day

At 4 in the morning, I found myself catching the train among a sea of blue sleeveless tops. I was glad that I will be able to arrive early and not worry about parking at the event venue. On the train, I can hear different conversations; some were really serious yet confident, discussing about their strategies and training for the past few months, while others were nervous, excited, or sleepy. Yet, everyone had a single goal in mind: To complete SCKLM, in whatever distance that they chose.

Never have I ever seen so many runners congregate in a single location, except at SCKLM events! Besides runners, the crowd was overwhelming; the streets were packed with not only runners, but supporters, curious on-lookers, and security enforcers too. SCKLM has turned into an event that should be celebrated and inclusive to everyone. To overcome the massive crowd, take advantage of the facilities that the organizer have provided for this event, such as the free train service (my favorite part of the event), bag drop (pack everything that you need, it’s going to be a loooong day), and freebies from the sponsors. Most importantly, come early and prepared, at least 45 mins before your starting to time so you are not rushed to go to the bag drop counter, do your pre-race rituals, and get into the correct starting pen.

Year after year, SCKLM has been a good and memorable experience for me. What I love most about it was not the route or the medal, but the high spirit and energy through out the event. Every runner will feel like a winner! Without a doubt, I will definitely be back again for more next year.

A familiar face that requires no introduction

A familiar face that requires no introduction

One with my Krew!

One with my Krew!


Thanks to Nashata’s Iman Hijab range, you can now match your hijab with your bib number too!

Read about last year’s SCKLM 2016 experience here

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner

Taking Care of Your Health as a Student

There are two kinds of people who graduate high school: the ones who tear up, and the ones who whoop for joy. Typically, majority of students would be excited to break free from their parents’ clutches, and live their life in college. With no parent supervision and lenient school rules, college freshmen are free do what they like. This newfound freedom includes freedom of activity, spending, and of course, eating. From partying with friends to binge-eating potato chips while watching TV shows till late hours, college life can generally be labeled as unhealthy.

Now, we all have been in that situation where we wanted a scoop from that colorful-looking ice cream truck but our parents didn’t allow it. Well guess what? Now you can eat all the ice cream you want. Throwing a pizza party at 3 a.m., having a sushi fest at the nearest Japanese restaurant, challenging your friends on who can stuff the most dumplings into their mouths like Po the Panda, it’s all possible.

It’s common for college students to go ahead with their shenanigans at night since classes are usually held during the day (or if they decided to be nocturnal animals and sleep the whole day). Therefore, more food is consumed at night when they should be eaten during the day, resulting to hormone imbalances in the body. For those who stay up late at night completing assignments and only manage to catch three to four hours of sleep, grumpiness would be your new common trait. In addition to that, due to sleep deprivation, you would eat more. Of course, when we’re in a bad mood and terribly grumpy, healthy and nutritional food is out of the question. Instead, you would turn to junk food, or any unhealthy food for that matter.

But what about after that?

As we all know, overconsumption of food would leave us feeling bloated, tired, and sleepy. Since most of your time is spent on going to classes, studying, hanging out with friends, and eating, when do you have time to burn off all those calories you stuffed into your body? Eventually, you would notice that your favourite shirt feels a little tighter, you can’t seem to fit in your jeans anymore, and- Is that a double chin?

Soon enough, people who enter college as skinny sticks come home for semester break as plump pumpkins. You would dread going to family gatherings because you know that one of your aunts would most definitely pinch your cheeks and say: “My, look how fat you’ve become!” Going out with old friends might be a problem because you’re self-conscious of your body image and afraid that they might comment on it. Younger siblings and cousins would start hugging you because you’ve become a walking marshmallow. Really, how could you let this happen?

To prevent this and stay the healthy beauty that you are, here’s what you can do to avoid Fairy Godmother (A.K.A. food) from turning you into a pumpkin:

  1. Drink lots of water

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Constantly hydrate yourself. Don’t worry if you keep going to the toilet, flushing out all the waste in your body is more important. When you feel like grabbing a snack, drink a glass of water. This way, you would feel full and think twice about that snack you were planning to eat.

  1. Reduce sweet / high in calorie drinks

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Stay away from sodas or any of those chocolate ice cream milkshakes you usually have at your favourite cafe. When buying drinks other than good ol’ water, check the packaging of the drink to see how many calories it contains. If it is a drink served at a restaurant, try googling the amount of calories it contains. If there is no information on how many calories that drink on the menu is, try deducing what the drink is made of and roughly estimate the number of calories the drink contains from there.

  1. Try cooking

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Classes, assignments, tests, club meetings, events, yes, you’re booked for the week. The same goes to next week. And the week after that. You just don’t have the time to buy meat, vegetables, spices, seasoning, or rice to cook up a decent meal like the countless ones you had when you were living under your parents’ roof. Though turning to restaurants, cheap stores near campus, or takeaways (“tapau”) seem like the fastest and easiest way to fill up your hungry belly, it is certainly not good for your health in the long run. According to the University of Sheffield, eating fast food, takeaways, and convenience food are few of the key factors why college students gain weight. What you can try is get some friends and allow each of them (including yourself) to cook something. Then, you and your friends can share the homemade food together without emptying your wallet to buy all the items needed to cook a whole meal all by yourself.

  1. Exercise

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With academics and social life taking over, exercise is the last thing on our minds. Judging on how much a college student eats per day, exercise is crucial to at least maintain their weight. If getting out of that comfortable chair of yours is the hardest thing you would have to ever do in your life, invite some friends to exercise with you. Like studying, your exercise buddy should be someone who would push you and advise you throughout your workout. So, that certain couch potato you might have thought of inviting is probably not be the best idea. Exercising for at least half an hour, three times a day, should be enough to prevent you from gaining a big belly. For those whose college or university provide facilities such as basketball courts, swimming pools, squash courts, gyms, or ample space for a good run, please do take advantage of them.

Well, so far, this is what you can do to prevent weight gain during your college / university life. Hopefully, this helped you to be inspired and healthy.

– Nukey

Sunscreen,..which SPF suits me?

kak intan

Sunscreen is important to maintain the skin integrity and prevent further damage by ultraviolet ray.

Sunscreen is the utmost important thing for those who are involved outdoor activities. Some are not clear, sometimes confused and misunderstand about which SPF they should choose, how much they need to apply, how frequent they need to apply and the list goes on. Here are some quick info about the sunscreen before you decide what to buy for yourself.

быстрый займ на карту срочно1. What is SPF?

SPF stands for ‘sun protection factor’ or more accurately; sun burn protection factor, It shows the level of protection against UVB, not the protection against UVA.

2. What are UVA and UVB?

UV radiation from the sun is transmitted in three wavelengths – UVA, UVB and UVC.
  • UVC does not penetrate the earth’s atmosphere, so we only need to protect against UVA and UVB.
  • UV radiation in the form of UVA is associated with skin ageing. It affects the elastin in the skin and leads to wrinkles ; sun-induced skin ageing and skin cancer. UVA penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB.
  • UVB is the form of UV radiation most responsible for sunburn and has strong links to extension damage that can cause skin cancer. Most of the sunscreen products are design against UVB which is only for sunburn protection.

3. Higher SPF better for me?

It depends on the type of outdoor exposure you are expecting. For incidental sun exposure,..when you are outside only for minutes at a time, a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 is usually sufficient.

For extended and  intense exposure, you should use a broad spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Basically,..

  • SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
  • SPF 30 filters out up to 97 percent.
  • SPF 50 filters out up to 98 percent.

SPF 30 sunscreen only gives you 4% more protection than SPF 15 sunscreen and SPF 50 only add on 1% extra protection compare to SPF 30.

Therefore, most dermatologists recommend to use SPF 15 or SPF 30 sunscreen for Asian.

4. Why not use a really high Sun Protection Factor (SPF)?

Sunscreens with really high SPFs, such as SPF 75 or SPF 100, do not offer significantly greater protection than SPF 30. It mislead people into thinking that they have more protection than they actually do.

5. How does sunscreen works? 

The ingredients of sunscreens contain organic and inorganic filters which acts as mirrors; bouncing back UV straight back off the skin.

6. How much should I apply?

When using liquid forms, the minimum you should apply is at least six full teaspoons, (approximately 36 grams) That is about 2 mg per cm²  to cover the body of an average adult. The best amount to apply are as below:

  • 2 arms = 2 teaspoons
  • Face + neck = 1 teaspoon

and just over one teaspoon to each leg, front of body and back of body.

  • 2 legs = 3 teaspoons (1 leg would need over 1 teaspoon)
  • Front of body = 2 teaspoons
  • Back of body = 2 teaspoons

Applying less will reduce the protection against UVB.  For example, only applying half the required amount can actually reduce the protection by as much as two-thirds.

7. How frequent should I apply?

It is also easy to forget to reapply sunscreen as often as necessary. Apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun to allow it to dry, and then again shortly after heading outdoors to cover any missed patches and to make sure you’re wearing a sufficient layer. Reapply it at least every 2 hours. And apply immediately again after swimming, perspiring and towel drying or if it has rubbed off

Now, what about UV protection on your clothes. Perhaps in the next post, but till then, keep healthy and be inspired 😉


  1. Reference : http://www.skincancer.org

My first CrossFit Open Games 2017 Experience

Last Saturday I unleashed my inner beast mode and did my very first CrossFit Open Games even though I have not registered for it. It was crazy brutal – I have been doing CrossFit for almost 8 months, yet this was the first time I was unable to finish a WOD (Work out of the Day). I knew this was something I had to do every week. So without much hesitation, I immediately signed up, paid the US$10 fees, and uploaded my score to

What is CrossFit Open Games?

A typical CrossFit class will consist of 3 components: Warm Up, Strength/Technique, and Workout of the Day or WOD (this is the highlight of every class). Usually, it is up to the coach to determine what WOD will it be. But for CrossFit games, a WOD will be announced via the CrossFit Games website. The WOD announced must be completed within Friday until Monday, 5pm Pacific Time. Then, participants will upload their scores on the website and their coaches will verify as judges. The best part is anyone can participate! If they could not do the Rx (more advanced techniques and heavier weights), then they can do the Scaled version, which was what I did. Everyone is encouraged to do to the best of their abilities.

I can't do a pull up. I can't do double unders...and the list goes on. But I registered anyways.

I can’t do a pull up. I can’t do double unders…and the list goes on. But I registered anyways. *all photo credits in this post goes to Fuelprime Crossfit

Why did I do it?
1. I have always been curious about how do I fare against other athletes. Based on the scores that I have to submit weekly, I know where I stand.
2. Running all the time can be boring and mundane. Yet, I needed an outlet to feel competitive, so I turned to CrossFit Games.
3. Peer pressure – Thanks to my CrossFit gym buddies, I wanted to be a part of the hype too!

What was the WOD that I had to complete?

WOD 17.1

WOD 17.1

This WOD is capped at 20 minutes. For female (scaled), I used a 10kg dumbbell, 20-inch box and I could step up on the box instead of jumping.

How did I fare in the end?

My score. I could not complete the last 15 step up over box burpees.

My score. I could not complete the last 15 step up over box burpees.

My ranking on the Leaderboard

My ranking on the Leaderboard

I rank 27 out of 50 for Female Malaysian athletes in the scaled category as of 8.44pm, Malaysian time. I am sure more scores are being uploaded and verified as we are speaking.
Conclusion: I love how this CrossFit Open Games is inclusive, regardless of their level of experience. Everyone is encouraged to try and submit their scores. I’ve seen videos of 85 year old grandmothers doing dumbbell snatches and a one-legged amputee doing box jumps. So no more excuses! I am nervous yet excited for next week’s WOD!

These crazy people made me do it!

These crazy people made me do it!

No motivation ?? Here are 5 tips to motivate you to run ?

Find motivation to run

Stop giving excuses

Have you ever felt so lazy that you couldn’t put on your running attire,  lace up your sport shoes, to get off your lazy ass or to go for your routine run?

And you start to blame the weather,..“it is too hot today and I might get sunburn”, or “since it is windy, i better take a nap” …and you start thinking of thousand reasons to escape your run..

Actually, There’s nothing wrong with you, except…YOU’VE LOST YOUR MOTIVATION.

So, here are 5 tips to motivate you to keep running 😉

1. Set your goal. 

Plan your mileage target for every month wisely. Write them BIG and paste it at an area you can easily see. This will motivate you and get you to be more responsible towards your goal.


2. Register for a race.

Once you click the ‘register’ button, you definitely feel like,..“Soon, I will run for this event, and yes, I should start run today”. You will start to find time to train and become consistent as the ‘race day’ comes nearer.

At the REPC..I'm very excited to run soon!

3. Remember, it’s for your health.

Do not run because your friends are running too, and that if you’re not running with them,’d be left behind and have no friends. Do not run because you wanna have the slimmest figure among your fat colleagues, do not run because it is a trend. Run because you feel good and fresh after accomplish your goal. Run because it is definitely the best stress reliever. And yes, remember that after you run, you can eat like a MONSTER!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

4. Find running buddies. 

Running alone will sometime make you feel demotivated. You will feel bored, lonely and distracted. Get a running buddy, set up your goal together, plan and train. It will be even more fun if you guys sign up for a race and compete together. Your performance will be improve if you guys aim and train hard.

They are doing well today ;) Congrats guys!

Running sisters

payday loans online usa5. Put your best attire on

Introduce variety into your running wardrobe so that you will be more excited to run everyday. Everybody wants look good and nice in whatever they’re wearing, so do you when you run. And yes, your running selfie definitely would be gorgeous too. Make sure you are comfortable and confident in your attires.


Till then, we’ll meet again, keep fit and be inspired! ?

#ForABetter2017 ?

Assalamualaikum & greetings,

2016 is leaving us soon with unforgettable memories; the medals and mileages we have earned, weight and body fat we have trimmed along the way. For some of us, what brings us joy is when we make new friends and spend quality time having active lifestyles with family and friends. After all, fitness is a journey, not a destination. With all the reflections and lessons learned, I would like to congratulate you for the achievements and thank you for being with us.

Alhamdulillah, 2016 has been a great year for fit hijabi and Nashata. This August, 33 Olympians in hijab competed strong at Rio 2016. We also featured top 11 yogini in hijabi across the globe who inspire ordinary ladies like me to keep trying to do the extraordinary. At Nashata, we work from dusk to dawn and happy to have released many innovative designs and products that have helped our sisters to enjoy an active lifestyle. The Nashata Hooda Sports Hijab, Modest Yoga Suit,  Azza Toplectic and Nashata Sibaha Swimwear are the main innovative activewear that not only modest but help our sister to improve performance.  The final release for 2016 is the Dusk collection of the all-time-favourite Riada Nahl and Riada Peplum.

Modest . Active . Stylish . Nashata

Modest . Active . Stylish

We are excited with 2017 and have more exciting plans #ForABetter2017.

  • Follow our store-based instagram for a better shopping experience at @nashatastore. We will continue to share exciting and inspiring moments of our modest sisters having active lifestyles at nashatadotcom instagram.
  • We have more innovative products in the pipeline for you – swimwear, performance wear and some special products for our sisters who have been sharing with us your concerns. Please continue to have conversations with us. You can email me at
  • Giving more TLC to our ever-supportive customers. We heart ❤ you! So please subscribe to our newsletter and follow our social media sites for updates. facebook, nashatastore, nashatadotcom and twitter. We don’t want you to miss special deals for our valuable customers.

#ForABetter2017 Discount for our Customers

On that note, to kick-start the year, we are offering 10% discount when you shop at till the 31st January 2017. To get the discount, use vouchercode ForABetter2017 when you check out.



#ForABetter2017 Goals
So what are your fitness goals #ForaBetter2017? As for me, these are the 3 keys ones.

  1. Improve Fitness Level ?
    • Improve speed
      I want to be able to swim and run faster and longer. My average speed is 6.5 min/km and I would like to improve to 6 min/km for 5km run.
    • Reduce body fat percentage from acceptable level to fitness level.
      This seems to be a hard thing to do. More info on body fat here.
    • Increase strength
      Especially my abdomen and thigh areas.
  2. Make Fitness ? as a Routine
    • Workout at least 3 times a week, one hour per training
      The challenge is to find time. I get an hour in the morning before I start work. I take turns with my husband to send kids to school, so that we get our ME-time to exercise.
    • Cross training – swim or yoga at least once a week
      Yoga helps improve my strength and flexibility while swimming improves my stamina. I tend to do yoga more often as it is less time consuming.
    • Weekend workout with family
      It is a fun thing to do. I take my family climb a hill, run, cycle or any activities other feels like trying out. And the list goes on.
    • Escape with Family

      Escape with Family

  3. Support family & friends ? to be healthy
    • Encourage others to stay fit, run with them or ask them to run with you. I do that with family members. My friends are way ahead than me and they push me forward.
    • Share tips and tricks with family and friends. For example, I add an additional soles in my running shoes to support my knees and legs to avoid knee injury and I do share it with my friends with knee pain.
    • Prepare and have healthy meals with family and friends
      Purchase healthy food for your office like apples and banana, and dine at restaurants that serve healthier options.

Do share your fitness goals with other on social media by adding #ForABetter2017 & #nashata. We are giving away special vouchers worth RM100 each for best posts.

As the year 2016 winds down, let’s reward ourselves for all the effort and let’s look forward and hope #ForABetter2017. InsyaAllah.

Happy New Year!

✌ & ❤,

Ashtanga Yoga at Upward Yoga


One with Kyserunkrew and the instructor!

I can’t believe it has been a year since I went to a yoga class. With all the running and strength training classes, sitting still to practice on my breathing and maintaining flexibility was hard to fit into my schedule. My previous experience at a Vinyasa Yoga class seemed miles away, and I was pretty sure I needed to work on my mobility again.

However, since I am currently off-season for running I finally had the chance to venture (albeit briefly) into yoga again. This time, I tried Ashtanga Yoga at Upward Yoga studio, lead by Ninie.

ASHTANGA BASICS (75 mins) is a workshop-type class comprising Ashtanga sun salutations, Ashtanga Standing Poses, 10 to 15 poses from Ashtanga Primary Series, backbends and Ashtanga Closing Sequence. Tips to ‘jump back’, ‘jump through’ and ‘half / full vinyasa’ will be offered to help link your poses together and to retain your body’s warmth throughout the practice.

(taken from

So at 9am, my running crew and I find ourselves sitting very still with our eyes closed, cross-legged on the floor. We allowed ourselves to give gratitude for the day ahead and realign our minds. Using the power of visualization can be a very powerful tool.

img_6731img_6732 img_6733 img_6738Ninie’s yoga studio at Upward Yoga is all about the experience – the warm earthy walls, natural light, essential oil for the senses, and meditative songs and drum beats for the mind.

Just like any other sports, there must be a warm up, the actual work out, and a closing. We started to warm up by doing sun salutations and standing poses. These were basic movements, like Downward Dog and Warrior Pose. However, they were not easy. Not used to inverting my head often I felt disoriented and lost my balance several times! I also learnt to use the sound of the drum beats in the background through the studio’s speaker to help my breathing.

Then came the primary sequences, where the actual fun begins. Depending on your flexibility and experience, Ninie showed us more challenging poses. Ninie was very encouraging. Again by using the power of visualization, she wants everyone to believe that they can do those poses even if it was not perfect or accurate.


Blocks can add resistance or assistance to your poses

Until I have the ability to contort myself into a or in words of a friend, turn into a ‘human pretzel’ I have to keep on working on my basics first. Improving flexibility is always an advantage for not just for runners, but other sports as well.

For more info, head to their website:

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner

Re-discovering Kemensah

Flicking through past week’s photographs in the trail, I realised that I longed for the muddy ground, ascending among the trees, the clear air, and the rush of the river. What I missed was spending time in the trails again. Taking advantage of the long weekend, I gathered a few friends who were familiar with a route in the Kemensah, Ulu Klang area for a leisurely trail “run” (it was hardly a run, more like walking with occasional spurts of running).

We weren’t aiming for anything ambitious for that day. We set off at a very leisurely pace, excited for what is ahead since most of us are not very familiar with this route. We walked non-stop, and ran once in a while. It was not a very challenging trail, with elevation gain for about 400m. Sometimes there were puddles and small stream crossing, but nothing too technical. We could hear some animals along the way, but we did not manage to spot anything. Frankly speaking, I think everyone just needed a quick escape from the hustle and bustle of the city which is always a good thing!

The highlight of any trail “run” is taking a dip in the river. After about 6km of walking, finally we heard the sound of water rushing. We finally made it! The river was knee deep, and the lush surrounding trees makes a good spot for a photo op. Some of us brought some snacks drinks, so we took our time by the river to soak in the nature.



The highlight of any trail run!

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Heading back

Heading back

Despite its ease of accessibility and close proximity to the city, Kemensah is not a very popular site for camping unlike Gunung Nuang. Probably because it was not very challenging and not very big, so most people can explore other trails within a few hours. I heard that there is also a waterfall among these trails too, which gives me the perfect excuse to come back again! 

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner.

Pool WOD with my Iman Hijab

I am a big fan of the Iman hijab. I have it in almost every colour available, and at least 4 pairs in black. I wear my Iman hijab at almost every active activity, be it running, at the gym, exploring the outdoors, and many more. One of the most frequent questions that I get for my hijab is “Can I use it for swimming?”. Before I could decide, I put my hijab to the test at Fuel Athletics last Friday when we had our WOD (Work Out of the Day) in the pool.

Never without my Iman hijab. Unfortunately, no photos were taken during the work out as it was too dark outside.

Never without my Iman hijab. Unfortunately, no photos were taken during the work out as it was too dark outside.


We swam for less than 200m to warm up. It wasn’t complicated as I already know how to swim. Thanks to the elastic band that is built into the hijab, it stays put wonderfully on my head. As no under cap was required, the goggles can go comfortably around my head without feeling too tight.

It is not suitable for diving. The pool is not very deep, but due to the elastic band that holds the hijab in place it will result in pressure and discomfort in the ear.

I can also imagine that this hijab will also be suitable for activities that will require you to get wet, but not too vigorous, such as taking a dip by the beach.


We did thrusters and muscle up in the pool. These were very rapid and quick movement, transitioning from inside the pool to the surface of the pool. Due to the fabric around my head, it captured a lot of water and I felt that there was a lot of water rushing down my face. But it did not hinder my performance, I just could not see very well and it felt slightly uncomfortable.


If you are planning to go light on your wet activities, then this the right hijab for you. It is also suitable for a leisurely swim. However, if you want to go competitively in an event, or activities that require fast movement, it is better to stick to a conventional swimming cap or a head cover that is lighter and more suitable.

So ladies, I hope my honest review helps!

Until next week,

The Weekend Runner